In order to use the joint-crab
bundle in a virtual docker container you need to have Docker installed in your local machine.
You can use a docker image that is stored in the Gammapy DockerHub repository. This docker image is atomatically downloaded when executing the run
commands below. Alternatively you can build the docker image by your own with the Dockerfile that we provide in this repository. In that case just type docker build -t joint-crab .
at the top level of the joint-crab folder and remove gammapy/
from the commands below.
You may reproduce the results runinng a docker container of the image in non-interactive mode or using an interactive bash session attached to the docker virtual environment.
The following command will start up the docker container and reproduce the results of the paper using the docker virtual environment. The results are copied to your local filesystem in the folder joint-crab-results
at your home directory.
$ docker run --rm -it -v ~:/usr/src/app/host gammapy/joint-crab python /usr/src/app/ all
$ docker run --name joint-crab -it -p 9000:8888 -v ~:/usr/src/app/host gammapy/joint-crab
Once the docker container running you land in the docker shell as a root user.
We will use the prompt % to identify the commands in the docker container shell.
From this moment you are in the same executing environment that has been used to generate the results of this paper. You can now reproduce and inspect the results, execute the different notebooks or create new ones by re-use.
% ./ all
The results are produced in folder results
and copied to your local filesystem in the folder joint-crab-results
at your home directory.
Enter in the docker container shell
% notebook
Open a web browser and type
Copy the token from the docker container shell into the form displayed by the browser and submit
In a web browser
In the docker container shell
% cd results/figures % ls
In the docker container shell
% ./ --help # See what is available
Open an IPython session
% ipython
From the docker container to your home directory
% cp -R notebooks host/
From your home directory to the docker container
% cp host/<myfile> .
In the browser
% exit
$ docker start -ai joint-crab