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Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

AJ Book SecondBook5
Graduate Research Assistant, Advanced Computing and Oncology Lab, MSKCC | Bioinformatics Graduate Student at Johns Hopkins University.

Johns Hopkins University


Peking University Cancer Hospital BeiJing

H. Michelle Guevara-Nieto hmguevara
PhD candidate Cancer Biology Research Group | Biomarkers | RNA-seq | Breast Cancer | Chemotherapy response

Karolinska Institute, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Stockholm


Kyoto, Japan / Taiwan

Chaitra Sarathy chaitrasarathy
Programmer, Bioinformatician, Systems Biologist specialised in developing algorithms for omics integration and metabolic modelling

Toronto, Canada

Gabriela Canalli Kretzschmar GabrielaCK
Postdoctoral Researcher at Federal University of Paraná. Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Genetics (UFPR).

Federal University of Paraná Brazil

tomoya-megane tomoya-megane
Omics Data Science / R / Python
Jiping Jin Pokerman8

ShanghaiTech University Shanghai

N-Tranced n-tranced Canada

Tommy Naugle tdnaugle
math, finance, open source software
BioDawg JoJoTsui


DanDye dandye
Solutions Engineer at Google Cloud Security; Pythonista; Djangster

google Tampa, FL

Helena hreypar
Mexican, Genomics


Yufei Chen chanyufei

Toronto, ON, Canada

cong CongSIBR
A Smooth, Trustworthy Data Scientist.

@Sanofi-GitHub SuZhou

Savita Jayaram Ph.D. savitaj
“Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended with diligence.” – Abigail Adams


BioWalker shijianasdf
I focused on bioinformatics and computational biology via machine learning and deep learning

Madrid - Spain

Zhixin Li, PhD leezx
Computational biologist, bioinformatician

DFCI, HMS, Broad Institute MA, US.

Xu Xizhan xxz19900

Peking University Beijing,China

Bodhayan Prasad bodhayan
Computational Biologist and Bioinformatician

University of Glasgow United Kingdom

TJ Singh TarjinderSingh
Assistant Professor in Computational and Statistical Genomics (in Psychiatry) at Columbia University

Columbia University and NYGC New York, NY

Cimorgh Medical IT Solutions Cimorgh-IT
Cimorgh is a bioinformatics and healthcare data analysis company which offers different services ranges from clinical NGS data analysis software such as GeneAp.

Cimorgh Medical IT solutions Tehran



MD BABU MIA , PHD mdbabumiamssm
Assistant Professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC; Machine Learning, AI, Single Cell Multiomics

@mssm Manhattan, NYC @USA

Chris Iapetus chris-iapetus

dvcsrv St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

machiko machikoyasuda
🚏📓🐈🌱 learning, writing + coding for the public

@compilerla Los Angeles, Calif.