All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to the following versioning pattern:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment:
- MAJOR version when the API version is incremented. This may include backwards incompatible changes;
- MINOR version when breaking changes are introduced OR new functionalities are added in a backwards compatible manner;
- PATCH version when backwards compatible bug fixes are implemented.
- request methods
- core version
- request prefix param
- install
- SplitProfile resource
- update starkCore version
- function to deposit.log resource get Deposit reversal receipt
- TaxPayment and DarfPayment as PaymentRequest options
- README import on setup file
- Split resource
- SplitLog resource
- SplitReceiver resource
- SplitReceiverLog resource
- update function to Deposit resource
- account_created, created, owned attributes to DictKey resource
- account_number, branch_code attributes to PaymentPreview resource
- account_number, branch_code attributes to DictKey resource
- account_type docstring attribute to DictKey resource
- Transfer account_type parameter to required
- purpose attribute to CorporateRule resource
- rules attribute to Invoice resource
- Invoice.Rule sub-resource
- description attribute to CorporatePurchase.Log resource
- starkcore version import
- CorporateBalance resource
- CorporateCard resource
- CorporateHolder resource
- CorporateInvoice resource
- CorporatePurchase resource
- CorporateRule resource
- CorporateTransaction resource
- CorporateWithdrawal resource
- CardMethod sub-resource
- MerchantCategory sub-resource
- MerchantCountry sub-resource
- import error in Transfer resource
- metadata attribute to Transfer resource
- updated and type attribute to UtilityPayment resource
- workspace_id attribute to Boleto resource
- updated attribute to BoletoHolmes.Log resource
- description attribute to PaymentRequest resource
- picture_url attribute to DynamicBrcode resource
- status, organization_id, picture_url and created attributes to Workspace resource
- deprecated BrcodePayment resource
- DynamicBrcode resource
- picture and pictureType parameters to Workspace.update method
- rules attribute to Transfer resource
- Transfer.Rule sub-resource
- rules attribute to BrcodePayment resource
- BrcodePayment.Rule sub-resource
- nested resource casting
- starkbank.error import
- starkbank.key import
- Use starkcore as a dependency.
- query string parameters to POST methods in rest utils [internal]
- starkbank-ecdsa library version to 2.0.3
- 'transaction_ids' property to UtilityPayment resource
- 'transaction_ids' property to BoletoPayment, DarfPayment and TaxPayment resources
- starkbank-ecdsa library version to 2.0.2
- starkbank-ecdsa library version to 2.0.1
- Support for scheduled invoices, which will display discounts, fine, interest, etc. on the users banking interface when dates are used instead of datetimes
- PaymentPreview resource to preview multiple types of payments before confirmation: BrcodePreview, BoletoPreview, UtilityPreview and TaxPreview
- "payment" account type for Pix related resources
- Institution resource to allow query of institutions recognized by the Brazilian Central Bank for Pix and TED transactions
- TaxPayment.scheduled being cast to datetime instead of date
- Normalized event signature verification after failed raw content attempt
- DictKey.bank_name parameter
- Workspace.allowed_tax_ids to control who can send Deposits to the Workspace
- Workspace.update() to allow parameter updates
- TaxPayment resource to allow payment of taxes with bar codes
- DarfPayment resource to allow DARF tax payment without bar code
- Event.Attempt sub-resource to allow retrieval of information on failed webhook event delivery attempts
- Boleto.transaction_ids property to allow transaction tracking
- Transfer.description property to allow control over corresponding Transaction descriptions
- property to allow easy access to invoice webpage
- Event.workspace_id property to allow multiple Workspace Webhook identification
- StarkBankError as base SDK Exception to facilitate general try-excepts
- Bad "+" char URL encoding on BrcodePreview
- pdf function for retrieving PDF receipts from reversed invoice logs
- missing Invoice.transaction_ids property
- page functions as a manual-pagination alternative to queries
- Invoice.Payment sub-resource to allow retrieval of invoice payment information
- Transfer.account_type property to allow "checking", "salary" or "savings" account specification
- Transfer.external_id property to allow users to take control over duplication filters
- Organization user
- Workspace resource
- Deposit.account_type parameter
- parameter
- Restrictive requests lib requirements
- Added missing pdf parameter from Invoice resource
- Invoice resource to load your account with dynamic QR Codes
- DictKey resource to get DICT (PIX) key parameters
- Deposit resource to receive transfers passively
- PIX support in Transfer resource
- BrcodePayment support to pay static and dynamic PIX QR Codes
- BoletoHolmes to investigate boleto status according to CIP
- PaymentRequest resource to pass payments through manual approval flow
- ids parameter to transaction.query
- ids parameter to transfer.query
- hidden_fields parameter to Boleto.pdf
- our_number attribute to Boleto
- Boleto.due convertion to datetime.datetime instead of misleading
- transfer.scheduled parameter to allow Transfer scheduling
- starkbank.transfer.delete to cancel scheduled Transfers
- Transaction query by tags
- Event errors on unknown subscriptions
- Travis CI setup
- Boleto PDF layout options
- Transfer query tax_id filter
- Global error language option
- Test-user credentials to environment variable instead of hard-code
- Python 3.4 bugs
- Docstrings
- "receiver_name" & "receiver_tax_id" property to Boleto entities
- Docstrings
- "balance" property to Transaction entities
- Support for dictionaries in create methods
- "discounts" property to Boleto entities
- Docstrings
- Full Stark Bank API v2 compatibility