Bugs which cause problems in end-user applications such as crashes, data inconsistencies
Bugs and spec inconsistencies which cause telemetry to be incomplete or incorrect
Bugs which cause problems in user apps not related to correctness (performance, memory use, etc)
Bugs and spec inconsistencies which do not fall into a higher prioritization
Further information is requested
Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 1000+ lines, ignoring generated files.
PR has been approved by the owner listed in .github/component_owners.yml
A feature with no sub-issues to address
A feature with sub-issues that need to be addressed
This PR/issue requests ownership for a component in this repository
This PR/issue requests or implements a semantic conventions update
Good for taking. Extra help will be provided by maintainers
depends on work not yet published in code packages
This will not be worked on