Firstly thanks for taking the time to take an interest in my project.
All the repos i build start as an idea that i think could be cool and/or useful and i want to share with all you amazing people out there so not only can they be utilised but to see how my idea can be taken and grow from a cool idea into something absolutely awesome.
I see my repos as a way to connect with like minded people who i can then collaborate and learn from and hopefully pass some of my knowledge on to them.
So again in advance thank you, you all rock!! 🤘😎🤘
I wrote these guidelines to help us to communicate effectively to ensure contributions can be successfully integrated in and issues are fixed as quick as possible. The guide is divided into two main pieces:
- Filing a bug report or feature request in an issue.
- Suggesting a change via a pull request.
For guidance on how to contribute to github projects please read How to Contribute to Open Source
The console command handler was an idea i had to help me build more intuative console apps I have done this buy build and extendable console handler that will listen for and execute commands supplied in groups to the handler using my academic style project ObjectForest you can nest levels of command groups.
I want to be able to fix issues as quickly as possible so ive writen a few guidelines to follow
- Check it doesn't already exist
as much as i appreciate you letting me know it can cause me extra confusion and time trying to reproduce fixed bugs you can check for existing bugs here
- Make sure I know how to reproduce it.
As developers we all know how clients and non devlopers like to think we are mind readers Don't be one of those people
- Try to be concise
The more precise detail the better but i am a tldr; kinda guy
- Report that bug.
To contribute follow these steps:
- Create a branch in git and make your changes.
- Push branch to github and issue pull request (PR).
- Discuss the pull request.
- Iterate until either we accept the PR or decide that it's not a good fit.
Pull requests will be evaluated against the a checklist:
Motivation. Your pull request should clearly and concisely motivates the need for change. Plesae describe the problem your PR addresses and show how your pull request solves it as concisely as possible.
Also include this motivation in
so that when a new release of comes out it's easy for users to see what's changed. Add your item at the top of the file and use markdown for formatting. The news item should end with(@yourGithubUsername, #the_issue_number)
. -
Only related changes. Before you submit your pull request, please check to make sure that you haven't accidentally included any unrelated changes. If you submit multiple changes please make sure to create multiple branches. If you have multiple changes that depend on each other, start with the first one and don't submit any others until the first one has been processed.
If you're adding new parameters or a new function, please also need to document them.
Starting out on github was all new to me so creating this document was an unknown but I found a great example that i used as a template from SmartML so i wanted to thank the guys there for the inspiration and also quote part of their document for anyone like me:
"This seems like a lot of work but don't worry if your pull request isn't perfect. It's a learning process. A pull request is a process, and unless you've submitted a few in the past it's unlikely that your pull request will be accepted as is."
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
I look forward to hearing from you even if its just to say hi 😃