Releases: sportradar/UnifiedOddsSdkJava
v2.0.61 (7/20/2023)
- Stages can be of SprintRace type (5/17/2023)
- CustomBetManager respects ExceptionHandlingStrategy for all non-argument-validating exceptions
- CustomBetManager now throws CommunicationException on API failures
- API failures across the board carry to the client: url used and http code returned
- BookingManager respects ExceptionHandlingStrategy for CommunicationExceptions (1/26/2023)
- Added support for group urn type
- Fix ignore fixture_change_fixture endpoint for virtual producers (1/12/2023)
- Fix: GlobalReplay environment not discards messages from disabled packages for the customer (1/9/2023)
- Fix: TLS version selection for RabbitMq connection no longer causes a crash in certain JVMs (12/27/2022)
- Fix: Artifact descriptor in maven central is fixed, so that SDK is usable in maven projects again (12/23/2022)
- Added GlobalReplay environment (9/20/2022)
- CustomBet - added support for calculate-filter endpoint
- Fix: http request logged twice
- Fix: NPE when LocalizedNamedValue does not have description (7/15/2022)
- Fix: recovery request url when configuring custom environment
- Fix: handling for system session connection reset (6/2/2022)
- Added method isOpen to OddsFeed
- Feed close cleanup improvements (cache items invalidated, session closed) (5/6/2022)
- Fix: fast HttpClient timeout fixed (4/26/2022)
** Contains critical bug and should not be used. Use version **
- Separate HttpClient for critical and other requests
- Added configuration option for fast HttpClient in OperationManager (default timeout 5s)
- Extended SportsInfoManager with getTimelineEvents
- Improved how SportInfoManager is handling exceptions
- Improved logging for raw data events (2/23/2022)
- Added getBetradarName to Round
- Improvement: handling of alive messages in regard to producer status
- Fix: multiple connections in case of disconnection
- Fix: Competition competitors did not expose IsVirtual correctly (1/20/2022)
- Fix: after disconnection some feed messages can not be deserialized (12/10/2021)
- Added support for event results in SportEventStatus received from api
- Extended MarketDescriptionManager with parallelPrefetchVariantMarketDescriptions
- Improved logging exception during message consumption
- Fix: connecting to replay server with production token
- Fix: setting custom configuration from properties files
- Fix: loading competitor associated players data from match summary
- Fix: throws exception if match, stage or draw not found exception happens (11/18/2021)
- Improvements for connection resilience
- Added onRecoveryInitiate to SDKProducerStatusListener
- Added RabbitConnectionTimeout and RabbitHeartbeat to OperationManager
- Improved logging regarding connection and recovery process
- Fix: how connection and channels are made
- Extended StageType with Run enum value
- Changed default UF environment from Integration to GlobalIntegration (10/6/2021)
- Extended configuration with ufEnvironment attribute
- Extended TokenSetter and EnvironmentSelector
- New values added to Environment enum (GlobalIntegration, GlobalProduction, ProxySingapore, ProxyTokyo) (9/9/2021)
- When fetching non-cached fixture change endpoint fails due to server error, try also normal fixture endpoint
- Update: default timeout for max recovery time set to 1h
- Fix: Properly fetch multiple languages for categories
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes (7/23/2021)
- Extended Stage with getStatus returning StageStatus (with match status) (6/23/2021)
- Added OperationManager to provide option to set sdk values (before OddsFeed instance creation)
- Added option to ignore sport event status from timeline endpoint for BetPal events (6/15/2021)
- Added pitcher, batter, pitch_count, pitches_seen, total_hits, total_pitches to SportEventStatus properties
- PeriodScore - match status code 120 mapped to penalties
- Connecting to rabbit with the newest supported SSL protocol
- Fix: Re-fetching variant market descriptions after deleting the SDK cache for an event
- Fix: merging tournament groups (5/28/2021)
- OutcomeProbabilities extended with getAdditionalProbabilities
- Extended MarketWithProbabilities with getMarketMetaData
- Extended Tournament with getSchedule (4/29/2021)
- Added SportInfoManager.getPeriodStatuses to fetch period summary for stages
- Extended CompetitionStatus with getPeriodOfLadder (4/9/2021)
- fix: converting GoalScorer
- fix: importing Venue (4/2/2021)
- fix: parsing TeamStatisticsDTO for sportEventStatusDTO (3/31/2021)
- added getEventChangeManager() to OddsFeed for a periodical fixture and result change updates
