adonis-backblaze 2.3.16
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @ks-labs/adonis-backblaze@2.3.16
Install via package.json:
"@ks-labs/adonis-backblaze": "2.3.16"
About this version
Adonis BackBlaze Service Provider using backblaze-b2
under the hood.
npm install --save @ks-labs/adonis-backblaze
Make sure to register the provider inside start/app.js
const providers = ['@ks-labs/adonis-backblaze/providers/B2Provider']
That's all! Now you can use the request transformer by importing it from the http context
// To get type definitions working on vscode
/** @type {typeof import('@ks-labs/adonis-backblaze/src/B2Service')} */
const B2Provider = use('AdonisB2')
class UserController {
async index({ request, response, params }) {
const b2ModelInstance = await B2Provider.uploadAndInsertB2File({
bufferToUpload: Buffer.from('test'),
originalName: 'FileName'
The config file is saved as config/b2-provider.js
. Make sure to tweak it as per your needs.
Define B2File model as the example on:
The Database schema also is defined at:
You can manipulate the backblaze entries references like this
/** @type {typeof import('../Models/B2File')} */
const B2File = use('App/Models/B2File')
yes, you can move entire files created from one bucket to another, this can be achieved by calling the following method
- Allready Downloaded files will be skipped if match same SHA-1 from BackBlaze
// migrating from one appkey to another
const migration = await b2Singleton.migrateTokenAndDatabaseNames({
// when true and all files moved with success old files versions will be deleted
deleteOldFiles: true,
// when true and all files moved with success the database entries will be updated with new reference
updateDBModels: true,
from: cfgWithSlashPrefix, // where come from
to: cfgWithoutSlash // where will be moved to
// two configs follows the same schema
const configSchema = {
blazeAppKey: process.env.B2_APP_KEY,
blazeAppKeyID: process.env.B2_APP_KEY_ID,
blazeAppKeyName: process.env.B2_APP_KEY_NAME,
blazeAppKeyPrefix: process.env.B2_APP_KEY_PREFIX
// and will produce something like this
// during migration
[LOG] Total old files to migrate: 3
[LOG] Downloading 1 of 3 old files
[LOG] Downloading 2 of 3 old files
[LOG] Downloading 3 of 3 old files
[LOG] All files downloaded with success
[LOG] Changing to new token and uploading:
[LOG] Uploading remaining 3 of 3 files total
[LOG] Uploading remaining 2 of 3 files total
[LOG] Uploading remaining 1 of 3 files total
[LOG] All files migrated with success
Special thanks to the creator(s) of AdonisJS for creating such a great framework.
The entire file path being used as filename (caused by B2 API)
Instead the backblaze use the file path folder to build the folder structure, it uses the path as the fully file name.
The following upload code :
const entityCreated = await B2Provider.uploadAndInsertB2File({ bufferToUpload: Buffer.from('File Content'), fileName: 'test.txt', pathToFile: 'custom-folder/custom2', originalName: '' })
When generate a filename that sounds like this:
But we need the filename, without the leading forward slash:provider-files/custom-folder/test.txt
Its caused by :
So... the app key allowed prefix specified are
The library parses the leading fowarded slash and all following path, as the filename instead being the folder name.Fix : Remove the leading backslash from
And then when upload some file to backblaze the returned filename will be :