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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ayush Sharma Ayushshrma18
Undisclosed Technology


Min Oak Kyaw Kybton

Bangkok, Thailand

I'm OS-Scratch, also known to the Scratch Community as georgek0 and create extensions for JavaScript and OSs.
Ciphreon Ciphreon
Do you really need to know when I go to the bathroom? No ?

On the earth

Personal account of the director of the V4NT. See @OfficialV4NT for official repositories.

V4NT United States of America

Fabrice Touzain FTouzain
PhD in bioinformatics. Interested in: - sigma factor binding sites prediction, - undescribed GMO detection, - NGS data analyses.

ANSES Ploufragan Ploufragan

Pranav Taysheti pranavtaysheti
A developer with strong background in DSA. skilled in Python and Go. Looking for job.

Pune, India

Greenom anion-examio

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ohsey OhseyDev

Greater London

Fabio Loli FabioLolix
Linux & BSD timeline maintainer | All things Unix and Unix-like enthusiast | AUR packager (450+)


Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Jim Stenstrom JimStenstrom
Industrial Control Systems Specialist
Martin Thuo hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

abhinavv abbbbbv
I'm an an Algorithmic trader, skilled in finding profitable trading strategies, backtesting and automating them.
Khalton_dz Khalton-dz
Open-source and Web3 enthusiast..


The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

grng grngxd
bedroom programmer

London, UK

Slipstream slipstream8125
Just a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Currently working on @StratOS-Linux

@lugvitc @StratOS-Linux

barko trinajstica

Postojna, Slovenija

Hakan Ceran hakanceran64
Software Development Engineer | B.Eng. Engineer of Mechatronics | Management Information Systems | M.Eng. Software Engineering | CPP Developer | AI Enthusias

Turkey, Ankara

Salavat Hakimzyanov salavatroots
hola, ¿cómo estás? я (DSc) лекционер) Максимально, чистый КОД на века...

FABERSANITAS SA spain sevilla carmona

Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367