All tests run in a 2017 MacBook Pro 13" with 16GB of RAM, NVME storage and AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.3+7. All tests had a max heap setting (-xmx) of only 64MB.
Benchmark (bufferSizeInBytes) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
TieredOutputStreamBenchmark.measureWriteSpeed 32768 thrpt 5 287.772 ± 7.186 ops/s
TieredOutputStreamBenchmark.measureWriteSpeed 65536 thrpt 5 286.988 ± 4.344 ops/s
TieredOutputStreamBenchmark.measureWriteSpeed 524288 thrpt 5 279.139 ± 15.712 ops/s
Benchmark (payloadInMB) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedBuffered 1 thrpt 5 358.403 ± 31.985 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedBuffered 10 thrpt 5 53.325 ± 15.884 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedBuffered 100 thrpt 5 3.577 ± 0.248 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedFileChannel 1 thrpt 5 735.931 ± 443.320 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedFileChannel 10 thrpt 5 82.976 ± 24.444 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedFileChannel 100 thrpt 5 8.411 ± 0.552 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedFileChannelTransferTo 1 thrpt 5 101.764 ± 4.472 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedFileChannelTransferTo 10 thrpt 5 33.406 ± 0.941 ops/s
FileBenchmark.measureWriteSpeedFileChannelTransferTo 100 thrpt 5 4.680 ± 0.820 ops/s
Benchmark (payloadSizeInMB) Mode Cnt Score Error Units 1 thrpt 5 228.160 ± 10.942 ops/s 5 thrpt 5 45.235 ± 2.502 ops/s 10 thrpt 5 22.179 ± 3.523 ops/s 100 thrpt 5 2.258 ± 1.674 ops/s