A WAMP client for Common Lisp applications. Currently supports the basic client profile for RPC (pub-sub support is planned but not yet implemented).
First let's declare a new package for our application, importing :wamp/session
and :blackbird
(required as the cl-wamp
makes use of promises).
(defpackage :myapp/main
(:use cl)
(:import-from :wamp/session #:make-session)
(:import-from :blackbird #:wait))
;; provide a new nickname to :wamp/session
(package-rename :wamp/session :wamp/session '(:session))
Next let's create a new session
that listens to a WAMP router we have hosted locally. A given WAMP router may have multiple realms, arbitarily we have chosen one named realm1.
;; Create a session on "realm1", connecting to a local WAMP router listening on 8080.
(defvar *session* (make-session "ws://localhost:8080/ws" "realm1"))
Now we can register a function with the session. When the session
starts, it will register all registered functions with the router. The method returns a (promise-of registration)
which can later be used to unregister the function.
(defun myadd (a b)
(+ a b))
(session:register *session* "com.myapp.myadd" #'myadd)
Using the wait
method of the blackbird
promise library, let wait for the session
to start, and afterwards, call our function:
(wait (session:open *session*)
(attach (session:call *session* "com.myapp.myadd" :args '(1 2))
(lambda (args kwargs)
(declare (ignore kwargs))
(format t "Got! ~a" args)))) ;; -> Got! 3