If you have questions, comments or want to contribute to this temporary page, please open an issue or pull request at [{{ site.github.repository_url }}]({{ site.github.issues_url }}).
Most of the manuals linked below should probably be rewritten in [Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/) to be rendered by [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/). Contributions to the [documentation](https://docs.orocos.org) are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request to https://github.com/orocos/orocos-docs if you feel that something is missing or needs to be clarified.The Orocos Toolchain is your primary tool to create real-time robotics applications using modular, run-time configurable software components.
It provides:
- Multi-platform support: Linux, Windows (Visual Studio) and Mac OS X
- Extensions to other robotics frameworks: ROS, Rock, Yarp
- Code generators to transfer user-defined data between distributed components
- Run-time & real-time configurable and scriptable components
- Logging and reporting of system events and communicated data
It consists of:
- AutoProj, A tool to download and compile the necessary libraries (optional)
- The Real-Time Toolkit, a component framework that allows us to write real-time components in C++
- The Orocos Component Library, the necessary components to start an application and interact with it at run-time
- OroGen and TypeGen, tools to generate ready-to-compile-and-run code from existing headers or component description files
Components built by users of Orocos are hosted in their own repositories.
Binary builds are currently only available for Linux through ROS.
- The Orocos Toolchain, consisting of...
- Orocos Real-Time Toolkit (RTT)
- Orocos Component Library (OCL)
- OroGen
- ... and some of their dependencies.
- Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL)
- Orocos Bayesian Filtering Library (BFL)
For ROS users:
- [RTT API Reference](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/api/html/index.html)
- [OCL API Reference](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/api/html/index.html)
- [OROCOS Cheat Sheet](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos_cheat_sheet.pdf)
- [RTT Cheat Sheet](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/rtt_cheat_sheet.pdf)
- [Installing the RTT](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-installation.html) ([pdf](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-installation.pdf))
- [Component Builder's Manual](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-components-manual.html) ([pdf](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-components-manual.pdf))
- Building Components using oroGen
- [Orocos plugins](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-rtt-plugins.html) ([pdf](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-rtt-plugins.pdf))
- [Orocos typekits](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-typekit-plugin.html) ([pdf](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-typekit-plugin.pdf))
- Building Typekits using typegen
- [Orocos TaskBrowser](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-taskbrowser.html) ([pdf](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-taskbrowser.pdf))
- [Orocos Deployment](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-deployment.html) ([pdf](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-deployment.pdf))
- [Orocos Reporting](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-reporting.html) ([pdf](ocl/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-reporting.pdf))
- [Orocos CORBA Transport](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-transports-corba.html) ([pdf](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-transports-corba.pdf))
- [Orocos Message Queue Transport](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-transports-mqueue.html) ([pdf](rtt/{{ site.data.releases[0].doc_branch }}/xml/orocos-transports-mqueue.pdf))
- The RTT-Lua Cookbook