- Personal web application (replaced my previous personal webpage: https://minericpark.github.io)
- Completed first iteration of development: Currently only working on patches (Bug fixes + New features)
- Based off of Material UI Blog Template: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/tree/master/docs/src/pages/getting-started/templates/blog
- Created to further understand and learn React framework
- Created to deepen coding ability in Javascript
- Created to expand web development knowledge
- Created to learn several React / Javascript libraries
- Requires a browser for testing / development
- Hosted on: https://minericpark.software
- npm install
- npm start
- React
- React Router
- Material UI
- React Icons
- Motion API (Framer Motion)
- Axios
- React Pdf
- This is code is written by Eric Minseo Park
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.
- To learn React, check out the React documentation.