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Elias Krontiris teliaz

@globalwebindex Athens, Greece

Ilya Sibirskiy diydude
brand new developer


Eugenio Marzo lucky-sideburn
Senior Execution Manager - Area DevOps and Cloud Native Infrastructures @ Sourcesense

@sourcesense Rome

Manuel Bichler Manubi
Interested in the future.


Giga GigaTommy
Be positive!
Christopher F Volante christopherfvolante
evolutionary anthropologist ➡️ traded commodities ➡️ wrote software ➡️ former banking director
zoey zoedsoupe
Software bricklayer and Computer Science student and of course, a great cook

@cloudwalk Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil

Elyr1c woshilaixuex
You're right, but Rust is a ..., forgotten in front, forgotten in the middle, forgotten in the back


Jeremiah Watts jfwatts
I talk to computers

Nashville, TN

Eric Brown ericwb

Secure Sauce Oakland, CA

Matthew DeMichele mdemichele
Software Engineer from Maui, HI. Currently living in Phoenix.

Phoenix, AZ


AKGD Internet

h7x4 h7x4
@NixOS contributor, active in intervals

@Programvareverkstedet Norway

ELIAS EMPRESAS eliasempresasBot
Olá aqui é as Elias Empresas

@eliasempresas @ELIAS-EMPRESAS Macatuba, São Paulo, Brasil



Santiago Z Zayver
Systems engineer
Shake Dewan ShekharDewan
AI Expert

Toronto, ON

Kishore kishore-rbyte
Cyber security and Web3 enthusiast #Blockchain #cybersecurity


taddymason kingl0w
Comparison is the thief of joy