The PowerToys team is extremely grateful to have the support of an amazing active community. The work you do is incredibly important. PowerToys wouldn’t be near what it is without your help filing bugs, updating documentation, guiding the design, or writing features. We want to say thanks and to recognize your work. This is a living document dedicated to highlighting the high impact community members and their contributions.
Names are in alphabetical order based on first name.
Aaron has helped triaging, discussing, and creating a substantial number of issues and contributed features/fixes. Aaron was the primary person for helping build the File Explorer preview pane handler for developer files.
Christian contributed New+ utility
CleanCodeDeveloper helped do massive amounts of code stability and image resizer work.
@plante-msft - Connor Plante
Connor was the creator of Workspaces and helped create PowerToys Run v2
Damien has helped out by developing and contributing the Quick Accent utility.
Dave has helped improve the experience inside of Peek by adding in new features and fixing bugs.
Davide has helped fix multiple bugs, added new utilities, features, as well as help us with the ARM64 effort by porting applications to .NET Core.
@ethanfangg - Ethan Fang
Ethan helped run PowerToys and worked on improving and prototyping out next generation PowerToys
Franky has helped triaging, discussing, and creating a substantial number of issues and contributed features/fixes to PowerToys.
@htcfreek - Heiko
Heiko has helped triaging, discussing, and creating a substantial number of issues and contributed features/fixes to PowerToys.
@Jay-o-Way - Jay
Jay has helped triaging, discussing, creating a substantial number of issues and PRs.
@jefflord - Jeff Lord
Jeff added in multiple new features into Keyboard manager, such as key chord support and launching apps. He also contributed multiple features/fixes to PowerToys.
Joe has helped triaging, discussing, issues as well as fixing bugs and building features for Text Extractor.
@joadoumie - Jordi Adoumie
Jordi helped innovate amazing new features into Advanced Paste and helped create PowerToys Run v2
Helping keep our spelling correct :)
@martinchrzan - Martin Chrzan
Color Picker is from Martin.
Michael contributed the initial version of the Mouse Jump tool and a number of updates based on his FancyMouse utility.
@PesBandi - PesBandi
PesBandi has helped do massive amounts of Quick Accent and bug fixes.
Rafael has helped do the upgrade from CppWinRT 1.x to 2.0. He directly provided feedback to the CppWinRT team for bugs from this migration as well.
Roy has helped out contributing multiple features to PowerToys Run
Jeremy has helped drive large sums of the ARM64 support inside PowerToys
@TobiasSekan - Tobias Sekan
Tobias Sekan has helped out contributing features to PowerToys Run such as Settings plugin, Registry plugin
ThiefZero has helped out contributing a features to PowerToys Run such as the unit converter plugin
As PowerToys creates new utilities, some will be based off existing technology. We'll continue to do our best to contribute back to these projects but their efforts were the base of some of our projects. We want to be sure their work is directly recognized.
@jjw24 - Jeremy Wu
Their fork of Wox was the base of PowerToys Run.
Initial base of jjw24's fork, which makes it the base of PowerToys Run.
Text-Grab - Joseph Finney
Joe helped develop and contribute to the Text Extractor utility. It is directly based on his Text Grab application.
We would like to also directly call out some extremely helpful Microsoft employees that have directly contributed to PowerToys. This isn't their day job and was work they did out of passion. We want to say thank you and recognize your work.
Window Walker, inside PowerToys Run, is from Beta.
@TheMrJukes - Bret Anderson
The base of FancyZones and a lot of performance adjustments are from the hard work of Bret.
Image Resizer is from Brice.
@chrdavis - Chris Davis
PowerRename is from Chris's SmartRename and icon rendering for SVGs in File Explorer.
@dend - Den Delimarsky
PowerToys Awake is a tool to keep your computer awake.
Niels has helped drive large sums of our update toward a new consistent and modern UX. This includes the launcher work, color picker UX update and icon design.
Randy contributed Registry Preview and some very early conversations about keyboard remapping.
@oldnewthing - Raymond Chen
Find My Mouse is based on Raymond Chen's SuperSonar.
