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Releases: nordicopen/pyeasee

Bugfix for eqAvailableCurrentPx

18 Dec 22:35
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eqAvailableCurrentPx states where incorrectly defined in the library which caused them to not update.

Improved handling in Easee Charge and user authorization

06 Dec 09:22
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This release fixes problems for users with restricted permissions.
Better behaviour in Easee Charge installations

Support large installations

31 Oct 11:03
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Merge branch 'master' of

Boolean bugfix

22 Oct 20:41
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Fix interpretation of boolean in signalr stream.

Observation name changes and cost API

12 Oct 22:45
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Some observations changed names to make it possible to collect the data in the HA component.
An API to retrieve charging cost during a time period was added.

Weekly schedule bugfix

17 May 22:13
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The time format returned from the API has changed and made an update necessary.

Signalrcore lib upgrade

10 May 19:35
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Due to changed dependencies in HA signalrcore can now be upgraded to latest version (0.9.5).

Token refresh time reduced

26 Jan 12:24
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  • To avoid a race condition between server and client, the token is now refreshed 1 minute before it expires.

Token refresh bugfixes

07 Jan 14:24
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  • Token refresh logic corrected to update headers with new token after refresh.
  • Login and refresh token calls now has custom headers.

Circuit dynamic current API change and date time parser change

11 Dec 16:25
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A new API is used when setting the circuit dynamic current which allows for a timeout in minutes. When the timeout expires the limit is not valid any more.
The parsing of API returned date time strings changed so that fractional seconds are ignored.