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Overview {#overview .unnumbered}

Data Science and Big Data Analytics are exciting new areas that combine scientific inquiry, statistical knowledge, substantive expertise, and computer programming. One of the main challenges for businesses and policy makers when using big data is to find people with the appropriate skills. Good data science requires experts that combine substantive knowledge with data analytical skills, which makes it a prime area for social scientists with an interest in quantitative methods. This course integrates prior training in quantitative methods (statistics) and coding with substantive expertise and introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of Data Science and Big Data Analytics.

Typical students will be Masters and PhD students from any field requiring the fundamentals of data science or working with typically large datasets and databases. Practitioners from industry, government, or research organisations with some basic training in quantitative analysis or computer programming are also welcome. Because this course surveys diverse techniques and methods, it makes an ideal foundation for more advanced or more specific training. Our applications are drawn from social, political, economic, legal, and business and marketing fields, rather than engineering or other sciences.

Objectives {#objectives .unnumbered}

This course aims to provide an introduction to the data science approach to the quantitative analysis of data using the methods of statistical learning, an approach blending classical statistical methods with recent advances in computational and machine learning. We will cover the main analytical methods from this field with hands-on applications using example datasets, so that students gain experience with and confidence in using the methods we cover. We also cover data preparation and processing, including working with structured databases, key-value formatted data (JSON), and unstructured textual data. At the end of this course students will have a sound understanding of the field of data science, the ability to analyse data using some of its main methods, and a solid foundation for more advanced or more specialised study.

The course will be delivered as a series of morning lectures, followed by lab sessions in the afternoon where students will apply the lessons in a series of instructor-guided exercises using data provided as part of the exercises. The course will cover the following topics:

  • an overview of data science and the challenge of working with big data using statistical methods

  • how to integrate the insights from data analytics into knowledge generation and decision-making

  • how to acquire data, both structured and unstructured, and to process it, store it, and convert it into a format suitable for analysis

  • the basics of statistical inference including probability and probability distributions, modelling, experimental design

  • an overview of classification methods and related methods for assessing model fit and cross-validating predictive models

  • supervised learning approaches, including linear and logistic regression, decision trees, and naive Bayes

  • unsupervised learning approaches, including clustering, association rules, and principal components analysis

  • quantitative methods of text analysis, including mining social media and other online resources

  • social network analysis, covering the basics of social graph data and analysing social networks data visualisation through a variety of graphs.

Prerequisites {#prerequisites .unnumbered}

An introduction to quantitative methods at any level would serve as a very useful foundation for this course, although no formal prerequisites are required. Familiarity with computer programming or database structures is a benefit, but not formally required.

Preparing before the course {#preparing-before-the-course .unnumbered}

We strongly recommend you spend some of July and August before the course reading some of the following materials:

Important Specifics {#important-specifics .unnumbered}

Computer Software {#computer-software .unnumbered}

Computer-based exercises will feature prominently in the course, especially in the lab sessions. The use of all software tools will be explained in the sessions, including how to download and install them. This year we will be working primarily in R, using the package.

Main Texts {#main-texts .unnumbered}

The primary texts are:

  • James et al. (2013) An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With applications in R. Springer.

  • Zumel, N. and Mount, J. (2014). Practical Data Science with R. Manning Publications.

The following are supplemental texts which you may also find useful:

  • Lantz, B. (2013). Machine Learning with R. Packt Publishing.

  • Conway, D. and White, J. (2012) Machine Learning for Hackers . O’Reilly Media.

  • Leskovec, J., Rajaraman, A. and Ullman, J. (2011). Mining of Massive Datasets . Cambridge University Press.

  • Zafarani, R., Abbasi, M. A. and Liu, H. (2014) Social Media Mining: An introduction . Cambridge University Press.

Instructors {#instructors .unnumbered}

Kenneth Benoit is Professor of Quantitative Social Research Methods at the Department of Methodology, LSE. With a background in political science, his substantive work focuses on political party competition, political measurement issues, and electoral systems. His research and teaching is primarily in the field of social science statistical applications. His recent work concerns the quantitative analysis of text as data, for which he has developed a package for the R statistical software.

Dr. Slava Mikhaylov is a Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods at UCL and has been teaching quantitative methods at UCL Political Science department for the last five years. He’s currently involved in an ESRC Big Data infrastructure investment initiative – Consumer Data Research Centre at UCL. One of Slava’s responsibilities in the Centre is development and provision of big data analytics training for academic and professional community (data users). In addition Slava Mikhaylov is deputy director of UCL Q-Step Centre, an ESRC-funded initiative to promote quantitative methods.

Dr. Paul Nulty will serve as the lab assistant for this course.

