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Victor Victor7545

Victor Incorporation France

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Samz samzwiches
I'm a mom, an equestrian, a veritable fount of knowledge when it comes to all things "Supernatural", Kodi, or pop culture related.

China Beijing

Vic O oferonmi


Andre Serralheiro serral


Casper onenonlycasper
just a simple geek, gaming enthusiast, and tech enthusiast...

TECH service & support LLC --and-- Ghost Grafix design San Diego, CA

Daniel Carralero Benito DanielCB12
Administrador en sistemas microinformaticos en red
MH Shifat jspw
Love to learn core & fundamental concepts, think & write code, accept challenges, solve real world problems with cutting edge technologies.


Alexander Zizzo elzii
Creative Technologist - Tools Infra & Prototypes.


MD. ABDUR RAHMAN fahad-15pro
Passionate developer with a focus on C++, Python, JavaScript. I love solving complex problems.


beetlebum graficaindipendente
Sarei un Progettista Grafico Editoriale, ma per ora sono un Prestampatore.

Alessandro Piovan Padua Italy

Omar López zomars
Keeping the @calcom ship sailing

Lead Software Engineer IC4 @calcom Culiacán, Mexico

Attajak Janrak attajak

Attajak Janrak Trang, Thailand

Nate GreatNateDev
Beating every Pokémon game before ZA and working on Pokemon Battle-Mode!

None Texas

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing