This document provides a tutorial of basic concepts and core API of FishStore. For running examples, please refer to code in examples and unit tests.
A central concept in FishStore is predicated subset function (PSF), which logically groups records with similar properties for later retrieval. Technically, given a data source of records in R, a PSF is a function f: R -> D that maps valid records in R, based on a set of field of interest in R to a specific value in domain D.
For example, the field projection function πC(r) is a valid PSF that maps a record r to the value of its field C. If r does not contain field C or its value for field C is null
, we have πC(r) = null
Given a set of PSFs, a particular record may satisfy (i.e., have a non-null
value for) serveral of them. We call these the properies of the record. Formally, a record r ∈ R is said to have property (f, v), where f is a PSF mapping R to D and f(r) = v ∈ D.
PSFs are implemented by users as functions with specific signatures inside dynamic link libraries (DLLs). For details, please refer to this document and PSF library examples.
To construct fishstore, the user needs to specify several template arguments and store parameters. Specifically, a valid FishStore instance is of type:
fishstore::core::FishStore<class disk_t, class adapter_t>;
specifies what underlying I/O utilities FishStore will use. In our current version, we support two types of disks:
will discard any data that spills out of memory, thus no data will be persisted onto disk. We use it mainly for test purposes. -
fishstore::device::FileSystemDisk<class handler_t, uint64_t size>
will persist all data to a folder in the file system. Template argumenthandler_t
indicates what I/O handler FishStore uses: we currently support a queue I/O handler for Linux/Windows, and a threadPool I/O handler for Windows. Tempalte argumentsize
is the number of bytes FishStore will bundled in each log file.
specifies which parser adapter FishStore will use. A parser adapter helps FishStore work with a specific parser so as to parse raw input text to fields. For more details about how to implement a parser adapter, please refer to this document.
In our current implementation, we provide a parser adapter based on simdjson to handle general JSON ingestion. However, it is not perfect. We list known limitations here.
Below is an example for constructing a FishStore instance:
typedef fishstore::environment::QueueIoHandler handler_t;
typedef fishstore::device::FileSystemDisk<handler_t, 1073741824LL> disk_t;
typedef fishstore::adapter::SIMDJsonAdapter adapter_t;
using store_t = fishstore::core::FishStore<disk_t, adapter_t>;
// FishStore constructor:
// FishStore(size_t hash_table_size, size_t in_mem_buffer_size, const std::string& store_dst);
store_t store {1LL << 24, 1LL << 31, "fishstore_data"};
It constructs a FishStore instance which has an initial hash table size of 224 hash entries, 2GB of in-memory buffer, using simdjson for parsing, and persisting data to the directory "fishstore_data"
using a queue I/O handler and bundling each 1GB of persisted data into a file.
Once the FishStore instance is constructed, the user can use the following interfaces to start or stop a session on a thread:
Guid session_id = store.StartSession();
FishStore will only provide guarantees on threads registered as a session. So, please make sure to start a session before interacting with a FishStore instance on a thread.
Before registering a PSF in FishStore, the user needs to load the corresponding PSF library and ask FishStore to assign the PSF an ID using its naming service. Specifically, the user can load a set of PSFs from a dynamic link library (DLL) as below:
uint64_t lib_id = store.LoadPSFLibrary("library_path");
If the library loads successfully, FishStore will allocate a unique library ID for further reference. Once a PSF library is loaded, we can register PSFs into FishStore's naming service as follows:
uint16_t general_psf_id = store.MakeGeneralPSF({"field1", "field2"}, lib_id, "foo1");
uint32_t inline_psf_id = store.MakeInlinePSF({"field3", "field4"}, lib_id, "foo2");
User need to specify which fields you want to pass to the PSF, the library ID in which the PSF resides and its function name. For example, in the code example above, we registered a general PSF foo1
defined in PSF library with ID lib_id
over field1
and field2
. Similarly, we also registered an inline PSF foo2
defined in the same library over field3
and field4
We also provide a shortcut for registering a field projection PSF (as a general PSF):
uint16_t projection_psf_id = store.MakeProjection("proj_field");
The return value of a general PSF can be any size, while an inline PSF has a return value of 32 bit integer. Users need to ensure that the function signature of a given PSF matches the API they call. For more details about composing PSF library, please refer to this document.
