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Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

portuganft ferdipok
poker in web3 and life


Tranthao221 tranthao221
Check out my address in Scopescan: 0x83edc793eac6b1268a3a9233a235166c02a0b43d
kulijarno kulijarno
learning cryptographics makes me happy, thank god
Web3 Solutions Architect

Civic Technologies Austin, Texas

Jordan_type Jordan-type
Celo Blockchain Developer Evangelist, working with ReactJS, NextJs ReactNative, EthersJs, Web3Js, MongoDB, Solidity, OpenZeppelin

Evangelist @CeloKenyaEcosystem Nairobi, Kenya

Vasilev Dmitrii gHashTag
The creator of the first runet course on React Native⚛️

DAO 999 NFT Thailand

Tauseef Khan tauseefk
Web/video-game engineer, loves all things Rust and Javascript.

San Francisco, California

Bahar Baharkaviani
B.Sc Student of Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology

Tehran, Iran

DamonXiong DamonXiong
A little programer

AW3C fuzhou,fujian,china