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Chavaughn D. Porter facefamousee
My name is Chavaughn Dave Porter. I'm an advocate for code indexing.
Mahafuj Hossain MAHAFUJ
Navigating AI Horizons

BRAC University Dhaka

Ashay ashaydave
Audio stuff

University of Miami Salt Lake City

Loreto Parisi loretoparisi
MSc Computer Engineering, running @musixmatchresearch Artificial Intelligence Engineering Director at @musixmatch

@Musixmatchdev Italy, Bologna

sergio marchesini smarques
Coder / Musician / Composer
Ademilson ademilsonfp

Uberlândia-MG, Brazil

Brian Roach itsbrex
Managing Director @ Savills US ♥️ #TeamRoach

Savills San Diego

Amantur Amatov amanteur
Deep Learning for Music Information Retrieval, Audio Processing (and life)

Kits.AI Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Zeyu Xiong BILLXZY1215
PhD student @ ETH Zurich.

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

3DJ ThreeDeeJay
Stereo 3D enthusiast and spaghetti coder. Check out: Contact:

Binaural Audio Third dimension

Daniel Rasmussen drGeoBN

Bonnier News Västerås

Cinemachina Cinemachina

Cinemachina Productions

ZR Han happyTonakai
Student. Plz give me $!

Student 701 7th St NW, Washington, DC

Alxy Savin xsa-dev
Mutation... 🌪️
kweiwen kweiwen
Son of a MD, husband, engineer, and audiophile. I ⛏️ DSP, music, and neural networks!

Li Auto Taipei, Taiwan

Kiren Srinivasan srinitude

@fantasymetals New York, NY

Atsuya Kobayashi atsukoba
Musical Human Computer Interaction / Computational Creativity

Sony Tokyo

Carl Thomé carlthome
Music ML, audio data, self-supervised learning, differentiable programming

Stockholm, Sweden

Holger hlgrprng / / SH / Berlin / Hamburg

Steven Hastings stevenhastings
Let's tell our stories and query our problems. Then let's Git to the issues. class OpenSourcerers :

Mid-West Can Apps Traverse City

Thomas Mayer residuum
Due to Github's determination to be "The world’s leading AI-powered developer platform" I will move my projects to codeberg.


Kris Pritchard krp

@kris-classes Auckland, New Zealand

Marcelo Alvim malvim

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Miguel de Sousa miguelfs
Electronics and Computer Engineer - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. ML Engineer @ Fu2re

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil