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File metadata and controls

621 lines (526 loc) · 29.7 KB


PyPI pdm-managed status Supported Python versions

quill is the "driver" for, and packaged on PyPi as ql.

A more detailed description of the package namespace can be found below, but for everyday usage the commands needed are:

import quill as ql
ql.ssm.check_manifest() # Check all component repos' status
ql.ssm.repos_df # print the summary dataframe
ql.fold.wire.standup() # build or rebuild any 'wire' module MMD documents as HTML pages
ql.fold.cut.standup() # build or rebuild any 'cut' module Jinja templates as HTML pages
ql.remote_push_manifest() # Add/commit/push any dirty repos, triggering CI build

The last step will also rebuild any sites which have dirty repos (to avoid content partially falling behind, when for instance the templates for a site are changed).


  • qlscan: Read .mmd files
    • scanlever: Parse .mmd file format
  • qlmanifest: Read configuration
  • qlfold: Manage * subdomains
    • foldaddress: Manage subdomain address shorthand
    • foldwire: Emit HTML websites from .mmd files
    • foldcut: Emit HTML websites from .html Jinja templates and .md files

Helper CLI

Note: for reasons unknown, the defopt CLI only works on 3.10+

Installation adds a ql command (for deployment) and cyl (for local preview). These two commands handle repo-internal and -external output of generated sites respectively (cyl currently only for the fold.cut module, not fold.wire, so not yet sufficient to replace in the CI pipeline).

usage: ql [-h] [-d [DOMAINS_LIST ...]] [--incremental] [-n] [-r] [-w] [-v]
          [-g] [--internal | --no-internal] [--version]

Configure input filtering and output display.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d [DOMAINS_LIST ...], --domains-list [DOMAINS_LIST ...]
                        Names of the subdomains to build.
                        (default: None)
  --incremental         compute MD5 checksums for each of the generated files.
                        (default: False)
  -n, --no-render       Dry run mode.
                        (default: False)
  -r, --recheck         Only regenerate files whose input checksum has changed since the last
                        incremental run.
                        (default: False)
  -w, --watch           Rebuild the domains continuously (incompatible with incremental/recheck).
                        (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Whether to announce what tasks are being carried out.
                        (default: False)
  -g, --gitlab-ci       Source the manifest repos (i.e. git pull them) and then stash
                        the changes after building, switch to the www branch, pop the
                        stash and push the changes (i.e. publish the website content).
                        (default: False)
  --internal, --no-internal
                        Whether to build sites internal (ql) or external (cyl,
                        not including 'fold.wire') to the repo.
                        (default: True)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

So for example:

cyl -d pore

Populates ~/spin/cyl/pore with the cut module's portion of

Incremental builds, rechecking, and watching

Towards the goal of implementing an incremental build system on CI, quill has 2 extra modes:

  • an incremental build mode: where in addition to building the entire site (or domain list), MD5 checksums are computed for each of the generated files. In this mode, the build auditer is activated, and stores a log as it generates the templates. Use the -i flag when you want to recreate the inventory of template MD5 hashes.

To run a build for the same domain as above, in incremental mode, run:

cyl -d pore -i
  • a recheck build mode: a subset of incremental builds in which only files whose input checksum has changed since the last incremental run are regenerated. This makes the build substantially faster as there is a reduced scope of templates to transform. Use the -r flag (alongside -i) when you want to double check only the files in the template hash inventory and only regenerate what differs on disk.

To run a recheck afterwards, and only build any files that changed in between builds, run:

cyl -d pore -i -r
  • a watch build mode: incompatible with incremental/recheck, this is for continuously rebuilding (incremental mode is designed for repeated use, like on an incremental build system). Use the -w flag when you want to have the page rebuild automatically in the background.

Watching is incompatible with incremental mode, but rebuilds following changes to a file.

The corresponding command to the ones above would be:

cyl -d pore -w

Usage memo

  • Requires directory of static site repositories at location specified in spin.ini (by default this is as a sibling directory ../ss/), containing a file manifest.mmd beginning with the apex domain and immediately followed by a subdomain list.

