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Debug configuration settings

Karthik Nadig edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Launch/Attach Settings


These are the settings that you would use in the Launch/Attach Request in any DAP client.

Code Execution Settings

Property Type Configuration Description
module string Launch Name of the module to be debugged.
program string Launch Absolute path to the program.
code string Launch Code to execute in string form. Example: "code": "import debugpy;print(debugpy.__version__)"
python Array[string] Launch Path python executable and interpreter arguments. Example: "python": ["/usr/bin/python", "-E"], For arguments to your script use "args".
args Array[string] Launch Command line arguments passed to the program. Example: "args": ["--arg1", "-arg2", "val", ...]
console Enum Launch Supported values ["internalConsole", "integratedTerminal", "externalTerminal"]. Sets where to launch the debug target. Default is "integratedTerminal".
cwd string Launch Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged.
env Object Launch Environment variables defined as a key value pair. Property ends up being the Env Variable and the value of the property ends up being the value of the Env Variable.

Debugger Settings

Property Type Configuration Description
django Boolean Launch/Attach When true enables Django templates. Default is false.
gevent Boolean Launch/Attach When true enables debugging of gevent monkey-patched code. Default is false.
jinja Boolean Launch/Attach When true enables Jinja2 template debugging (e.g. Flask). Default is false.
justMyCode Boolean Launch/Attach When true debug only user-written code. To debug standard library or anything outside of "cwd" use false. Default is true.
logToFile Boolean Launch/Attach When true enables logging of debugger events to a log file(s). Default is false.
pathMappings Array[Object] Launch/Attach Map of local and remote paths. Example: "pathMappings": [{"localRoot": "local path", "remoteRoot": "remote path"}, ...].
pyramid Boolean Launch/Attach When true enables debugging Pyramid applications. Default is false.
redirectOutput Boolean Launch/Attach When true redirects output to debug console. Default is false.
showReturnValue Boolean Launch/Attach Shows return value of functions when stepping. The return value is added to the response to Variables Request
stopOnEntry Boolean Launch When true debugger stops at first line of user code. When false debugger does not stop until breakpoint, exception or pause.
subProcess Boolean Launch/Attach When true enables debugging multiprocess applications. Default is true.
sudo Boolean Launch/Attach When true runs program program under elevated permissions (on Unix). Default is false.


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