The SM100 (and SM200) is a device to enhance Buderus heating with the ability to earn solar energy using solar collectors and spend these energy into a water reservoir. There are different scenarios available to add these module into a heating.
Protocol: The SM100 device communicates using the EMS+ protocol. That means it sends and interprets EMS and also EMS+ messages.
External Link to the german product page of SM100:
The following reverse protocol engineering based on a Buderus GB172 heating combined with a water reservoir in one heating circuit. Other combinations, configurations and protocol types are not covered.
Also refer to emsesp/EMS-ESP#267 for the SM200
How to interpret the tables below. Take an example telegram:
EMS+ telegram type
->| |<-
30 00 FF 00 02 62 01 FB 01 9E 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 2B
data block --> 00 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 0A...
start of data
The data starts at the 7th byte straight after the typeID - here x0262
. Position 0 is the first byte of the data block.
EMS+ telegram type | description | schedule | number of data bytes in decimal |
x0262 | Temperatures | every minute | 26 (max. 24 in one telegram) |
x0263 | unknown | every minute | 12 |
x0264 | Solar pump modulation | every minute | 17 |
x0266 | unknown | every minute | 04 |
x0268 | unknown | every minute | 02 |
x026A | Solar pump on/off | every minute | 12 |
x028E | Solar energy earnings | every hour | 15 |
Telegram type | data position (0..n) in decimal | description | format |
x0262 | 0+1 | T1 - Temperature of solar collector [°C] |
2 bytes |
x0262 | 2+3 | T2 - Temperature of bottom water reservoir 1 [°C] |
2 bytes |
x0262 | 16+17 | T5 - Temperature of bottom water reservoir 2 [°C] |
2 bytes |
x0264 | 9 | Solar pump modulation [%] |
1 byte |
x026A | 10 | PS1 - Solar pump: on=04 and off=03 |
1 byte |
x026A | 4 | VS2 - Cylinder select value: cyl#2=04 and cyl#1=03 |
1 byte |
x028E | 0+1+2+3 | Solar energy earning last hour /10 [Wh] |
4 byte |
x028E | 4+5+6+7 | Solar energy earning today [Wh] |
4 byte |
x028E | 8+9+10+11 | Solar energy earning total /10 [kWh] |
4 byte |
Solar pump status and changes:
1.Status solar pump is currently off: see x026A data byte 0A "03" and x0264 data byte 9 "00"
SM -> all, type 0x026A telegram: 30 00 FF 00 02 6A 03 03 03 00 03 03 03 03 03 00 03 03 (CRC=E5), #data=11
SM -> all, type 0x0264 telegram: 30 00 FF 00 02 64 00 00 00 04 00 00 FF 00 00 00 0C 0A 64 00 00 00 00 (CRC=53), #data=16
2.Status pump is currently on: see x026A data byte 0A "04" and x0264 data byte 9 "1E"
SM -> all, type 0x026A telegram: 30 00 FF 00 02 6A 03 03 03 00 03 03 03 03 03 00 04 03 (CRC=EB), #data=11
SM -> all, type 0x0264 telegram: 30 00 FF 00 02 64 00 00 00 04 00 00 FF 00 00 1E 09 08 64 00 00 00 00 (CRC=CD), #data=16
3.Solar pump changes from off --> on: see x0264 data byte 9 set at first to "64" and x026A byte 0A is set to "04"
SM -> all, type 0x0264 telegram: 30 00 FF 09 02 64 64 (CRC=37)
SM -> all, type 0x026A telegram: 30 00 FF 0A 02 6A 04 (CRC=53)
Less then 10 seconds later the pump is throttled to `30%` 0x1E
SM -> all, type 0x0264 telegram: 30 00 FF 09 02 64 1E (CRC=4D)
4.Solar pump changes from on --> off: see x0264 data byte 9 set to "00" and x026a byte 0A is set to "03"
SM -> all, type 0x0264 telegram: 30 00 FF 09 02 64 00 (CRC=53)
SM -> all, type 0x026A telegram: 30 00 FF 0A 02 6A 03 (CRC=54)
Solar energy earnings:
SM -> all, type 0x028E telegram: 30 00 FF 00 02 8E 00 00 0C F3 00 00 06 02 00 00 76 33 (CRC=8A), #data=11