These last days were so busy and I couldn't have time to post here, but let's do it. Some days ago I saw a presentation about a passion in your life What would you present if it would be you the presenter? I started thinking about it and friend of mine told me I would talk about my habits and healthy routine. And maybe he is right! I love to do it!
A simple check icon using only CSS.
// Stylus
display inline-block
border solid 1px #3b9bfc
width 40px
height 40px
border-radius 50%
margin 0 auto 20px
position relative
content ''
position absolute
left 50%
top 50%
transform translateY(-65%) translateX(-50%) rotate(45deg)
width 12px
height 20px
border solid 1px #3b9bfc
border-left none
border-top none
"The death of a dream is the day that you stop believing in the work it takes to get there." - Chris Burkmenn
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