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Mystikos samples

Prerequsites to run samples

Follow the installation guide to set up prerequsites for the samples.

Download the Mystikos package from GitHub and set up the path as described in the documentation or build Mystikos from source and install the package.

Common SGX Sample Information

Each sample has a Makefile. Build and run each sample by issuing a make command:

make run

Developer Workflow

It is recommended that you understand the developer workflow for Mystikos by reading the documentation.

SGX execution targets

The samples below demonstate how to run Mystikos samples using the SGX execution target. To learn more about the SGX execution target, please refer to the documentation for the targets.


The following samples demonstate how Mystikos can be used to run applications in SGX.

  • Helloworld Demonstates how to build and run the simples C application in Mystikos. Takes the developer through the steps of build a cpio application, an ext2 application, signing and packaging.

  • docker_aks Demonstrates how to run a Mystikos application from within a docker container either locally or in Azure Kubernetes Service.

  • TEE Aware applications

    • gencreds Shows an advanced developer how to write a TEE aware sample in C that can get a self signed certificate which can be used for attested_tls.
    • dotnet Shows a developer how to get started with .NET applications for Mystikos. It also shows how a .NET application can retrieve TEE credentials for use.
  • java_hello_world Demonstrates how to build and run a Java application.

  • Pytorch and ONNX infrence Demonstrates how to convert a Dockerfile into a root file system that can be run in Mystikos. Can run both a pytorch and an ONNX inference application. The sample is written in Python.

  • RUST Demonstrates running a RUST application.

  • Tensorflow_lite Demonstrates running a Tensorflow Lite application.The sample is written in Python.