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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Matt Welke mattwelke
Software engineer and open source enthusiast. Working on Kubernetes stuff at Spectro Cloud.

@spectrocloud Toronto

Jerrin Francis jerrinfrancis

SAP Labs India Bangalore, Karnataka

Thiago (Zozô) Ozores zozores
Staff Site Reliability Engineer / Python Enthusiast / Open Source Enthusiast. Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted!

PicPay Indaiatuba, Brazil

Gallardot Gallardot

@apache, @cncf, XPENG Motors Guangzhou, China

omengye omengye
code and freedom
Malik KingLeak95
DevOps Software Engineer playing around and developing whatever I like.
YoungLH kgpp34
Cloud Native | Time Series Analysis | Machine Learning | AIOps

Chinese Financial Future Exchange Pudong, Shanghai

Kishoraditya Chaudhari Kishoraditya
A little bit of everything!

GitcoinDAO Navi Mumbai

Sandro Cícero sandrociceros-orquestra
DevOps & SRE Specialist

Peruíbe, SP, Brasil

Pragnyasu Sethi PragnyasuSethi
I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Institute of Technical Education and Research (ITER).

Bhubaneswar, Odisha, INDIA

石兵 shibing

美团网 北京

Sundar OK sundarok

Guidewire Software


Guidewire Software San Mateo, CA, USA

Larry Owen scrudge

@guidewire Birmingham, AL

Krishnan K M krishnankm

Guidewire Software Bengaluru

Finsen Varghese fvarg00

Guidewire Software Inc San Francisco

Prakash mailprak

Guidewire Software Bangalore

James Dobson jamesdobson

Guidewire Software Toronto, ON, Canada

Anoop Gopalakrishnan anoop2811
Open source junkie. Part of @kubevela @oam-dev

Guidewire Software San Francisco

ANURAG RISHI anurag2907


大斌 lihbt0527
my name is david,living in beijing,china.
Allen Galler allengaller
sre @ alibaba cloud

alibaba cloud Shenzhen, China

Someday i'll be just like You!


zhazhatian xuebatian
what is the meaning of life

meituan china

victor immanuel victorchrollo14
Full stack and devops engineer. Like building cool stuff.


Nezihe Sözen NeziheSozen
I'm working from home 🏘️ , live in the farm 🌱🐐 🦆🐣🌻🚜.

Open to Work (Remote Only)

Jeff McCune jeffmccune
Principal & Founder, @openinfrastructure Offering cloud infrastructure design, architecture and implementation services.

Open Infrastructure Services, LLC Portland, OR