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Crash Course in Grounded Theory

Note: If you clone the repository to your machine, open README.html, and click on links with specific page numbers, the PDF will open at the assigned page for you :)

Unit Topic Description Assignment Material
Introduction/Basic Concepts
Intro to Grounded Theory 5 min explanation of grounded theory watch video GT video
Overview of Grounded Theory High-level explanation of grounded theory history, philosophy, goals, and practice read and discuss article GT reading
Intro to Coding 2 min explanation of coding process watch video coding video
Coding and Identifying Themes Overview of coding, creating codebook, and identifying themes read and discuss: Codebook (p 71-73), Coding for Content (p 85-86), Discovering Themes to Conclusion (p 86-96) thematic analysis readings
Coding Considerations Considerations and perspectives on coding data read and discuss article coding reading
Memoing How to extract meaning and make sense with memos read and discuss article memo reading
Focus Group Data Challenges and tips for analyzing data from focus groups read and discuss article focus group reading
Collaboration Challenges and tips for collaborating on qual read and discuss article collaboration reading
Practice Analysis
Open Coding Practice applying open codes to a small passage of interview transcript on an example data set Open-code a passage of teresa text, compare to each other and Charmaz's codes (p 173) intro to data set;
data set for open coding practice;
Charmaz codes (no peaking!)
Full Grounded Theory Analysis Practice open coding, identifying and winnowing themes, and creating theory from an example data set Analyze full teresa text, compare to each other and Charmaz's results (p 178-198) teresa free response data;
teresa interview data;
Charmaz results (no peaking!)
Special/Advanced Topics
Visualizing Qualitative Data Example methods of visualization for qual data read and discuss articles matrices and networks reading;
network analysis reading
Conceptual Saturation AKA how to tell when you are done with your study read and discuss article saturation reading
Reporting Guidelines for Qual Review of what information to keep, report, and look for in qual or mixed methods articles read and discuss article qual reporting reading
Example Papers
Grounded Theory Example of published grounded theory study read and discuss article grounded theory example reading
Mixed Methodology Example of published study using both qualitative and quantitative methods read and discuss article mixed methods reading