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kiki_patton kikipatton
Backend Developer Django Dev

Neesites Nairobi

ojpojao ojpojao
Só um cara normal que gosta de coisas de tecnologia em geral, principalmente, Redes de Computadores e Telecom. Meu foco está mais em Network Automation e DevOps

Belém, Brazil

Mostech safrinnetwork
Knowledge is free i got from the internet so i decided to make all this tools for free Indoneisa

Carmine Bufano bufanoc
Exotic, experimental network systems.

New York

Kaustubh kaustubhn
All about Technology!


Paulo Vinicius pvchip1
Enthusiast by technology, admirer of the evolution of humanity, his mental processes, and all the brain functioning, speculator about human behavior.

Tivia Camaçari/BA

Akash Talole akashtalole
GenAI | AgenticAI | RAG | GPT | LlamaIndex | Langchain | Azure OpenAI | AI Search | Python | Django | Flask | OSS Enthusiasts | IoT | NodeRED | Security


samad ghanbari samad-ghanbari
Full-Stack Developer | Network Professional
Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Trust is worthless

Tech minds network Nepali


freelancer Ho Chi Minh

Felipe Videira felipevideiraa
Network Engineer | AS263009

Forte Telecom Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil

Matheus Campos theusouza0
- Hi, my name is Matheus!! 👏 - I'm learning to develop software and websites... 👻</>

N-MultiFibra Embu das Artes

Adelino Pereira adelinopds
ADS: 3/6 - Dev Fullstack, Linux, JS, REACT, MONGODB, DOCKER

Analista de sistemas / Diniz supermercados juazeiro do norte, CE - Brazil

Guydo Einar GuydoEinar
Uai só, bora programar.


AdriannOliver dinoblack

RoutingSolutions Brazil

Crypto Lumen cryptolumen
I'm very enthusiastic about Web3 and Crypto
Fajar. Nugrh mafiasoleh
Naturally born as TroubleMaker

Famos Teknologi Jakarta, Indonesia

Everson Alves Eversons99

N-MultiFIbra Cotia-SP