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Júnior Silva JuniorSilvaL
Learn what is useful, discard what is useless, add what is yours.


Otavio Sousa otaviossousa
Systems Analysis and Development Student at IFPI


untiedbear untiedbear
Dean's list citizen, Lifelong Learner, Data Enthusiast
metasal metasal1
I can’t wait to show you what I build next.


Andrew mocolicious
Andrew Mocol, Founder of Altude

@AltudePlatform @kinnytips @Active-Accreditation Carriere, MS

harkl h4rkl
Shadowy Super Coder building sweet Dapps on @Solana
beeman beeman
Bram Borggreve Nomad. Polyglot. Dev. Ops. Building @pubkeyapp 🅿️ Founder @BeeSoftLabs 🇨🇴. I ❤️ my girl, Open Source Software and education!