Note that general PSFs and inline PSFs have separate name spaces, and should not be confused. Currently, we support up to 232 - 1 inline PSFs and 216 - 1 general PSFs. Furthermore, FishStore will NOT recycle deregistered PSF IDs or do any deduplications.
With the PSF ID allocated, user can register and deregister PSFs in batches using the following interface:
std::vector<ParserAction> parser_actions;
parser_actions.push_back({ REGISTER_GENERAL_PSF, id_proj });
parser_actions.push_back({ REGISTER_GENERAL_PSF, actor_id_proj });
parser_actions.push_back({ DEREGISTER_GENERAL_PSF, repo_id_proj });
parser_actions.push_back({ REGISTER_GENERAL_PSF, type_proj });
parser_actions.push_back({ REGISTER_INLINE_PSF, predicate1_id });
parser_actions.push_back({ DEREGISTER_INLINE_PSF, predicate2_id });
uint64_t safe_register_address, safe_unregister_address;
safe_unregister_address = store.ApplyParserShift(
parser_actions, [&safe_register_address](uint64_t safe_address) {
safe_register_address = safe_address;
User can push all the de/registration actions in a single vector and call ApplyParserShift
to apply all of them at once. ApplyParserShift
will return a safe unregister address synchronously indicating the address up to which FishStore gurantees records are still fully indexed on requested PSF deregistrations. The safe register boundary is provided asynchronously through the callback, which provides the starting address where FishStore started indexing fully on requested PSF registrations.
will stall the issuing thread until the requested actions are done. In contrast, store.CompleteAction()
will check if the request is ongoing. It will return false
if the action is still pending, and otherwise return true
Both the naming service and the PSF de/registration service are thread safe. Users can call them on any valid FishStore session with the guarantees being propagated to all sessions.
User can ingest a batch of records from raw text as follows:
FishStore<D, A>::BatchInsert(const char* payload, size_t length, uint64_t monotomic_serial_num, uint32_t offset = 0);
FishStore<D, A>::BatchInsert(const std::string& payload, uint64_t monotomic_serial_num, uint32_t offset = 0);
In particular, the user can pass in a batch of records in raw text, provide a thread-local monotomic serial number for checkpointing purpose, and a offset indicating the offset in the payload where parser should start parsing. To make sure FishStore synchronizes multiple sessions properly, the user also need to periodically refresh its own session using store.Refresh()
For example, user can ingest all raw-text-form records in a vector of string batches
as below:
uint64_t serial_num = 0;
for (const std::string& batch : batches) {
store.BatchInsert(batch, serial_num);
if (serial_num % 256 == 0) store.Refresh();
Users are provided with two methods for retrieving a subset from ingested data, namely, index scan and full scan.
For index scan, given a property
class ScanContext : public IAsyncContext {
ScanContext(const ScanContext& other);
inline void Touch(const char* payload, uint32_t payload_size);
inline void Finalize();
inline fishstore::core::KeyHash get_hash() const;
inline bool check(const fishstore::core::KeyPointer* kpt);
Status DeepCopy_Internal(IAsyncContext*& context_copy) final;
In particular, get_hash()
returns the hash signature of a property. For a property based on a general PSF with ID psf_id
and value value
of length value_size
, its hash signature is evaluated as:
fishstore::core::Utility::HashBytesWithPSFID(psf_id, value, value_size);
For a property based on a inline PSF with ID psf_id
and an integer value value
, its hash signature is evaluated as:
fishstore::core::Utility::GetHashCode(psf_id, value);
Function check
is used to double check if a record is visited because of a hash collision. The standard implementation for a general PSF based property is:
inline bool check(const core::KeyPointer* kpt) {
return kpt->mode == 0 && kpt->general_psf_id == psf_id &&
kpt->value_size == value_size &&
!memcmp(kpt->get_value(), value, value_size);
while the standard implementation for an inline PSF based property is:
inline bool check(const core::KeyPointer* kpt) {
return kpt->mode == 1 &&
kpt->inline_psf_id == psf_id &&
kpt->value == value;
FishStore will call the Touch()
funcion on each satisfying record, and call Finalize()
function upon fishishing the scan.