Short Course Schedule {#short-course-schedule .unnumbered}


llp3.5cmp9cm Day & Date & Topic(s) & Details\

Mon & 17 Aug & Course overview and introduction to data science & We will use this session to get to know the range of interests and experience students bring to the class, as well as to survey the approaches to be covered. We will also discuss and demonstrate the R software.\

Tue & 18 Aug & Research design issues in data science & Sampling, causal inference from observational data, differences with experimental settings, features. variables. Basic probability and statistics, binomial and Normal distributions. Cross-validation, predictive accuracy versus marginal effects. Model selection.\

Wed & 19 Aug & Linear Regression & The basic linear regression model, with a focus on prediction.\

Thu & 20 Aug & Generalized linear regression & Logistic regression, GAMs.\

Fri & 21 Aug & Resampling methods & Cross-validation, bootstrap.\

Mon & 24 Aug & Association rules and clustering & Cluster analysis, k-means clustering, and hierarchical clustering\

Tue & 25 Aug & Machine Learning & Decision trees, k-Nearest Neighbour, Naive Bayes. Evaluation metrics, precision and recall, cross-validation.\

Wed & 26 Aug & Unsupervised learning and dimensional reduction. & Principal components analysis, correspondence analysis.\

Thu & 27 Aug & Text analysis & Working with text in R, sentiment analysis, dictionary methods.\

Fri & 28 Aug & Mining the Social Web & Working with the Twitter API, Facebook API, JSON data, and examples.\

Detailed Course Schedule {#detailed-course-schedule .unnumbered}

Monday, August 17: Overview and introduction to data science [KB, SM] {#monday-august-17-overview-and-introduction-to-data-science-kb-sm .unnumbered}

We will use this session to get to know the range of interests and experience students bring to the class, as well as to survey the approaches to be covered. We will also discuss and demonstrate the R software.

Required Reading: {#required-reading .unnumbered}

Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading .unnumbered}

Exercise 1: Getting started with R and RMarkdown. {#exercise-1-getting-started-with-r-and-rmarkdown. .unnumbered}

This and subsequent exercises can be found from the .

Tuesday, August 18: Research design issues in data science [SM, KB] {#tuesday-august-18-research-design-issues-in-data-science-sm-kb .unnumbered}

This session will cover the topics of sampling, causal inference from observational data, differences with experimental settings, features, variables. We will discuss fundamental concepts of probability and statistics. This session will also introduce the topics of cross-validation, predictive accuracy versus marginal effects, and model selection.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-1 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapter 1-2.

  • Zumel and Mount, Chapters 2-3.

Exercise 2: TBA {#exercise-2-tba .unnumbered}

Wednesday, August 19: Linear Regression [SM] {#wednesday-august-19-linear-regression-sm .unnumbered}

This session will cover the basic linear regression model, with a focus on prediction.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-2 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapter 3.

  • Zumel and Mount, Chapter 7.1.

Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading-1 .unnumbered}

  • Lantz, Chapter 6

Exercise 3: TBA {#exercise-3-tba .unnumbered}

Thursday, August 20: Generalized Linear Regression [SM] {#thursday-august-20-generalized-linear-regression-sm .unnumbered}

This session will cover logistic regression, generalized additive models (GAMs).

Required Reading: {#required-reading-3 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapters 4, 7.6–7.7.

  • Zumel and Mount, Chapter 7.2.

Exercise 4: TBA {#exercise-4-tba .unnumbered}

Friday, August 21: Resampling methods [SM] {#friday-august-21-resampling-methods-sm .unnumbered}

This session will introduce resampling methods. We will cover cross-validation and bootstrapping.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-4 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapter 5.

  • Zumel and Mount, Chapters 5-6.

Exercise 5: TBA {#exercise-5-tba .unnumbered}

Monday, August 24: Association rules and clustering [KB] {#monday-august-24-association-rules-and-clustering-kb .unnumbered}

This session will cover cluster analysis, k-means clustering, and hierarchical clustering.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-5 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapter 10.3

  • Zumel and Mount, Chapter 8

Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading-2 .unnumbered}

Lantz, Chapter 8

Exercise 6: TBA {#exercise-6-tba .unnumbered}

Tuesday, August 25: Machine Learning [KB] {#tuesday-august-25-machine-learning-kb .unnumbered}

This session will cover decision trees, k-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes. We will also explore evaluation metrics, precision and recall, and cross-validation.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-6 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapter 8

  • Zumel and Mount, Chapter 5

Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading-3 .unnumbered}

  • Lantz, Chapter 10

Exercise 7: TBA {#exercise-7-tba .unnumbered}

Wednesday, August 26: Unsupervised learning and dimensional reduction [KB] {#wednesday-august-26-unsupervised-learning-and-dimensional-reduction-kb .unnumbered}

This session will cover principal components analysis, correspondence analysis.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-7 .unnumbered}

  • James et al. Chapter 10.1–10.2

Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading-4 .unnumbered}


Exercise 8: TBA {#exercise-8-tba .unnumbered}

Thursday, August 27: Text analysis [KB] {#thursday-august-27-text-analysis-kb .unnumbered}

This session will cover working with text as data in R, sentiment analysis, dictionary methods.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-8 .unnumbered}

  • Grimmer, J, and B M Stewart. 2013. “Text as Data: the Promise and Pitfalls of Automatic Content Analysis Methods for Political Texts.” Political Analysis

  • Benoit, Kenneth and Alexander Herzog. In press. “.” In Analytics, Policy and Governance, eds. Jennifer Bachner, Kathyrn Wagner Hill, and Benjamin Ginsberg. 21(3): 267–97.

Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading-5 .unnumbered}


Exercise 9: Analysing text using the {#exercise-9-analysing-text-using-the .unnumbered}

Friday, August 28: Mining the Social Web [KB, SM] {#friday-august-28-mining-the-social-web-kb-sm .unnumbered}

This session will cover working with the Twitter API, Facebook API, JSON data.

Required Reading: {#required-reading-9 .unnumbered}


Recommended Reading: {#recommended-reading-6 .unnumbered}


Exercise 10: Working with Twitter data {#exercise-10-working-with-twitter-data .unnumbered}