- changed return value type for TimelineEvent.getPlayer() from Player to EventPlayer (breaking change)
- changed return value type for TimelineEvent.getGoalScorer() from Player to GoalScorer (breaking change)
- extended Player with GoalScorer (added getMethod()) used in TimelineEvent
- extended Player with EventPlayer (added getBench()) used in TimelineEvent
- added Competitor.getShortName
- added Fixture.ProducerInfo.isInLiveMatchTracker
- reverted populating Round name, groupName and phaseOrGroupLongName to exactly what is received from API
- added getStartTime, getEndTime and getAamsId to the MarketMetaData
- added PeriodOfLeader to the SportEventStatus.Properties
- updated FixtureChangeType - also if not specified in fixtureChange message returns FixtureChangeType.NotAvailable
- improved connection error reporting
- fix: WNS event ids can have negative value
- fix: NPE merging tournament groups
- fix: merging tournament groups (when no name or id)
- fix: exporting/importing data (2/9/2021)
- added support for eSoccer - returns SoccerEvent instead of Match
- added SportsInfoManager.getLotteries
- added support for simple_team urn
- improved example to support all desired locales
- fix: merging tournament groups
- fix: merging tournament data
- fix: NPE in data router fixture handling (12/18/2020)
- fix: NPE in case of missing market description
- improved logging
2.0.42 (11/13/2020)
- added new stage types in StageType enum (Practice, Qualifying, QualifyingPart, Lap)
- fix: use competitor data from fixture.xml API enpoint
- fix: loading sportEventType and stageType from parent stage if available
- fix: parsing outcomes
- fix: restarting recovery timestamp fixed when alive violation happened during previous one
2.0.41 (10/13/2020)
- Round - added getGroup, added getGroupName (breaking change)
- Stage - added getAdditionalParentStages, getStageType (breaking change - result changed from SportEventType to StageType)
- extended EventResult with getDistance and getCompetitorResult methods
- Competition extended with getLiveOdds and getSportEventType methods
- added getCourse to the Venue
- added Coverage to IMatch
- optimized message deserialization
- optimized fetching outcome names for multiple languages
- improved connection error handling and reporting
- improved fetching of multiple locales for market names
- fix: allow null values when fetching multiple locales for market names
- fix: added support for indonesian locale
- fix: event status enumeration (9/22/2020)
- added MaxConnPerRoute and MaxConnTotal configuration for HTTP client
2.0.40 (8/19/2020)
- extended SeasonInfo with startDate, endDate, year and tournamentId
- fix: CustomBetManager return new CustomBetSelectionBuilder
- fix: make serialize synchronised
- fix: fetching market description are marked done only after successful obtaining data
- fix: Immutable map exception parsing competitor references
- fix: un-needed URN parse exception logging
- fix: using ReplayOddsFeed with integration token
- fix: how after parameter is sent in getFixtureChanges
- fix: reloading market description in case variant descriptions are not available
- improved logging of initial message processing
2.0.39 (7/9/2020)
- added getSport() and getCategory() to Competitor interface
- throttling recovery requests
- fix: closing recovery HTTP client on OddsFeed.close()
2.0.38 (6/24/2020)
- added overloaded methods for fixture and result changes with filters
- added separate HTTP request timeout value for recovery endpoints
- updated supported languages
- improved reporting of invalid message interest combinations
- fix: NPE when obtaining market descriptions
2.0.37 (5/11/2020)
- added support for result changes endpoint
- fix: responses are encoded/decoded using UTF-8
- fix: lotteries endpoint isn't invoked if WNS is disabled
2.0.36 (4/16/2020)
- added getSchedule method to BasicTournament interface
- added bookmakerId to the ClientProperties
- fix: new Replay API endpoint supports both production and integration tokens
- fix: exporting Fixture cache items (3/25/2020)
- changed Replay API URL
2.0.35 (3/23/2020)
- added support for HTTP(S) proxies
2.0.34 (3/16/2020)
- fix: fetching outcome mappings
- fix: loading sport events after cache import
- improved HTTP request logging
- improved handling user exceptions inside listener callbacks
2.0.33 (2/18/2020)
- added getState() to the Competitor
- added getState() to the Venue
- improved fetching fixtures for Replay environment
- improved loading configuration from files
- fix: handling sports without tournaments added new Replay API endpoints
2.0.32 (1/14/2020)
- added new Replay API endpoints
- improved market and variant...