diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d02bd..0000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-version: 1.1.2.{build}
-image: Visual Studio 2017
-configuration: Release
- ANDROID_HOME: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\'
- patch: true
- file: '**\AssemblyInfoGlobal.*'
- assembly_version: '{version}'
- assembly_file_version: '{version}'
- assembly_informational_version: '{version}'
- do_not_increment_build_number: true
- only:
- - master
- disable_publish_on_pr: true
-- cmd: >-
- powershell .\build.ps1 -Target Default -Verbosity diagnostic
-- path: ./Build/nuget/*.nupkg
- name: NuGet
-- provider: NuGet
- server: https://www.myget.org/F/ansuria-ci/api/v2
- api_key:
- secure: 3Yr6Vu/+rqtbD7n88mS7knjwZOKRVKHqFvOX3M0QdUV3lFHWMN3flxl+Q3SRPN9R
- skip_symbols: true
- on:
- branch: master
-- provider: NuGet
- api_key:
- secure: 9veuPHZfP9afgMdp/xx85jwZzi1TgoiKQ9K4beT5eX+4IYyTIl11LE09rTTry7gQ
- on:
- branch: master
- appveyor_repo_tag: true
diff --git a/build.cake b/build.cake
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc5a92..0000000
--- a/build.cake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Android.SdkManager
-var TARGET = Argument ("target", Argument ("t", "Default"));
-var VERSION = EnvironmentVariable ("APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION") ?? Argument("version", "0.0.9999");
-var ANDROID_HOME = EnvironmentVariable ("ANDROID_HOME") ?? Argument ("android_home", "");
- NuGetRestore ("src/XFGloss.sln");
- MSBuild ("src/XFGloss/XFGloss.csproj", c => {
- c.Configuration = "Release";
- c.MSBuildPlatform = Cake.Common.Tools.MSBuild.MSBuildPlatform.x86;
- });
- MSBuild ("src/XFGloss.Droid/XFGloss.Droid.csproj", c => {
- c.Configuration = "Release";
- c.MSBuildPlatform = Cake.Common.Tools.MSBuild.MSBuildPlatform.x86;
- });
- MSBuild ("src/XFGloss.iOS/XFGloss.iOS.csproj", c => {
- c.Configuration = "Release";
- c.MSBuildPlatform = Cake.Common.Tools.MSBuild.MSBuildPlatform.x86;
- });
-Task ("NuGet")
- .IsDependentOn ("AndroidSDK")
- .IsDependentOn ("Libraries")
- .Does (() =>
- if(!DirectoryExists("./Build/nuget/"))
- CreateDirectory("./Build/nuget");
- NuGetPack ("./nuget/XFGloss.nuspec", new NuGetPackSettings {
- Version = VERSION,
- Verbosity = NuGetVerbosity.Detailed,
- OutputDirectory = "./Build/nuget/",
- BasePath = "./"
- });
-Task ("AndroidSDK")
- .Does (() =>
- Information ("ANDROID_HOME: {0}", ANDROID_HOME);
- var androidSdkSettings = new AndroidSdkManagerToolSettings {
- SkipVersionCheck = true
- };
- try { AcceptLicenses (androidSdkSettings); } catch { }
- AndroidSdkManagerInstall (new [] {
- "platforms;android-15",
- "platforms;android-23",
- "platforms;android-25",
- "platforms;android-26"
- }, androidSdkSettings);
-//Build the component, which build samples, nugets, and libraries
-Task ("Default").IsDependentOn("NuGet");
-Task ("Clean").Does (() =>
- CleanDirectory ("./component/tools/");
- CleanDirectories ("./Build/");
- CleanDirectories ("./**/bin");
- CleanDirectories ("./**/obj");
-RunTarget (TARGET);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index c0397f2..0000000
--- a/build.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-# This is the Cake bootstrapper script for PowerShell.
-# This file was downloaded from https://github.com/cake-build/resources
-# Feel free to change this file to fit your needs.
-This is a Powershell script to bootstrap a Cake build.
-This Powershell script will download NuGet if missing, restore NuGet tools (including Cake)
-and execute your Cake build script with the parameters you provide.
-The build script to execute.
-The build script target to run.
-.PARAMETER Configuration
-The build configuration to use.
-.PARAMETER Verbosity
-Specifies the amount of information to be displayed.
-.PARAMETER ShowDescription
-Shows description about tasks.
-Performs a dry run.
-.PARAMETER Experimental
-Uses the nightly builds of the Roslyn script engine.
-Uses the Mono Compiler rather than the Roslyn script engine.
-.PARAMETER SkipToolPackageRestore
-Skips restoring of packages.
-.PARAMETER ScriptArgs
-Remaining arguments are added here.
