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Cal Desmond-Pearson The-Social-Hermit
Trying (at a rather an advanced age) to learn how to code. Stroke Survivor—Wheelchair Witch—Radical Faerie. PKM devotee 🤔

Tyneside, UK

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

@zmeeeeeva zmeeeeeva

⛰️ Sokołowsko, Poland

Jack Currie JackCurrie
Consantly Curious.

New York

most contributions are private

United Kingdom

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jc-Arroyo jcarroyos
Dedicated to developing digital projects grounded in research, with a focus on fostering art and cultural growth.
Maria Antoniak maria-antoniak
Postdoc at Allen Institute for AI

AI2 Seattle, WA

Bigint bigint
Creator of @heyxyz 🌸

@heyxyz Bangalore, India

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Leon Wong l3ony2k
live 2 the . of tears


sharon sharon-wang
climber of walls and silks

@rstudio / @posit-dev Canada

Co-Founder at Field of Vision

Dublin, Ireland

Tom Hackshaw et0and

Yufugumi ~dormer-tabful

Nico Baier nbbaier
Independent linguist based in Chicago. PhD from Berkeley. I've also taught at McGill and UBC. I pretend to hate puns but I really don'

BOLD Inc. Chicago

Mattia Tezzele mrzool
low-tech proponent

Deutsche Filmakademie e.V. Berlin

claudia claudialnathan
curating stackradar, design & dev at form—24.

form—24 Western Australia

Nynne Just Christoffersen nynnejc
Educator, Software Engineer, Writer, Researcher

Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA) Copenhagen, Denmark

Christopher Bare cbare
Software engineering | machine learning | data | health | life-science

Wellington, New Zealand

Tejas Sanap whereistejas
howdy to the aliens

@tablyinc, ex-@WiproOpenSource London

Pavlos Vinieratos pvinis
Just coding.. and coding.. and using two-dot ellipsis..

My house, an office, the beach?