go get github.com/peterldowns/pgtestdb/migrators/goosemigrator@latest
goosemigrator provides migrators that can be used out of the box with projects that use pressly/goose for migrations.
Currently only SQL migrations are supported, and can be read from a directory on disk or from an embedded filesystem. Golang-defined migrations are not supported by default.
You can configure the migrations directory, the table name, and the filesystem being used. Here's an example:
func TestGooseMigratorFromDisk(t *testing.T) {
m := goosemigrator.New("migrations")
db := pgtestdb.New(t, pgtestdb.Config{
DriverName: "pgx",
Host: "localhost",
User: "postgres",
Password: "password",
Port: "5433",
Options: "sslmode=disable",
}, m)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, db)
//go:embed migrations/*.sql
var exampleFS embed.FS
func TestGooseMigratorFromFS(t *testing.T) {
gm := goosemigrator.New(
db := pgtestdb.New(t, pgtestdb.Config{
DriverName: "pgx",
Host: "localhost",
User: "postgres",
Password: "password",
Port: "5433",
Options: "sslmode=disable",
}, gm)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, db)