63 commits
to Master
since this release
- AADApplication
- Fixed an issue where specifying an empty ReplyURLs array would not remove
the existing entries.
- Fixed an issue where specifying an empty ReplyURLs array would not remove
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicy
- DEPRECATED - PolicyMigrationState property is now deprecated since it
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyFido2
- Fixed issue where the Set-TargetResource was throwing an internal server
- Fixed issue where the Set-TargetResource was throwing an internal server
- AADConditionalAccessPolicy
- Added check to ensure the cached policy (export) is the current policy when
evaluating in the Get-TargetResource function.
- Added check to ensure the cached policy (export) is the current policy when
- EXOCalendarProcessing
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- EXODistributionGroup
- Fixed the ability to set members.
- EXOGroupSettings
- Removed Id from being evaluated in the Test-TargetResource function.
- EXOMailboxAutoReplyConfiguration
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of Identity.
- EXOMailboxCalendarFolder
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- EXOMailboxPermission
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- EXOSweepRule
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- IntuneDeviceComplianceScriptWindows10
- Initial release.
- M365DSCRuleEvaluation
- Clear the cached instances from the export operation after evaluating the rules.
- Security & Compliance
- Updated export functions to remove skipping of loading module, to prevent
missing cmdlet errors that are causing failing exports.
- Updated export functions to remove skipping of loading module, to prevent
- SCPolicyConfig
- Handle default values in the Get-TargetResource function.
- Added support for the FileCopiedToCloudFullUrlEnabled property.
- Updated ExchangeOnlineManagement to version 3.7.1.
- Updated Microsoft.Graph to version 2.26.1.
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version1 1.1.38.