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FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Zhuo Zhang ZhangZhuoSJTU

Purdue University West Lafayette

Anastasia Martucci ananaaspelirroja
BSc student in Computer Engineering at Università della Calabria

Università della Calabria Cosenza, Italy

Glomzzz Glomzzz
Maybe Amadeus.

Senior high school Kuala Lumpur

Victor Padurean Vicondrus
PhD Student at MPI

Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Ziyang Li Liby99
No Code No Life | Ph.D Student in UPenn CIS

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Yuri Jean Fabris blocknomad

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Brian Dolan buddha314

@VerdantAI Los Angeles, CA

Lorenzo Loconte loreloc
PhD Student @ University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK

Kotbi Abderrahmane abdorah
Software development engineer at @aws

AWS Morocco

Jason Liu GeneralPoxter
CS @ Penn

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Charles Wang aczw
computer graphics, penngineering²⁶

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

awxlong awxlong
Junior researcher interested in AI for biomedical problems


Lauren DeLong laurendelong21
Neurosymbolic AI for Biomedical Applications. PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications at the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh School of Informatics Edinburgh, Scotland

Ying Sheng Ying1123
Large Language Models, Machine Learning Systems, Formal Verification, Automated Reasoning.
RWL ricklentz
Machine Learning Data Scientist

Monterey, California

Fangkai Jiao SparkJiao
Ph.D. candidate at Nanyang Technological University and Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore. #NLP

NTU-NLP & I2R, A*STAR, Singapore Sinagpore

Nicola Onofri nicoprocessor
Laravel enthusiast. Frontend is hard. Visual arts, generative design

Invisiblefarm S.r.l. Brescia, Italia

Alex Espinoza aespinoza
Software Engineer; iKnode founder; Passionate about Cloud Computing, Emacs and Science.

Structum, Inc. San Diego, CA

Michael Mauderer MichaelMauderer
Occasional pixel maker and code creator.


Nicolas Lassaux nlassaux
Co-Founder at @hellodata-ai. {ML, Front, Backend, Data} Engineer. Operational Researcher. Previously @enodoscore @WalkerDunlop

Hello Data, Inc Amsterdam, NL

Mark Thomas Marcantano markthom-as

Opertus Systems San Francisco, California

Pascal Brandt psbrandt
Digital Health Hacker & Researcher
Liam Gray LiamDGray
Generalist: Analyst, developer, engineer, maker, programmer, and writer.

Liam Gray Software Labs Tucson, Arizona, USA

jarbus jarbus
if i had more time i would have written a shorter program
Shayon dit7ya

Shores of Inifinity