Releases: riatelab/magrit
New functionality to select numerator / denominator for smoothed maps (Fixes #135).
Add options for choosing whether or not to display the confidence interval around the linear regression line and, if so, its color.
Improves import of CSV files:
- by removing "NA" values from numerical columns and replacing them with null values,
- by removing any empty lines at the end of the file.
Add a new entry in the left menu to change the scale and translate attributes of the map.
Add a vertical scroll bar in the layer manager (rather than on the whole left menu) for when a project contains many layers.
Add an example dataset “Countries of the world” with various statistical data (from the World Bank, the United Nations and Wikipedia), thanks to @rysebaert.
Add the ability to choose text color and other font settings for scale bars.
Add the ability to choose the color of the north arrow (in its “simple” style only).
Add functionality to display the mean, median and population on the histogram displayed on the map for choropleth representations.
New example datasets added by @rysebaert:
- Municipalities of Metropolitan France,
- Municipalities of Metropolitan France + overseas regions,
- Municipalities of Metropolitan France + overseas regions in inserts (to enable easy representation of mainland France + overseas regions in the same map).
Fix bug with mean & standard deviation classification method (when the average is requested to be a class limit). Fixed upstream in mthh/statsbreaks.
Enable displaying population (rug plot) on the classification plot of the classification panel.
Improves the color of the box plot (especially when using the dark theme) in the classification panel.
Changed the links to the old version of Magrit in the documentation.
This is a complete overhaul of the application (in terms of both architecture and user interface). The exact list of changes is too long to be explicitly listed here, but here are a few highlights:
- New user interface (dark theme, etc.)
- New architecture (use of Solid.js, no more Python server: all operations are performed in the browser)
- New functionalities (aggregation, selection, simplification, KDE, linear regression, etc.)
- The ability to download a stand-alone version of the application (without needing an Internet connection to use it)
The features of the previous version of Magrit are still available (the various portrayal types, PNG / SVG export, project file export, etc.).
See it in action: