diff --git a/scripts/integration-test b/scripts/integration-test index 43da3e32c..0909d64a7 100755 --- a/scripts/integration-test +++ b/scripts/integration-test @@ -13,10 +13,16 @@ entrypoint.sh >./rancher.log 2>&1 & RANCHER_PID=$! echo "Waiting for Rancher health check..." +RETRIES=0 while ! curl -sf http://localhost:80/healthz >/dev/null 2>&1; do - echo "Waiting for Rancher's /healthz endpoint to become available" + ((RETRIES++)) + if (( RETRIES > 300 )) ; then + echo "Timed out waiting for Rancher to restart" + fi + echo -n '.' sleep 2 done +echo '' # Tail the rancher logs if rancher fails to deploy the webhook after 5 minutes. bash -c "sleep 300 && echo 'Rancher has not deployed webhook after 5m tailing logs' && tail -f ./rancher.log" &