For instructions on upgrading to newer versions, visit
Ranges can now be passed to #where criteria to create a $gte/$lte query under the covers.
Person.where(dob: start_date...end_date)
#1333 Fixed errors with custom types that exist in namespaces. (Peter Gumeson)
#1347 Fix embedded matchers when provided a hash value that does not have a modifier as a key.
#1346 Dup default sorting criteria when calling first/last on a criteria.
#1343 When passing no arguments to
return all documents. (Chris Leishman) -
#1339 Ensure destroy callbacks are run on cascadable children when deleting via nested attributes.
#1324 Setting
inverse_of: nil
on a many-to-many referencing the same class returns nil for the inverse foreign key. -
#1323 Allow both strings and symbols as ids in the attributes array for nested attributes. (Michael Wood)
#1312 Setting a logger on the config now accepts anything that quacks like a logger.
#1297 Don't hit the database when accessing relations if the base is new.
#1239 Allow appending of referenced relations in create blocks, post default set.
#1236 Ensure all models are loaded in rake tasks, so even in threadsafe mode all indexes can be created.
#736 Calling #reload on embedded documents now works properly.
#1338 Calling #find on a scope or relation checks that the document in the identity map actually matches other scope parameters.
#1321 HABTM no longer allows duplicate entries or keys, instead of the previous inconsistencies.
#1320 Fixed errors in perf benchmark.
#1316 Added a separate Rake task "db:mongoid:drop" so Mongoid and AR can coexist. (Daniel Vartanov)
#1311 Fix issue with custom field serialization inheriting from hash.
#1310 The referenced many enumerable target no longer duplicates loaded and added documents when the identity map is enabled.
#1295 Fixed having multiple includes only execute the eager loading of the first.
#1287 Fixed max versions limitation with versioning.
#1277 attribute_will_change! properly flags the attribute even if no change occured.
#1063 Paranoid documents properly run destroy callbacks on soft destroy.
#1061 Raise
when time serialization fails. -
#1002 Check for legal bson ids when attempting conversion.
#920 Allow relations to be named target.
#905 Return normalized class name in metadata if string was defined with a prefixed ::.
#861 accepts_nested_attributes_for is no longer needed to set embedded documents via a hash or array of hashes directly.
#857 Fixed cascading of dependent relations when base document is paranoid.
#768 Fixed class_attribute definitions module wide.
#408 Embedded documents can now be soft deleted via
Mongoid now supports basic localized fields, storing them under the covers as a hash of locale => value pairs.
field :name, localize: true
#1275 For applications that default safe mode to true, you can now tell a single operation to persist without safe mode via #unsafely:
. (Matt Sanders) -
#1256 Mongoid now can create indexes for models in Rails engines. (Caio Filipini)
#1228 Allow pre formatting of compsoite keys by passing a block to #key. (Ben Hundley)
#1222 Scoped mass assignment is now supported. (Andrew Shaydurov)
#1196 Timestamps can now be turned off on a call-by-call basis via the use of #timeless:
,Person.timeless.create(:title => "Sir")
. -
#1103 Allow developers to create their own custom complex criteria. (Ryan Ong)
Mongoid now includes all defined fields in
results even if the fields have no values to make serialized documents easier to use by ActiveResource clients. -
Support for MongoDB's $and operator is now available in the form of:
where args is multiple hash expressions. -
#1250, #1058 Embedded documents now can have their callbacks fired on a parent save by setting
:cascade_callbacks => true
on the relation. (pyromanic, Paul Rosania, Jak Charlton)
Mongoid now depends on Active Model 3.1 and higher.
Mongoid now depends on the Mongo Ruby Driver 1.4 and higher.
Mongoid requires MongoDB 2.0.0 and higher.
#1308 Fixed scoping of HABTM finds.
#1300 Namespaced models should handle recursive embedding properly.
#1299 Self referenced documents with versioning no longer fail when inverse_of is not defined on all relations.
#1296 Renamed internal building method to _building.
#1288, #1289 _id and updated_at should not be part of versioned attributes.
#1273 Mongoid.preload_models now checks if preload configuration option is set, where Mongoid.load_models always loads everything. (Ryan McGeary)
#1244 Has one relations now adhere to default dependant behaviour.
#1225 Fixed delayed persistence of embedded documents via $set.
#1166 Don't load config in Railtie if no env variables defined. (Terence Lee)
now works again as expected. -
#939 Apply default attributes when upcasting via #becomes. (Christos Pappas)
#932 Fixed casting of integer fields with leading zeros.
#948 Reset version number on clone if versions existed.
#763 Don't merge $in criteria arrays when chaining named scopes.
#730 Existing models that have relations added post persistence of originals can now have new relations added with no migrations.
