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Frank Qu byelenin
Economist and Number Cruncher. Using data to explore the economic and social logic in China.

Nanjing University Nanjing, P. R. China

Turquoise Sound TurquoiseSound
Wisdom Tech: Organizational Behavior, Computational Policy, AI Public Goods, MAS/IDM Governance: Ethics, Decision Making, Economic Modelling

Institute of Wise Innovation

Guy Bowker Gbowker
PhD student @LightForm-group modelling Ti hot working

University of Manchester Manchester

Gamze gamzeisml
social worker | interested in computational social science
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aditya Narayan Sankaran callmesanfornow
PhD Student

Télécom SudParis, Institut polytechnique de Paris Paris

Vigneshwaran Shankaran s-vigneshwaran
NLP Researcher | Hate Speech | Computational Social Science

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cyber

just a bricolo...

INRAE, UR 0767 Ecodéveloppement Avignon

Parisa Khanjani pariisaakhanjani

Technical University of Kaiserslautern

Wenting FANG SocioLegalQuantCoder
Interdisciplinary researcher applying quantitative, empirical, and computational methods to sociology and law.
Abdulkadir Mohamed abdulkadirmadan
I am a data scientist with over four years of experience in research and media.
Calvin Yixiang CHENG calvinchengyx
DPhil Candidate

Oxford Internet Institute United Kingdom

Jan Schnasse jschnasse
Will you press the button?
Carolina Branas carobs9
Social Data Science Msc Graduate at the University of Copenhagen.
HudsonShi HudsonShi
ex-IBMer CHD/SIT/PhD @ U of Alabama Open Source GeoAI AI for Mobility Enthusiast Computational Social Scientist ABM RL

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

PhD Candidate, Doctoral Researcher

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Madrid

Verena Kunz verenakunz
Scientific Coordinator of Computational Social Science Training Courses at GESIS & PhD Candidate in Political Science at the University of Mannheim.

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Mannheim

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Jonas Lieth JsLth

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne, Germany

Jack H. Culbert jhculb

GESIS Cologne

Heinz-Alexander Fuetterer afuetterer
Research Software Engineer

WZB Berlin Social Science Center Berlin, Germany

Egor Kotov e-kotov
Spatial Data Scientist, PhD Student at @MPIDR and UPF

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, Germany

Julia Romberg juliaromberg
I am a postdoc in the Data Science Methods team in the CSS department at GESIS, where I am researching the modeling of subjective phenomena in argumentation.
Miriam Milzner milzner
I am a doctoral researcher at Freie Universität and Weizenbaum Institute Berlin interested in digital information infrastructures and coordinated manipulation.

Weizenbaum Institute and Freie Universität Berlin

Zach Wehrwein zwehrwein

Harvard Medical School Cambridge MA

Işık Topçu isiktopcu
“When all else fails … reboot.”

Sarıyer, İstanbul

Matías Deneken matdknu
Sociologist M.A in Sociology and Master in Data Science (c) , Researcher at Centro CIIR and in OLES. Fulbritght Scholar

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Oxford

Rustam Uzairov svrvt
MD beginning to study DS

Moscow, Russia

Rezvan Pourmehdi Rezvanpm
Hi. I'm Undergraduate Computer Engineering Student at Islamic Azad University of Isfahan-Khorasgan Branch