Below is a demo of accessing the manifest file (ssm) which implements the MMD class, subclassing Doc, which parses the file contents in a structured way (specifically, as a list of colon-separated values).

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from quill import ssm
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> ssm
Parsed MMD file (Document of 1 block, containing 1 list)
>>> ssm.list
Headered list with 16 items
>>> pprint(ssm.list.all_nodes)
[ www:,
 -:cal:qu-cal:master www,
 -,:log:spin-log:master www,
 -,:conf:qu-conf:master www,
 -,:pore:qu-pore:master www,
 -,:ocu:naiveoculus:master www,
 -,:arc:appendens:master www,
 -,:qrx:qu-arx:master www,
 -,:erg:spin-erg:master www,
 -,:opt:spin-opt:master www,
 -,:poll:qu-poll:master www,
 -,:arb:spin-arb:master www,
 -,:reed:qu-reed:master www,
 -,:noto:qu-noto:master www,
 -,:plot:qu-plot:master www,
 -,:doc:spin-doc:master www,
 -,:labs:qu-labs:master www]

Similarly ssm.list.nodes gives just the subdomains, and ssm.list.header gives the main site domain.

>>> ssm.list.header
['', 'spin-systems', 'master www']
>>> ssm.list.nodes[0].parts
['cal', 'qu-cal', 'master www']
>>> ssm.list.nodes[1].parts
['log', 'spin-log', 'master www']
>>> ssm.list.nodes[2].parts
['conf', 'qu-conf', 'master www']
>>> pprint(ssm.all_parts)
[['', 'spin-systems', 'master www'],
 ['cal', 'qu-cal', 'master www'],
 ['log', 'spin-log', 'master www'],
 ['conf', 'qu-conf', 'master www'],
 ['pore', 'qu-pore', 'master www'],
 ['ocu', 'naiveoculus', 'master www'],
 ['arc', 'appendens', 'master www'],
 ['qrx', 'qu-arx', 'master www'],
 ['erg', 'spin-erg', 'master www'],
 ['opt', 'spin-opt', 'master www'],
 ['poll', 'qu-poll', 'master www'],
 ['arb', 'spin-arb', 'master www'],
 ['reed', 'qu-reed', 'master www'],
 ['noto', 'qu-noto', 'master www'],
 ['plot', 'qu-plot', 'master www'],
 ['doc', 'spin-doc', 'master www'],
 ['labs', 'qu-labs', 'master www']]
>>> ssm.as_df()
          domain     repo_name    branches
0  spin-systems  master www
1            cal        qu-cal  master www
2            log      spin-log  master www
3           conf       qu-conf  master www
4           pore       qu-pore  master www
5            ocu   naiveoculus  master www
6            arc     appendens  master www
7            qrx        qu-arx  master www
8            erg      spin-erg  master www
9            opt      spin-opt  master www
10          poll       qu-poll  master www
11           arb      spin-arb  master www
12          reed       qu-reed  master www
13          noto       qu-noto  master www
14          plot       qu-plot  master www
15           doc      spin-doc  master www
16          labs       qu-labs  master www

This is just for review purposes currently, and any further info can be added as long as all the lines ("nodes") have the same number of colon-separated values.

The manifest is parsed in manifestparsing by parse_man_node which is wrapped into ssm.repos, which will print out the repos' git addresses for each CNAME domain or subdomain:

('', '[email protected]:spin-systems/')
('cal', '[email protected]:qu-cal/')
('log', '[email protected]:spin-log/')
('conf', '[email protected]:qu-conf/')
('pore', '[email protected]:qu-pore/')
('ocu', '[email protected]:naiveoculus/')
('arc', '[email protected]:appendens/')
('qrx', '[email protected]:qu-arx/')
('erg', '[email protected]:spin-erg/')
('opt', '[email protected]:spin-opt/')
('poll', '[email protected]:qu-poll/')
('arb', '[email protected]:spin-arb/')
('reed', '[email protected]:qu-reed/')
('noto', '[email protected]:qu-noto/')
('plot', '[email protected]:qu-plot/')
('doc', '[email protected]:spin-doc/')
('labs', '[email protected]:qu-labs/')

as well as a DataFrame which is modified by the ql.ssm.check_manifest() to include 'live' views on the repos (note that this method takes a add_before_check=True argument, which controls whether git add --all is run on each repo to check if it's 'dirty').

