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ing. M.A.C.M. (Martijn) van den Boom martijnvandenboom
Computer Infrastructure Architect ingenieur, docent en mentor

Consultancy Netherlands

David Braz David-Braz
"Programming is the art of turning imagination into reality, byte by byte."

UNIP - Universidade Paulista São Paulo - Brasil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Nick Hartjes nickhartjes

Nick Hartjes Aalten, The Netherlands

Cell Lruihao
前端练习生(🤖 @lrhx

@hugo-fixit Shenzhen, China

Fredon patrik-fredon
🚀 Full-stack Developer |🕵️‍♂️ SEO Specialist | 🎨 Graphic Designer | 💼 CEO & Co-Founder - Red Passion Agency - Fredon IT Ventures

Red Passion Agency Czech Republic

patmart PatMart

Pocket Pro Tech Murrieta, CA

杨祖攀 yangzupan

Kunming, Yunnan

Predrag Tasevski stepcellwolf
Cybersecurity & Privacy by Design Advocate | Certified ISO, DPO, and more at Berlin, Germany

Attajak Janrak attajak

Attajak Janrak Trang, Thailand

Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Software Engineer | AWS | NodeJS | TypeScript | Python | C# | Azure | React | FullStack developer | Web Developer | IT Consultant


Shaanxi Caimei on Github

Xian, China

Christian Ditaputratama ditatompel
Just another coding nut and Linux enthusiast from Indonesia.
Fairy Katana telesmi
Per aspera ad astra.


junior IT worker, looking to develop useful skills FR - RU - EN
Lucas Csöregh lucas-csoregh
01100111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 00111011 00101001


Maxwell Jay MaxwellJay256
一只大扑棱蛾子 | Just a large flappy moth

Harbin Institute of Techonology, ShenZhen China

VintageRocknQueen SparrowWhiteElkRaven
Ancestors Blessings Warrior Sister's Lifting Each other up one by one never down side by side we go forward Honoring each other Loving one another always

Digital Medicine United States

TetraTheta TetraTheta
I do stuff because I can (or I need it)

Somewhere out there in the vast nothingness of space

Ed Bates edbzed
Software Engineer | Linux Expert @TechBlip-LLC, [email protected]


David Skinner comaldave
Retired computer system integrator. GO, C++, UniComal, HTML5, CSS4

@davsk @cadc-sac-arkadelphia Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA

Productivix - William Productivix
Develop mobile apps for barcode data-collection scanning, off line + API and back-ends, linked to SQL, sheets, noSQL DB and ERP

Productivix Bourgoin-Jallieu, France

Celestial-Entity stardoom4
A curious Science student.
Ian Smith iansmith
I started coding in 1978. No, really.

[stealth-ish] Atlanta GA

the8woodcutter the8woodcutter
🤔 -- My main interest in python and flask at the moment ----- 🌴 Most of my repositories are forked for my own interest sake or stagnant at this time ⚠️ 🥺


Michael Fisher mfisher31

@kushview Fort Wayne, IN

47 Ronin ronibd0
I am a full-stack Web Developer who has familiarity with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Vue.js, Next.js, Python, Django, Node.js, Git, and MongoDB.

Go Communications BGD

zcl ZhangChengLin
