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User Manual


AMVIDC is a data clustering algorithm based on agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) which uses minimum volume increase (MVI) and minimum direction change (MDC) as clustering criteria. The algorithm is presented in detail in the following publication:

Data format

Data for clustering is presented as a set of samples (or points), each with a constant number of dimensions. As such, for the rest of this guide, data matrices are considered to be in the following format:

  • m x n, with m samples (points) and n dimensions (variables)

Generating data

AMVIDC was inspired on the differentiation of spectrometric data. However, to further validate the clustering algorithms, synthetic data sets can be generated with generateData, which generates data in the m x n format, with m samples (points) and n dimensions (variables) according to a set of parameters.

Running the algorithm

AMVIDC is implemented in the clusterdata_amvidc function:

idx = clusterdata_amvidc(X, k, idx_init);

where X, k and idx_init are the data matrix, maximum number of clusters and initial clustering, respectively. Initial clustering is required so that all possible new clusters have volume, a requirement for MVI. The clusterdata_amvidc function has many optional parameters, with reasonable defaults, as specified in the following table:

Parameter Default Options/Description
volume ‘convhull’ Volume type: ‘ellipsoid’ or ‘convhull’
tol 0.01 Tolerance for minimum volume ellipse calculation (‘ellipsoid’ volume only)
dirweight 0 Direction weight in last iteration (0 means MDC linkage is ignored)
dirpower 2 Convergence power to dirweight (higher values make convergence steeper and occurring more to the end)
dirtype ‘svd’ Direction type: ‘pca’, ‘svd’
nvi true Allow negative volume increase?
loglevel 3 (show warnings only) Log level: 0 (show all messages) to 4 (only show critical errors), default is 3 (show warnings)

For example, to perform clustering using ellipsoid volume taking into account direction change, where cluster direction is determined using PCA, one would do:

idx = clusterdata_mvidc(X, k, idx_init, 'volume', 'ellipsoid', 'dirweight',0.5, 'dirpower', 4, 'dirtype', 'pca');

As specified, the clusterdata_amvidc function requires initial clusters which, if joined, produce new clusters with volume. Two functions are included for this purpose (however, others can be used):

  • initClust - Performs very simple initial clustering based on AHC with single linkage (nearest neighbor) and user defined distance. Each sample is associated with the same cluster of its nearest point. Allows to define a minimum size for each cluster, distance type (as supported by Matlab pdist) and the number of clusters which are allowed to have less than the minimum size.
  • pddp - Perform PDDP (principal direction divisive clustering) on input data. This implementation always selects the largest cluster for division, with the algorithm proceeding while the division of a cluster yields sub-clusters which can have a volume.

Analysis of results


The F-score measure is used to evaluate clustering results. The measure is implemented in the fscore function. To run this function:

eval = fscore(idx, numclasses, numclassmembers);


  • idx - m x 1 vector containing the cluster indices of each point (as returned by the clustering functions)
  • numclasses - Correct number of clusters
  • numclassmembers - Vector with the correct size of each cluster (or a scalar if all clusters are of the same size)

The fscore function returns:

  • eval - Value between 0 (worst case) and 1 (perfect clustering)

Plotting clusters

Visualizing how an algorithm grouped clusters can provide important insight on its effectiveness. Also, it may be important to visually compare an algorithm’s clustering result with the correct result. The plotClusters function can show two clustering results in the same image (e.g. the correct one and one returned by an algorithm). The plotClusters function can be executed in the following way:

h_out = plotClusters(X, dims, idx_marker, idx_encircle, encircle_method, h_in);


  • X - Data matrix, m x n, with m samples (points) and n dimensions (variables)
  • dims - Number of dimensions (2 or 3)
  • idx_marker - Clustering result^ to be shown directly in points using markers
  • idx_encircle - Clustering result^ to be shown using encirclement/grouping of points
  • encircle_method - How to encircle the idx_encircle result: ‘convhull’ (default), ‘ellipsoid’ or ‘none’
  • h_in - (Optional) Existing figure handle where to create plot

^ m x 1 vector containing the cluster indices of each point

The plotClusters function returns:

  • h_out - Figure handle of plot


In this example, we demonstrate how to test AMVIDC using Fisher's iris data, which is included in the MatLab Statistics Toolbox. We chose this data set as it is readily available, not necessarily because AMVIDC is the most appropriate algorithm to apply in this case. First, we load the data:

>> load fisheriris

The data set consists of 150 samples, 50 samples for each of three species of the Iris flower. Four features (variables) were measured per sample. The data itself loads into the meas variable, while the species to which each sample is associated with is given in the species variable. The samples are ordered by species, so the first 50 samples belong to one species, and so on. First, we test the k-Means algorithm, specifying three clusters, one per species:

>> idx_km = kmeans(meas, 3);

We can evaluate the performance of k-Means using the fscore function (the value of 1 being perfect clustering):

>> fscore(idx_km, 3, [50, 50, 50])

ans =


Visual observation can be accomplished with the plotClusters function. First, PCA is applied on the data, yielding its principal components (i.e., the components which have the largest possible variance). The first two components (the two directions of highest variance) are useful for visually discriminating the data in 2D, even though k-Means was performed on the four dimensions of the data).

>> [~, iris_pca] = princomp(meas);

We can now plot the data:

>> plotClusters(iris_pca, 2, [50,50,50], idx_km);
>> legend(unique(species), 'Location','Best')

k-Means clustering of the Iris data set

AMVIDC is a computationally expensive algorithm, so it is preferable to apply it on a reduced number of dimensions. The following command applies AMVIDC clustering to the first two principal components of the data set, using pddp for the initial clustering, ellipsoid volume minimization and direction change minimization:

>> idx_amvidc = clusterdata_amvidc(iris_pca(:, 1:2), 3, pddp(iris_pca(:, 1:2)), 'dirweight', 0.6, 'dirpower', 8, 'volume', 'ellipsoid');

The fscore evaluation is obtained as follows:

>> fscore(idx_amvidc, 3, [50, 50, 50])

ans =


Slightly better than k-Means. Visual inspection also provides a good insight on the clustering result:

>> plotClusters(iris_pca, 2, [50,50,50], idx_amvidc, 'ellipsoid');
>> legend(unique(species), 'Location','Best');

AMVIDC clustering of the Iris data set