Contexts passed to FishStore will be deep copied using their copy constructor when corresponding operations go aysnc. Thus, user is responsible to implement a DeepCopy_Internal()
function. Usually, user can use a common pattern as below if the copy constructor is properly defined:
Status DeepCopy_Internal(IAsyncContext*& context_copy) final {
return IAsyncContext::DeepCopy_Internal(*this, context_copy);
To avoid memory management issues, please be careful when implementing copy constructor and deconstrutors. Further, use can call from_deep_copy()
interited from IAsyncContext to determin whether the current instance is constucted from a deep copy.
To lauch a scan on FishStore, user should use the following API:
Status res = store.Scan(context, callback, serial_num, start_address, end_address);
In particular, context
is an instance of scan context class described as above, serial_num
is a thread-local monotical serial number (similar as that in BatchInsert
). callback
is the function to be called after all asyncrous I/Os handing back the async context and ending status. It should be defined in the following type:
typedef void(*AsyncCallback)(IAsyncContext* ctxt, Status result);
FishStore will only return records reside on its log between start_address
and end_address
. If these addresses are not specified, FishStore will scan the whole log. As return value, Scan()
will return Status::Ok
if the scan ends before landing on disk, otherwise Status::Pending
is returned.
User can call store.CompletePending(true)
to stall the current thread to wait until all pending requets to complete. Otherwise, user can call store.CompletePending()
to check if all pending requests are completed.
The other type of record retrieval FishStore supports is full scan. A full scan will check all record one by one wihtin the search range against a given check function. Specifically, user need to define a full scan context fulfilling the following interface:
class FullScanContext : public IAsyncContext {
FullScanContext(const FullScanContext& other);
inline void Touch(const char* payload, uint32_t payload_size);
inline void Finalize();
inline bool check(const char* payload, uint32_t payload_size);
Status DeepCopy_Internal(IAsyncContext*& context_copy) final;
The only difference is that check()
function is directly apply on a payload rather than fishstore::core::KeyPointer
. To lauch a full scan, FishStore provides a similar API as index scan:
Status res = store.FullScan(context, callback, serial_num, start_address, end_address);
FishStore is equipped with adaptive prefetching. User can fine tune their IO levels and adaptive threshold in src/core/constants.h
. Another important parameter is the average size of each record, which can be set dynamically using:
FishStore supports a simplified version of the concurrent prefix recovery (CPR) model used in FASTER. For more details on the CPR model, please refer to this paper.
FishStore can checkpoint its hash table and log together or separately. Checkpointing is done asynchronously with a callback and uniquely identify with a Guid. Below are checkpointing examples for log, index (hash table), and both together:
auto index_checkpoint_callback = [](Status result) {
if (result == Status::Ok) {
printf("Index Checkpoint successful!!\n");
} else
printf("Index Checkpoint failed...\n");
auto log_persistence_callback =
[](Status result, uint64_t persistent_serial_num, uint32_t persistent_offset) {
if (result == Status::Ok) {
printf("Thread %u finish checkpointing with serial_num %zu offset %u...\n",
Thread::id(), persistent_serial_num, persistent_offset);
} else printf("Thread %u failed in log checkpointing...\n");
Guid index_token;
store.CheckpointIndex(index_checkpoint_callback, index_token);
Guid log_token;
store.CheckpointHybridLog(log_persistence_callback, log_token);
Guid unified_token;
store.Checkpoint(index_checkpoint_callback, log_persistent_callback, unified_token);
is the callback that FishStore calls after finish checkpointing its hash index, while log_persistence_callback
is the callback that each running FishStore session calls after the log checkpointing. When the log checkpointing is done, FishStore will returns a serial number
When recover from a checkpoint, FishStore asks user to supply two tokens: one for the log and one for the index. To ensure the revoery is correct, user need to ensure the provided index checkpoint happened no later than the log checkpoint. The recovery of a FishStore instance can be done by calling:
std::vector<Guid> recovered_session_ids;
uint32_t version
Status res = store.Recover(index_token, log_token, version, recovered_session_ids);
Other than the recover status, Recover()
also returns the internal version number and the running session IDs when the log checkpoint is performed. To recover an individual session, user can use the following interface:
std::tie(serial_num, offset) = store.ContinueSession(session_id);
By continuing a session, user can retrieve the serial number and ingestion offset at checkpointing time. With the help of this information, user can continue a running session from a consistent point without causing any duplications or data loss.