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Releases: nordicopen/easee_hass

New Lib version, fix for slave chargers and translations

23 Apr 23:03
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A new version of pyeasee lib was released due to a SignalR server URL change.
Circuit_current sensor removed for slave chargers since no data can be retrieved.
Translations updated/added: Dutch, Norwegian, German

Bug Fixes

  • Do not create circuit_current sensor for slave chargers @olalid (#306)


Many new feateures and updates

12 Apr 13:46
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Recent changes in the API from Easee has required modifications in the integration to keep everyting working as before.

Home Assistant has also introduced localization/translation of entity names. This release fully supports entity translation for English and Swedish and we encourage the contributors for Norwegian, German and Romainian to update the respective translation files. en.json can be used as a template for the structure.

Note that if you remove the integration and reinstall it, the entities will be created with lokalized internal names. This will most likely affect automations and scripts so please be aware.

Please also note that display units (e.g. W/kW) and display precision can be set in the UI for each entity. Therefore we have removed these option settings in this integration.

We also made a number of internal changes to keep up with Home Assistant development standards.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for latestFirmware change in cloud @olalid (#286)




Development environment and tools

  • Fix syntax in devcontainer.json and add i18n json editor @astrandb (#289)
  • Sort keys in manifest and bump dependency in github actions @astrandb (#276)

Bug fixes and optimizations

19 Dec 08:53
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  • Make stopDatetime an optional argument to SetBasicChargeSchedule
  • Bump pyeasee version @olalid (#261)


New Features

  • Make stop_datetime optional in set_basic_charge_plan @astrandb (#260)

Optimizations and performance enhancements

09 Dec 18:55
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Notable changes

This release contains support for Easee Charge sites where the user will only see the chargers that he/she has access to. It also includes improved handling of API errors and various optimizations.

New Features

Bug Fixes



Development environment and tools

Cost sensors, improved performance and lots of other things

23 Oct 07:48
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Notable changes

This release contains lots of goodies

  • Three sensors for displaynig calculated charging cost is introduced
  • A major refactoring of our service calls enabled support for UI mode in automation editor and Developer tools. Yaml mode can still be used for creating service calls an a few hints are described in README.


Please note that a couple of the service calls are deprcated and will be removed in January 2023. If you are using the deprecated service calls you will get a reminder in the logs.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Bump pyeasee lib to 0.7.46 @olalid (#235). A little change in the API implementation at Easee resulted in a couple of our switches stopped working properly


Fix for API change

06 Sep 17:37
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Bug Fixes

Add Romanian translation

Stability improvements and maintenance

15 Jul 07:53
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This release will handle startup of the integration in a more robust way. The integration will now retry connection if the Easee servers are not responding properly to the login or initial API access attempts.

Bug Fixes



Bug fixes and general improvements

20 May 09:09
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Easee has added a number of new status codes in the API for Reason for no current. These codes are now displayed as clear text. They have also changed the format of datetime strings which could cause errors in this integration. This version also use a more modern version of signalr lib, which should give better performance and avoid interference with other integrations in HA. There are also a few updates to the code to keep up with the HA codebase to avoid future deprecation errors.

Please note that this release requires Home Assistant v2022.5 or later.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Changes to adapt to new version of pyeasee lib @olalid (#186)



Bug fixes and improvements

06 Apr 07:13
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Bug Fixes


Various stability improvements and localization for Germany

10 Mar 12:05
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Bug Fixes
