To check whether your Android Device is known to work with check []
For building the Android version of you will need both the Source Development Kit and the Native Development Kit
- Get the NDK
- Get the SDK
- Invoke the binary tools/android from the downloaded SDK. This starts the
'Android SDK Manager'. Via the 'Android SDK Manager' window install the
required packages:
- Tools > Android SDK Platform-tools
- Tools > Android SDK Build-tools
- Android 2.2 (API 8)
- Invoke the binary tools/android from the downloaded SDK. This starts the
'Android SDK Manager'. Via the 'Android SDK Manager' window install the
required packages:
Add sdk
to path
if the installer had not done it automatically.
Install latest Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK)
The following programs and libraries need to be installed:
sudo apt-get install ant lib32stdc++6 lib32z1
Download the source from
git clone
# create a build directory in your source directory
mkdir build
cd build
# The compiler needs some libraries in the build directory
# Connect your Android device to your computer and pull the libraries
# from your device to your build directory:
adb pull /system/lib/
adb pull /system/lib/
adb pull /system/bin/ifconfig
adb pull /system/bin/iptables
# build the Android app
## check ANDROID_EABI version in NDK's 'toolchains' folder. The number suffix
## of the folder name arm-linux-androideabi-XXX is the ANDROID_EABI version.
## toolchains/arm-linx-androideabi-4.6 => -DANDROID_EABI="4.6"
cmake ../ -DPORT=ANDROID -DNDK_ROOT=/absolute/path/to/ndk -DEXTRALIB_PATH=/absolute/path/to/libraries -DANDROID_EABI="4.6"
You will find the newly built apk in android/bin
# install your app from the command line
# make sure your phone is connected and debugging mode is activated
adb install android/bin/QaulActivity-debug.apk
- Import Existing Project
- Do NOT copy files.