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Thomas Klemm thomasklemm

Tallinn, Estonia & Bad Kissingen, Germany

Juan E Afable juanjuanzero
I like solving problems
Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Mehmet Aydogdu mehmetaydogduu

AKILLI BULUT A.Ş. Turkey, İstanbul

Robert Landreaux robertlandreaux

@Flowspace-Team Cincinnati, Ohiio

Jits jits
Full-stack product developer. Lifelong learner. Educator.

Brighton, UK

Aaron Jensen aaronjensen

Substantial Seattle, WA

Mayra Lucia Navarro luciagirasoles
Trying to break the mold...RoR developer. Crazy Cat Lady

@rubyperu @wnbrb

Renato Rodrigo Chinaglia rodrigorrch
I work as a Mobile and Web globe_with_meridians developer!

Araras - SP

Henricus Louwhoff hl
Father and software engineer. Love to shoot analogue film, bake and cook. Building apps using Elixir & Phoenix. Experimenting with Swift, Janet, and Rust.


Chris Coetzee chriscz
Full stack Ruby on Rails. Interested in all aspects of product development.


Antoine Leclercq antoineLeclercq
Software Developer

Austin, TX

Roman RomanTurner

Portland Oregon

Jeb Coleman el-feo

@docsend Portland, OR

Just a developer felt in love with Ruby


Michael S. Manley michaelsmanley
Seanchaí, Chicago, IL

Hacked Haskeller hackedhaskeller
Just a coder that likes Haskell among many other langauges
Viacheslav aka-nez
Ruby developer

@wallarm Sofia, Bulgaria

Johnathan Radünz Nunes appoks
Unquiet. FullStack for now.

IBJJF CWB, Paraná, Brazil.

Mateusz Nowak MateuszNaKodach
👨‍💻 Software Craftsman - Domain-Driven Design | Event Sourcing | EventStorming | Event Modeling | Kotlin | Java | C# .NET | Ruby | Node.js

Ready to work with DDD / CQRS / Event Sourcing / Kotlin / Java / Ruby / Node.js / .NET Wrocław, Poland

Max Kerp maxkerp

@taktsoft Cologne, Germany

Carlos Silva crashtech
Passionate software developer with vast experience in web development. Solving riddles and developing things is what I love to do.

CTech São Paulo, Brazil