4.0.0 (2023-10-16)
package is now esm-only
chore(deps-dev): bump postcss from 8.4.29 to 8.4.31
Bumps postcss from 8.4.29 to 8.4.31.
3.7.4 (2023-09-04)
- use named import for IntlMessageFormat (fc837dc)
3.7.3 (2023-09-03)
- use IntlMessageFormat.resolveLocale (2e42e58)
3.7.2 (2023-09-03)
- use esbuild for bundling.
3.7.1 (2023-09-03)
3.7.0 (2023-07-04)
- add svelte@4 as peer dep (c0b9fc0)
3.6.0 (2022-11-25)
- add unwrapFunctionStore utility (fafa641)
3.5.2 (2022-11-23)
- require node 16 (bf622da)
3.5.1 (2022-11-22)
- better handling of --config CLI parameter (124d4b7)
- make typescript strict and fix small issues (7b49a74)
- svelte.config not being loaded properly by CLI (309896c)
3.5.0 (2022-11-22)
- better handling of --config CLI parameter (124d4b7)
- make typescript strict and fix small issues (7b49a74)
3.4.1 (2022-11-19)
- make typescript strict and fix small issues (7b49a74)
3.4.0 (2022-04-05)
3.3.13 (2021-10-11)
3.3.12 (2021-09-30)
- fallback delve to undefined for an undefined key (64e8ae2)
3.3.11 (2021-09-30)
- fallback delve to undefined for an undefined key (64e8ae2)
3.3.10 (2021-08-24)
- enable typescript strictNullChecks (bf4189a)
3.3.9 (2021-03-27)
3.3.8 (2021-03-27)
3.3.7 (2021-03-17)
3.3.6 (2021-02-25)
- π generated types directory (396e181)
- π support deep properties keyed with dots (980bc18), closes #129
3.3.5 (2021-02-21)
3.3.4 (2021-02-15)
3.3.3 (2021-02-15)
3.3.2 (2021-02-11)
- expose intl-messageformat option
and default to true for backwards compatibility. (#121) (341ed7f)
3.3.1 (2021-02-11)
- π default $json type to any (41d8e4d)
3.3.0 (2020-11-24)
3.2.7 (2020-11-23)
3.2.6 (2020-11-20)
- Don't minify CLI for better debugging.
3.2.5 (2020-11-08)
- π regression of flat keys separated by dot (d87caef)
3.2.4 (2020-11-07)
- π possible interpolation value types (0caaead)
3.2.3 (2020-11-06)
3.2.2 (2020-11-05)
- π update estree-walker and intl-messageformat (44e71d7)
3.2.1 (2020-11-05)
3.2.0 (2020-11-05)
3.1.0 (2020-09-20)
- export correct configuration type (68e8c51)
3.0.4 (2020-05-31)
- π also wait for loaders added while loading (e560514)
3.0.3 (2020-03-29)
3.0.2 (2020-03-06)
3.0.1 (2020-02-03)
- πΈ add runtime typings (7bf47d8), closes #43
- πΈ make date,time and number formatters tree-shakeable (6526245)
- πΈ make getClientLocale tree-shakeable (31b556b)
- It's now needed to explicitly import the
method to use its heuristics when setting the initial locale. This makes the method and its helpers to be tree-shakeable.
import { init, getClientLocale } from 'svelte-i18n'
initialLocale: getClientLocale({ ... })
- Changes completely the API. Now, to format a number, date or time, the developer must explicitly import the formatter store:
import { time, date, number } from 'svelte-i18n'
3.0.0 (2020-02-03)
- πΈ add runtime typings (90bf171), closes #43
- πΈ make date,time and number formatters tree-shakeable (fb82a40)
- πΈ make getClientLocale tree-shakeable (4881acb)
- It's now needed to explicitly import the
method to use its heuristics when setting the initial locale. This makes the method and its helpers to be tree-shakeable.
import { init, getClientLocale } from 'svelte-i18n'
initialLocale: getClientLocale({ ... })
- Changes completely the API. Now, to format a number, date or time, the developer must explicitly import the formatter store:
import { time, date, number } from 'svelte-i18n'
2.3.1 (2020-01-29)
- π types from v3 branch leaking to master branch π€· (88f7762)
- memoizing of formatters when no locale is given. (#47) (27871f9)
2.3.0 (2020-01-23)
2.2.4 (2020-01-21)
2.2.3 (2020-01-15)
- π‘ remove deepmerge and dlv dependencies (270aefa)
2.2.2 (2020-01-14)
- π lookup message not caching correctly (bb8c68f)
- π mjs causing an elusive bug in webpack module resolution (b2dc782), closes #36
2.2.1 (2020-01-08)
- π lookup message not caching correctly (b9b6fa4)
2.2.0 (2020-01-07)
- π make message formatter default to current locale (0c57b9b)
2.1.1 (2019-12-02)
- π fix conflict artifacts (feb7ab9)
2.1.0 (2019-11-30)
- π allow to wait for initial locale load (0b7f61c)
- π fallback behaviour and simplify API contact points (64e69eb)
- π consider generic locales when registering loaders (1b0138c)
- π flush use the same promise if it wasn't resolved yet (66972d4)
- client locale parameters typo (#11) (d1adf4c)
πΈ add warnOnMissingMessages (efbe793)
π fallback behaviour and simplify API contact points (6e0df2f
method (d6b8664) -
πΈ add $loading indicator store (bd2b350)
πΈ add custom formats support (d483244)
πΈ add pathname and hostname pattern matching (b19b690)
πΈ add preloadLocale method (0a0e4b3)
πΈ add waitInitialLocale helper (6ee28e7)
πΈ also look for message in generic locale (e5d7b84), closes #19
πΈ export a store listing all locales available (f58a20b)
πΈ locale change automatically updates the document lang (64c8e55)
- β‘οΈ delay the $loading state change for quick loadings (6573f51)
- This PR modifies the formatter method arguments.