>>> ssm.repos_df
          domain     repo_name    branches                                                 git_url
0  spin-systems  master www
1            cal        qu-cal  master www    
2            log      spin-log  master www
3           conf       qu-conf  master www  
4           pore       qu-pore  master www  
5            ocu   naiveoculus  master www
6            arc     appendens  master www
7            qrx        qu-arx  master www    
8            erg      spin-erg  master www
9            opt      spin-opt  master www
10          poll       qu-poll  master www  
11           arb      spin-arb  master www
12          reed       qu-reed  master www  
13          noto       qu-noto  master www  
14          plot       qu-plot  master www  
15           doc      spin-doc  master www
16          labs       qu-labs  master www  
>>> ssm.check_manifest()
          domain     repo_name    branches                                                 git_url  branch  local  clean
0  spin-systems  master www     www   True   True
1            cal        qu-cal  master www         www   True   True
2            log      spin-log  master www     www   True   True
3           conf       qu-conf  master www       www   True   True
4           pore       qu-pore  master www       www   True   True
5            ocu   naiveoculus  master www     www   True   True
6            arc     appendens  master www     www   True   True
7            qrx        qu-arx  master www         www   True   True
8            erg      spin-erg  master www     www   True   True
9            opt      spin-opt  master www     www   True   True
10          poll       qu-poll  master www    master   True   True
11           arb      spin-arb  master www     www   True   True
12          reed       qu-reed  master www       www   True   True
13          noto       qu-noto  master www       www   True   True
14          plot       qu-plot  master www       www   True   True
15           doc      spin-doc  master www     www   True   True
16          labs       qu-labs  master www       www   True   True

In this example, the poll repo is on the master branch, and the rest are on the www (web deploy) branch.

Obviously this can then be used to clone the repositories locally (or address them for any other git-related task)

  • One nice feature of GitLab (which at the time of writing GitHub doesn't provide to my knowledge) is that these repos can all be private, and only the static site will be hosted publicly (specified in 'Settings' > 'General')

To clone a given repo (testing has all been with SSH URLs), there is the ql.clone() function, and subsequently the namespace can be refreshed to reflect the new addition (this is done automatically within the clone function).

>>> ql.ns
>>> ql.clone(ql.ssm.repos_df.git_url[0], "")
Cloning into ''...
remote: Enumerating objects: 6, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 236 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 230
Receiving objects: 100% (236/236), 34.16 KiB | 210.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (123/123), done.
>>> ql.ns
{'': ''}

Lastly, the entire manifest of repos can be sourced from ssm and cloned into the ns_path directory. This is done on CI to build each site when a change takes place in one of the source repos or the quill repo (the 'engine').


For now, if the directory named as the domain entry of the row in the ssm.repos_df table exists, it will simply not touch it. If it doesn't exist, it will try to clone it.

Et voila the namespace now contains all the repos (stored in the sibling ss directory)

>>> pprint(ql.ns)
{'arb': '',
 'arc': '',
 'cal': '',
 'conf': '',
 'doc': '',
 'erg': '',
 'labs': '',
 'log': '',
 'noto': '',
 'ocu': '',
 'opt': '',
 'plot': '',
 'poll': '',
 'pore': '',
 'qrx': '',
 'reed': '',
 '': ''}

At the end of source_manifest, the ssm.repos_df DataFrame is updated with a column local indicating whether each domain in the manifest is now in the ns namespace (i.e. whether a local repo has been created), via the check_manifest method which ssm's MMD class inherits from the Doc class.

