Note: If you clone the repository to your machine, open README.html, and click on links with specific page numbers, the PDF will open at the assigned page for you :)
Unit Topic | Description | Assignment | Material |
Introduction/Basic Concepts | |||
Intro to Grounded Theory | 5 min explanation of grounded theory | watch video | GT video |
Overview of Grounded Theory | High-level explanation of grounded theory history, philosophy, goals, and practice | read and discuss article | GT reading |
Intro to Coding | 2 min explanation of coding process | watch video | coding video |
Coding and Identifying Themes | Overview of coding, creating codebook, and identifying themes | read and discuss: Codebook (p 71-73), Coding for Content (p 85-86), Discovering Themes to Conclusion (p 86-96) | thematic analysis readings |
Coding Considerations | Considerations and perspectives on coding data | read and discuss article | coding reading |
Memoing | How to extract meaning and make sense with memos | read and discuss article | memo reading |
Focus Group Data | Challenges and tips for analyzing data from focus groups | read and discuss article | focus group reading |
Collaboration | Challenges and tips for collaborating on qual | read and discuss article | collaboration reading |
Practice Analysis | |||
Open Coding | Practice applying open codes to a small passage of interview transcript on an example data set | Open-code a passage of teresa text, compare to each other and Charmaz's codes (p 173) | intro to data set; data set for open coding practice; Charmaz codes (no peaking!) |
Full Grounded Theory Analysis | Practice open coding, identifying and winnowing themes, and creating theory from an example data set | Analyze full teresa text, compare to each other and Charmaz's results (p 178-198) | teresa free response data; teresa interview data; Charmaz results (no peaking!) |
Special/Advanced Topics | |||
Visualizing Qualitative Data | Example methods of visualization for qual data | read and discuss articles | matrices and networks reading; network analysis reading |
Conceptual Saturation | AKA how to tell when you are done with your study | read and discuss article | saturation reading |
Reporting Guidelines for Qual | Review of what information to keep, report, and look for in qual or mixed methods articles | read and discuss article | qual reporting reading |
Example Papers | |||
Grounded Theory | Example of published grounded theory study | read and discuss article | grounded theory example reading |
Mixed Methodology | Example of published study using both qualitative and quantitative methods | read and discuss article | mixed methods reading |