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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Oybek Kayumov OybekKayumov
Full-Stack Developer| HTML&CSS | JavaScript | React | Redux | Ruby | Ruby on Rails | SQL | Java |

Microverse Uzbekistan

0xSimulacra 0xsimulacra
Solertia deest (nunc fere acquisita), sed vincit qui patitur; dum spiro, spero.


Frederick alonzo-olum
Java, Python, Golang, Elixir, C++. I am a huge proponent of software embracing code sense. I am more of a versatile engineer. I value Continuous Improvement.
张先森-加勒比海带 zhangzhenzpt123


Rahul Patil prahulk46a
Java | Spring Boot Developer | Building Scalable Backend Systems | Learning React & Next.js | Redis, Kafka, & RESTful APIs

Pune, Maharashtra

Ravindra Vairagi vaishnavravi33
FullStack Developer. Expert in JQuery, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular, ASP.NET, CSharp and SQL. Intermediate in Cross Plateform Application Development.


Vuong Le lequocvuong
Senior Engineer - BIDV Bank

BIDV Bank Việt nam

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

胡睿毅 huruiyi
Happy Codings

TBK 上海

Harry Adel harryadel
Email: window.atob("aGFycnlhZGVsYkBnbWFpbC5jb20=")

Cairo, Egypt

bilge öz bilgeoz
Software Development Manager Istanbul

mengmiao mengsongshan
master easyui, jquery, spring serial
OctoZeus octo8ight
I'm a programming polyglot. I love my career as a software engineer very much.
David Riad DavidMagdyNawar

Android developer - Software Engineer Munich


Alipay Hangzhou, China

holmofy holmofy
Learning rust...


Gkoran Stoilkovits maxbyz
Gkoran Stoilkovits-Visual Artist who make paintings, sculptures, byzantine icons, printmaking. Enthusiastic about coding and self-taught, amateur programmer 😊

Atelier Stoilkovits Porto Heli, GREECE

Bertuğ Fahri ÖZER bertugfahriozer

@ci4-cms-erp Balıkesir, Turkey

littswa lit-tsa
I am an intermediate web developer


Chen, Hui-Min chenhuimin
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Petrus Matiros petrusmatiros
Innovating with a ^-^


Chakib DAII Chakib-DAII
Tunisian Software Engineer, Java enthusiast.


wangxiang4 wangxiang4
I'm just a useless person In coding, solitude is our loyal companion. As we delve into code, we embark on a solitary journey through the digital realm

dolphinjs Hengyang Hunan

Kai udbmnm

undefined China

Md. Sumon Islam sumonst21
Full-Time Freelancer. Focuses on Full-Stack Web Development & DevOps. Makes Websites/APIs, Progressive Web Apps, Hybrid Apps. Likes to automate things.

Self-Employed Dhaka

Firas Rg fregayeg

IGA Tunisie Tunis, Tunisia

@tweeger tweeger

Guang-Yi Network Xi'an, China