This is an old prototype, intended as...
- a wander game about traversal, providing a huge environment to explore at a very leisurely pace
- a canvas to experiment with landscape design, creating a variety of small microbiomes and subtle gradations of place. Oddly enough, the inspiration for this was the 2006 adaptation of The Wicker Man, which, if nothing else, had a number of compelling locations.
The primary goal is to traverse the island, from tip to tip, at a slow walking pace, visiting various settlements along the way and constructing a history of successive lived generations in this place. Arriving at the opposite end you find... who knows, ghosts, probably.
The tall towers placed around the island are a form of fast-travel, folding the space for the player. They might have a purpose some day. Anyway, for the time being you can warp immediately to any tower, and you don't already have to be on top of a tower to do so. Just point your crosshair at one, and once it brightens, left-click the mouse to travel to that point.
Not much to speak of: just walk around and warp between the towers on the island. Proof of a thin concept.
WADS to walk around, mouse to look.
Controls begin inverted, as nature intended, but you can hit I
to flip them this way and that.
If your crosshair touches one of towers, it will be highlighted; left-click to warp to that point.
I'd started with some commercial plugins off the Asset Store, which I've removed from this public repo. They are:
Free plugins are still included.
The prototype as of September 2019 is up on
- 10 May 2019
- Initial release on
Drink pairing: Glögg
Music pairing: Solitude, by Hakobune