  • This update_manifest method will be expanded to supplement the repos_df DataFrame with other information worth knowing to do with the git status of the repo in question, for those which are locally available. This ensures no unnecessary computation is done before the extra information is needed.

The next thing we can do (having established that these are now cloned locally) is to read the CI YAML as the 'layout' for each site, checking they're valid (according to the reference on YAML configs for GitLab Pages)

>>> manifests = ql.yaml_manifests(as_dicts=False)
>>> for k,m in manifests.items(): print(k, end="\t"); pprint(m)    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
cal     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
log     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
conf    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
pore    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
ocu     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
arc     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
qrx     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
erg     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
opt     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
poll    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
arb     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
reed    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
noto    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
plot    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
doc     SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
labs    SiteCI: PagesJob: {Stage.Deploy, Script <subdirectory='site'>, Artifacts <paths=['public']>, Only <branch=['www']>}
  • Obviously these could all be made more elaborate for less trivial scripts, this is a first draft showing basic functionality and to enforce/check standardisation across all repos
  • This setup is deliberately brittle, so any changes will need to be validated in the fold.yaml_util module, and so the library itself incorporates testing (simple assert statements based on a clear expected implementation)

The build directory can be set with change_build_dir, and using this I set all of the repos to build from "site" (but this can be changed at a later date):

for d in ql.alias_df.domain: ql.change_build_dir(d, "site")

Moved build path for log from 'site' --> /home/louis/spin/ss/log/site
Created build path for ocu at /home/louis/spin/ss/ocu/site
Moved build path for arc from 'site' --> /home/louis/spin/ss/arc/site
Created build path for erg at /home/louis/spin/ss/erg/site
Created build path for opt at /home/louis/spin/ss/opt/site
Created build path for arb at /home/louis/spin/ss/arb/site
Created build path for doc at /home/louis/spin/ss/doc/site
Created build path for cal at /home/louis/spin/ss/cal/site
Moved build path for conf from 'docs' --> /home/louis/spin/ss/conf/site
Created build path for pore at /home/louis/spin/ss/pore/site
Created build path for qrx at /home/louis/spin/ss/qrx/site
Created build path for poll at /home/louis/spin/ss/poll/site
Created build path for reed at /home/louis/spin/ss/reed/site
Created build path for noto at /home/louis/spin/ss/noto/site
Created build path for plot at /home/louis/spin/ss/plot/site
Created build path for labs at /home/louis/spin/ss/labs/site

To commit these changes, I added some more functions to manage the git repos. ql.ssm.check_manifest() now has a column referring to whether the working tree is clean or has changes to tracked files not staged for commit.

The output will be something like this example (where the README in arc was moved):


Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/cal' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/log' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/conf' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/pore' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/ocu' (working tree clean)
Commit [repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/arc] ⠶ Renamed site/ ->
⇢ Pushing ⠶ origin
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/qrx' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/erg' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/opt' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/poll' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/arb' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/reed' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/noto' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/plot' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/doc' (working tree clean)
Skipping 'repo_dir=/home/louis/spin/ss/labs' (working tree clean)

This function takes a refspec argument which indicates a particular path to add and push in each repo, a specific_domains argument which can be a string of a single domain, or list of multiple, and will be evaluated as the list of all domains if left as None.

Running ssm.check_manifest() again is required to update ssm.repos_df.

This repos_df dataframe is also useful for comparing whatever other properties you might want to check, e.g. which have a README

