Tyr is the means to being able to easily manage and create consistent testing environments for code. We will solve this problem using Kubernetes and a Microservices set up using Golang. This will be done through a web app interface, which will be easy to maintain and add new enviornments for testing code. As this project develops we will constantly update the documentation for the users/developers convienvce. This project is a Senior Design project being done at Stevens Institute of Technology.
Companies and Colleges often have the problem of testing code on a similar enviornment. So as to simplify this problem why not have an easy interface where users can upload their code and see if it runs the expected way. Done this way it can give everyone the same environment everytime, and thus solve the problem of different users having different environments, operating systems and etc.
Some questions might be how to use a tool like this. Well since we are making a scalable webapp you can easily spin up internal versions of this application on a per need basis.
So far…