#726 Embedded documents with compound keys not validate uniqueness correctly.
#582 Cyclic non embedded relations now validate uniqueness correctly.
#484 Validates uniqueness with multiple scopes of all types now work properly.
Deleting versions created with
no longer fires off dependent cascading on relations.
#1295 Fixed having multiple includes only execute the eager loading of the first.
#1225 Fixed delayed persistence of embedded documents via $set.
#1002 Fix BSON object id conversion to check if legal first.
- This release removes the restriction of a dependency on 1.3.x of the mongo ruby driver. Users may now use 1.3.x through 1.4.x.
#1210, #517 Allow embedded document relation queries to use dot notation. (Scott Ellard)
#1198 Enumerable target should use criteria count if loaded has no docs.
#1164 Get rid of remaining no method in_memory errors.
#1070 Allow custom field serializers to have their own constructors.
#1176 Allow access to parent documents from embedded docs in after_destroy callbacks.
#1191 Context group methods (min, max, sum) no longer return NaN but instead return nil if field doesn't exist or have values.
#1193, #1271 Always return Integers for integer fields with .000 precisions, not floats.
#1199 Fixed performance issues of hash and array field access when reading multiple times.
#1218 Fixed issues with relations referencing models with integer foreign keys.
#1219 Fixed various conflicting modifications issues when pushing and pulling from the same embedded document in a single call.
#1220 Metadata should not get overwritten by nil on binding.
#1231 Renamed Mongoid's atomic set class to Sets to avoid conflicts with Ruby's native Set after document inclusion.
#1232 Fix access to related models during before_destroy callbacks when cascading.
#1234 Fixed HABTM foreign key synchronization issues when destroying documents.
#1243 Polymorphic relations dont convert to object ids when querying if the ids are defined as strings.
#1247 Force Model.first to sort by ascending id to guarantee first document.
#1248 Added #unscoped to embedded many relations.
#1249 Destroy flags in nested attributes now actually destroy the document for has_many instead of just breaking the relation.
#1272 Don't modify configuration options in place when creating replica set connections.
Mongoid now contains eager loading in the form of
. This works on has_one, has_many, belongs_to associations and requires the identity map to be enabled in order to function. Setidentity_map_enabled: true
in yourmongoid.yml
. Ex:Person.where(title: "Sir").includes(:posts, :game)
Relations can now take a module as a value to the
option. (Roman Shterenzon) -
Capped collections can be created by passing the options to the
macro:Person.store_in :people, capped: true, max: 1000000
Mongoid::Collection now supports
now aliases toDocument#attribute_present?
#930 You can now turn off the Mongoid logger via the mongoid.yml by doing
logger: false
#909 We now raise a
exception if persisting with a bang method and a callback returns false, instead of the uninformative validations error from before.
#1173 has_many relations no longer delete all documents on a set of the relation (= [ doc_one, doc_two ]) but look to the dependent option to determine what behaviour should occur. :delete and :destroy will behave as before, :nullify and no option specified will both nullify the old documents without deleting.
#1142, #767 Embedded relations no longer immediately persist atomically when accessed via a parent attributes set. This includes nested attributes setting and
. The child changes then remain dirty and atomically update when save is called on them or the parent document.
#1190 Fixed the gemspec errors due to changing README and CHANGELOG to markdown.
#1180, #1084, #955 Mongoid now checks the field types rather than if the name contains
when trying to convert to object ids on criteria. -
#1176 Enumerable targets should always return the in memory documents first, when calling
#1175 Make sure both sides of many to many relations are in sync during a create.
#1172 Referenced enumerable relations now properly handle
(Daniel Doubrovkine) -
#1040 Increased performance of class load times by removing all delegate calls to self.class.
#1159 Fixed build blocks not to cancel out each other when nested.
#1154 Don't delete many-to-many documents on empty array set.
#1153 Retain parent document reference in after callbacks.
#1151 Fix associated validation infinite loop on self referencing documents.
#1150 Validates associated on
by default. -
#1149 Fixed metadata setting on
relations. -
#1145 Metadata inverse should return
was set asnil
. -
#1139 Enumerable targets now quack like arrays.
#1136 Setting
parent tonil
no longer deletes the parent. -
#1120 Don't call
on relations if they don't respond to it. -
#1075 Set
in default procs to the document instance. -
#1072 Writing attributes for nested documents can take a hash or array of hashes.
#990 Embedded documents can use a single
with multiple parent definitions.
#1148 Fixed
on all relations to return properly. -
#1146 Added back the Mongoid destructive fields check when defining fields.
#1141 Fixed conversions of
values in criteria. -
#1131 Verified Mongoid/Kaminari paginating correctly.