>>> df = ql.ssm.repos_df
>>> df["has_README"] = ["" in [ for x in (ql.ns_path / d).iterdir()] for d in df.domain]
>>> df
          domain     repo_name    branches  ... local clean  has_README
0  spin-systems  master www  ...  True  True        True
1            cal        qu-cal  master www  ...  True  True       False
2            log      spin-log  master www  ...  True  True        True
3           conf       qu-conf  master www  ...  True  True        True
4           pore       qu-pore  master www  ...  True  True       False
5            ocu   naiveoculus  master www  ...  True  True        True
6            arc     appendens  master www  ...  True  True        True
7            qrx        qu-arx  master www  ...  True  True       False
8            erg      spin-erg  master www  ...  True  True       False
9            opt      spin-opt  master www  ...  True  True       False
10          poll       qu-poll  master www  ...  True  True       False
11           arb      spin-arb  master www  ...  True  True       False
12          reed       qu-reed  master www  ...  True  True       False
13          noto       qu-noto  master www  ...  True  True       False
14          plot       qu-plot  master www  ...  True  True        True
15           doc      spin-doc  master www  ...  True  True       False
16          labs       qu-labs  master www  ...  True  True       False

Obviously this is the kind of thing to then follow up manually, but it helps to have programmatic ways to view the set of directories.

If after reviewing ssm.repos_df you want to push, you can do so either with an automated commit message or by passing it as the commit_msg argument to remote_push_manifest (which will reuse the same commit message if multiple repos are not clean).

  • Note you can always manually go in and check the git diff beforehand

static, src, and wire

To build all sites with a src and/or static directory, run ql.fold.cut.standup(). This builds templates from the src folder with staticjinja, and the static files are just copied over (directly under site/).

To build all sites with a wire config, run ql.fold.wire.standup().

More details

In fact, standup returns a dictionary of the domains, though for now only one domain is in use with wires.

emitters = ql.fold.wire.standup(verbose=False)

{'poll': <quill.fold.wire.emitters.WireEmitter object at 0x7f304980eb20>}

Then to push the sites 'live', run ql.remote_push_manifest("Commit message goes here").


The "canonical names" displayed in the README are the aliases, which by and large are the same as the domain names.

These provide the titles of the index pages of each site.

I might make more use of these in future, I originally only needed these as it turns out the description on GitHub/GitLab isn't stored in the git repo itself (silly as there's a description built in to git?)

Using this let me generate a nice README for the superrepo: ss


"Spin addresses" follow the above "{namespace}⠶{domain|alias}" format, and additionally:

  • Some (initially only ∫⠶log) subdomain repos are 'deploy' stage counterparts to local 'dev' stage directories.
  • Some (initially only ∫⠶log) subdomain repos will be 'addressed' with a date [and a zero-based counter for same-day entries]
>>> example = "∫⠶log⠶20⠶oct⠶25⠶0"
>>> eg_addr = ql.AddressPath(example)
>>> eg_addr
['∫', 'log', '20', 'oct', '25', '0']

The path has been parsed ("strictly" by default) into parts which are 'typed' strings.

pprint(list(map(type, eg_addr)))

[<class 'ql.src.quill.scan.address.paths.NameSpaceString'>,
 <class 'ql.src.quill.scan.address.paths.DomainString'>,
 <class 'ql.src.quill.scan.address.paths.YyDigitString'>,
 <class 'ql.src.quill.scan.address.paths.mmmString'>,
 <class 'ql.src.quill.scan.address.paths.DdDigitString'>,
 <class 'ql.src.quill.scan.address.paths.FileIntString'>]

A file path can be obtained from this using interpret_filepath, which is bound to the class as the filepath property:

>>> eg_addr.filepath
>>> eg_addr.filepath.exists()
>>> ql.mmd(eg_addr.filepath)
Parsed MMD file (Document of 4 blocks)

This comes in handy when building components of the site such as tap which can then build parts for a particular domain with

>>> eg_addr = ql.AddressPath.from_parts(domain="poll", ymd=(2021, 2, 17))
>>> eg_addr.filepath

This gives a simple date-based interface obeying the storage structure of quill, though unlike files, paths to directories in this way may not exist (instead they can be created as needed).


  • A next step could be a class representing the state of the websites [beyond CI], which can then be cross-referenced against the repos_df (but the goal is not to entirely Python-ise the site development, just the management of key aspects to do with the version control on disk)
  • Make a pip installable binary wheel (bdist not currently working with SCM, just sdist)
  • Make package capable of downloading missing data files in the event it is being distributed