#Rock, Paper, Scissors Game:
This Python script implements a Rock, Paper, Scissors game with a graphical user interface using the Tkinter library. The game consists of two windows: an introduction window and the main game window. In the introduction window, players can choose to start the game or exit. Once started, the game window displays buttons for Rock, Paper, and Scissors, allowing the player to make a move. The computer randomly generates its move, and the result of the game is displayed.
#Instructions :
Ensure you have Python installed on your system. Install required libraries by running following command: pip install Pillow
script_name.py: The main Python script for the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. rock.jpg, paper.jpg, scissor.jpg, etc.: Image files used for displaying Rock, Paper, and Scissors choices.
--Python 3.x --Tkinter library --Pillow library (for image handling)
--The game uses Tkinter for creating the graphical user interface. --Image files for Rock, Paper, and Scissors are required for visual representation.
#Author Sivanesh R