@robmikh - Robert Mikhayelyan
Crop And Lock is based on the original work of Robert Mikhayelyan, with Program Manager support from @kevinguo305 - Kevin Guo.
ZoomIt's Video Recording Session code is based on Robert Mikhayelyan's code.
This amazing team helped PowerToys develop PowerToys Run and Keyboard manager as well as update our Settings to v2. @alekhyareddy28, @arjunbalgovind, @jyuwono @laviusmotileng-ms, @ryanbodrug-microsoft, @saahmedm, @somil55, @traies, @udit3333
Project creator: Truong Do (Đỗ Đức Trường)
Other contributors:
- Microsoft Garage: Quinn Hawkins, Michael Low, Joe Coplen, Nino Yuniardi, Gwyneth Marshall, David Andrews, Karen Luecking
- Peter Hauge - Visual Studio
- Bruce Dawson - Windows Fundamentals
- Alan Myrvold - Office Security
- Adrian Garside - WEX
- Scott Bradner - Surface
- Aleks Gershaft - Windows Azure
- Chinh Huynh - Windows Azure
- Long Nguyen - Data Center
- Triet Le - Cloud Engineering
- Luke Schoen - Excel
- Bao Nguyen - Bing
- Ross Nichols - Windows
- Ryan Baltazar - Windows
- Ed Essey - The Garage
- Mario Madden - The Garage
- Karthick Mahalingam - ACE
- Pooja Kamra - ACE
- Justin White - SA
- Chris Ransom - SA
- Mike Ricks - Red Team
- Randy Santossio - Surface
- Ashish Sen Jaswal - Device Health
- Zoltan Harmath - Security Tools
- Luciano Krigun - Security Products
- Jo Hemmerlein - Red Team
- Chris Johnson - Surface Hub
- Loren Ponten - Surface Hub
- Paul Schmitt - WWL
- And many other Users!
ZoomIt source code was originally implemented by Sysinternals:
- @markrussinovich - Mark Russinovich
- @foxmsft - Alex Mihaiuc
- @johnstep - John Stephens
- @crutkas - Clint Rutkas - Lead
- @cinnamon-msft - Kayla Cinnamon - Lead
- @nguyen-dows - Christopher Nguyen - Product Manager
- @jaimecbernardo - Jaime Bernardo - Dev lead
- @dhowett - Dustin Howett - Dev lead
- @yeelam-gordon - Gordon Lam - Dev lead
- @jamrobot - Jerry Xu - Dev lead
- @drawbyperpetual - Anirudha Shankar - Dev
- @mantaionut - Ionut Manta - Dev
- @donlaci - Laszlo Nemeth - Dev
- @SeraphimaZykova - Seraphima Zykova - Dev
- @stefansjfw - Stefan Markovic - Dev
- @lei9444 - Leilei Zhang - Dev
- @shuaiyuanxx - Shawn Yuan - Dev
- @moooyo - Yu Leng - Dev
- @haoliuu - Hao Liu - Dev
- @chenmy77 - Mengyuan Chen - Dev
- @chemwolf6922 - Feng Wang - Dev
- @yaqingmi - Yaqing Mi - Dev
- @zhaoqpcn - Qingpeng Zhao - Dev
- @urnotdfs - Xiaofeng Wang - Dev
- @zhaopy536 - Peiyao Zhao - Dev
- @wang563681252 - Zhaopeng Wang - Dev
- @vanzue - Kai Tao - Dev
- @indierawk2k2 - Mike Harsh - Product Manager
- @ethanfangg - Ethan Fang - Product Manager
- @plante-msft - Connor Plante - Product Manager
- @joadoumie - Jordi Adoumie - Product Manager
- @enricogior - Enrico Giordani - Dev Lead
- @bzoz - Bartosz Sosnowski - Dev
- @ivan100sic - Ivan Stošić - Dev
- @mykhailopylyp - Mykhailo Pylyp - Dev
- @taras-janea - Taras Sich - Dev
- @yuyoyuppe - Andrey Nekrasov - Dev
- @gokcekantarci - Gokce Kantarci - Dev