#1105 Fixed atomic update consumer to be scoped to class.
in default lambdas and procs now references the document instance. -
#740 Removed
configuration parameter. -
#661 Fixed metadata caching on embedded documents.
#595 Fixed relation reload flagging.
#410 Moving documents from one relation to another now works as expected.
This was a specific release to fix MRI 1.8.7 breakages introduced by 2.1.6.
#1126 Fix setting of relations with other relation proxies.
#1122 Hash and array fields now properly flag as dirty on access and change.
#656 Fixed reload breaking relations on unsetting of already loaded associations.
#647 Prefer
for removing values. -
#290 Verify pushes into deeply embedded documents.
#1116 Embedded children retain reference to parent in destroy callbacks.
#1110, #1115 Don't memoize metadata related helpers on documents.
no longer indexes subclasses multiple times. -
#1111, #1098 Don't set
operations. -
#1007 Update attribute properly tracks array changes.
This was a specific release to get a Psych generated gemspec so no more parse errors would occur on those rubies that were using the new YAML parser.
#1109 Fixed validations not loading one to ones into memory.
#1107 Mongoid no longer wants required
. -
#1102 Fixed nested attributes deletion.
#1097 Reload now runs
callbacks. -
#1079 Embeds many no longer duplicates documents.
#1078 Fixed array criteria matching on embedded documents.
#1028 Implement scoped on one-to-many and many-to-many relations.
#988 Many-to-many clear no longer deletes the child documents.
#977 Autosaving relations works also through nested attributes.
#972 Recursive embedding now handles namespacing on generated names.
#943 Don't override
. -
#893 Verify count is not caching on many to many relations.
#815 Verify
is run in the correct place. -
#793 Verify
scopes chain properly with any other scope. -
#776 Fixed mongoid case quality when dealing with subclasses.
#747 Fixed complex criteria using its keys to render its string value.
now properly raises validation errors when they occur.
#1082 Alias
on criteria. (Adam Greene) -
#1044 When multiple relations are defined for the same class, always return the default inverse first if
is not defined. -
#710 Nested attributes accept both
in hashes or arrays. -
#1047 Ignore
values passed toembeds_man
pushes and substitution. (Derick Bailey)
#1021, #719 Many to many relations dont trigger extra database queries when pushing new documents.
#607 Calling
on large associations does not load the entire relation. -
should respectunscoped
. -
now can update booleans tofalse
. -
#618 Crack XML library breaks Mongoid by adding
method to theString
class. (Stephen McGinty)
Mongoid now requires MongoDB 1.8.x in order to properly support the
atomic operations. -
Traditional slave support has been removed from Mongoid. Replica sets should be used in place of traditional master and slave setups.
Custom field serialization has changed. Please see serializable for changes.
The dirty attribute tracking has been switched to use ActiveModel, this brings many bug fixes and changes:
#756 After callbacks and observers see what was changed instead of changes just made being in previous_changes
#434 Documents now are flagged as dirty when brand new or the state on instantiation differs from the database state. This is consistent with ActiveRecord.
#323 Mongoid now supports [field]_will_change! from ActiveModel::Dirty
Mongoid model preloading in development mode now defaults to
. -
:autosave => true
on relational associations now saves on update as well as create. -
Mongoid now has an identity map for simple
queries. See the website for documentation.
#1067 Fields now accept a
attribute to be able to disable what fields are versioned withMongoid::Versioning
. (Jim Benton) -
#587 Added order preference to many and many to many associations. (Gregory Man)
Added ability to chain
statements. (Gregory Man) -
#961 Allow arbitrary
options to pass throughMongoid::Config::Database
object. (Morgan Nelson) -
for many to many references. (Dave Krupinski) -
The following explicit atomic operations have been added:
. -
Added exception translations for Hindi. (Sukeerthi Adiga)
#974 Fix
to work correctly then attribute value isfalse
, thanks to @nickhoffman. (Gregory Man) -
#960 create indexes rake task is not recognizing a lot of mongoid models because it has problems guessing their model names from filenames. (Tobias Schlottke)
#874 Deleting from a M-M reference is one-sided. (nickhoffman, davekrupinski)
Replace deprecated
dropped in Rails 3.1+. (Konstantin Shabanov) -
Fix inconsistent state when replacing an entire many to many relation.
Don't clobber inheritable attributes when adding subclass field inheritance. (Dave Krupinski)
#914 Querying embedded documents with
selector. (Max Golovnia) -
#514 Fix marshaling of documents with relation extensions. (Chris Griego)
now returns aModule
, instead of aProc
, when an extension is defined. -
#837 When
is set tofalse
and loading an embedded document with an unrecognized field, an exception is raised. -
#963 Initializing array of embedded documents via hash regressed (Chris Griego, Morgan Nelson)
resets the options to their default values. -
is memoized for faster instantiation of models.