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João GhostPython297
Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.


titus titusio
Computer Science Student interested in game development and selfhosting


Nourredine nourredine1981

Nourredine Healthcare Brienne Le Chateau Brienne le Chateau

Phạm Võ Quang Minh qmi03
A music nerd trying to keep his head above water

vancouver, bc

Peter Bachman peterjbachman
Data Scientist

Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis

Brian Rodriguez brianrodri
I love code and art 🙃

New York, NY

Orion Protonentis orionp

@omnigroup Seattle, WA

Zak RayShonami
Software Engineer
shemraz shemraz
PhD student in Archaeology at the University of Oxford. I research urban craft traditions of the Upper Indus region. Love programming & digital humanities!

Treasure Not Found Oxford, UK

joshua! skttlock
am real person like helping others getting used to this whole "computer" and "technology" thing

Oregon State University - Cascades

Nick Chow wohckcin

Christopher Arranz CA-Arranz
interests: programming, AI, full stack Web Development,Web accessibility, engineering, mechanics, Biochemistry, science. Qualified Boilermaker by Trade.

Arranz Welding Australia,Victoria

Ariel arielmang
Hi, I'm a law student focused on the development of new auxiliaries technologies in the legal ambit.

Boa vista, Roraima, Brasil

Lisandra Mara-Li
Just a hobbyist developer!

Lyon (France)

Jack Bodine jackbodine
Watch me commit a Java felony.

Grad Student / ML Engineer Copenhagen

A S H⚡ ashwinjadhav818
Hey there, I am a full-stack web developer since 2020. I love to make websites and to keep learning and experimenting with new technologies.


Joffrey Write


Ahmed Mudasir viaahmed
Student of Commerce, Management plus a Web Development Enthusiast. Always on look for innovations...

@ViaAhmedCo India