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Tudor Pipernea tudorpip
TU Delft CS Student

Genezio Delft

Chandan Kumar Chandan9898Kumar
Software Engineer.


Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Rares raresxbogdan

@Aily-Labs Bucharest x Romania

Bogdan Bocșe bocse
Commander-in-Geek and Bucharest

Andre Cristhian DanerSound
If you want something that is not there, you have to make it yourself

Firenze, Italy


Bucharest, Romania

Iulia Groza iuliagroza
SWE @google • high octane social dev keen on digital culture

Google Zurich, Switzerland

Cristea-Zablau Octavian octavi42
Passionate problem solver, programmer, and tech enthusiast. Try to building innovative solutions for real-world problems. Working with hardware, software, AI.


Rares Croicia RaresCroicia
Another random coder, but passionate to a whole new level
Radu Dumitrescu radu1122
Building genezio as a Full Stack Developer and product developer