- [string]$Script = "build.cake",
- [string]$Target,
- [string]$Configuration,
- [ValidateSet("Quiet", "Minimal", "Normal", "Verbose", "Diagnostic")]
- [string]$Verbosity,
- [switch]$ShowDescription,
- [Alias("WhatIf", "Noop")]
- [switch]$DryRun,
- [switch]$Experimental,
- [switch]$Mono,
- [switch]$SkipToolPackageRestore,
- [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
- [string[]]$ScriptArgs
-[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Security") | Out-Null
-function MD5HashFile([string] $filePath)
- if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filePath) -or !(Test-Path $filePath -PathType Leaf))
- {
- return $null
- }
- [System.IO.Stream] $file = $null;
- [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5] $md5 = $null;
- try
- {
- $md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
- $file = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($filePath)
- return [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash($file))
- }
- finally
- {
- if ($file -ne $null)
- {
- $file.Dispose()
- }
- }
-function GetProxyEnabledWebClient
- [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
- $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
- $proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy()
- $proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
- $wc.Proxy = $proxy
- return $wc
-Write-Host "Preparing to run build script..."
- $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
-$TOOLS_DIR = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "tools"
-$ADDINS_DIR = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "Addins"
-$MODULES_DIR = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "Modules"
-$NUGET_EXE = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "nuget.exe"
-$CAKE_EXE = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "Cake/Cake.exe"
-$NUGET_URL = "https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe"
-$PACKAGES_CONFIG = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "packages.config"
-$PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "packages.config.md5sum"
-$ADDINS_PACKAGES_CONFIG = Join-Path $ADDINS_DIR "packages.config"
-$MODULES_PACKAGES_CONFIG = Join-Path $MODULES_DIR "packages.config"
-# Make sure tools folder exists
-if ((Test-Path $PSScriptRoot) -and !(Test-Path $TOOLS_DIR)) {
- Write-Verbose -Message "Creating tools directory..."
- New-Item -Path $TOOLS_DIR -Type directory | out-null
-# Make sure that packages.config exist.
-if (!(Test-Path $PACKAGES_CONFIG)) {
- Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading packages.config..."
- try {
- $wc = GetProxyEnabledWebClient
- $wc.DownloadFile("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cake-build/resources/master/packages.config", $PACKAGES_CONFIG) } catch {
- Throw "Could not download packages.config."
- }
-# Try find NuGet.exe in path if not exists
-if (!(Test-Path $NUGET_EXE)) {
- Write-Verbose -Message "Trying to find nuget.exe in PATH..."
- $existingPaths = $Env:Path -Split ';' | Where-Object { (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) -and (Test-Path $_ -PathType Container) }
- $NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH = Get-ChildItem -Path $existingPaths -Filter "nuget.exe" | Select -First 1
- if ($NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH -ne $null -and (Test-Path $NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH.FullName)) {
- Write-Verbose -Message "Found in PATH at $($NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH.FullName)."
- }
-# Try download NuGet.exe if not exists
-if (!(Test-Path $NUGET_EXE)) {
- Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading NuGet.exe..."
- try {
- $wc = GetProxyEnabledWebClient
- $wc.DownloadFile($NUGET_URL, $NUGET_EXE)
- } catch {
- Throw "Could not download NuGet.exe."
- }
-$newVersion = $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION.Replace("-beta","")
-$configFiles = Get-ChildItem . *.csproj -rec
-$assemblyVersionString = "" + $newVersion + ""
-$assemblyFileVersionString = "" + $newVersion + ""
-$versionString = "" + $newVersion + ""
-foreach ($file in $configFiles)
- (Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
- Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "", $assemblyVersionString } |
- Set-Content $file.PSPath
-foreach ($file in $configFiles)
- (Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
- Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "", $assemblyFileVersionString } |
- Set-Content $file.PSPath
-foreach ($file in $configFiles)
- (Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
- Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "", $versionString } |
- Set-Content $file.PSPath
-# Save nuget.exe path to environment to be available to child processed
-# Restore tools from NuGet?
-if(-Not $SkipToolPackageRestore.IsPresent) {
- Push-Location
- Set-Location $TOOLS_DIR
- # Check for changes in packages.config and remove installed tools if true.
- [string] $md5Hash = MD5HashFile($PACKAGES_CONFIG)
- if((!(Test-Path $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5)) -Or
- ($md5Hash -ne (Get-Content $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 ))) {
- Write-Verbose -Message "Missing or changed package.config hash..."
- Remove-Item * -Recurse -Exclude packages.config,nuget.exe
- }
- Write-Verbose -Message "Restoring tools from NuGet..."
- $NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "&`"$NUGET_EXE`" install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$TOOLS_DIR`""
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- Throw "An error occured while restoring NuGet tools."
- }
- else
- {
- $md5Hash | Out-File $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 -Encoding "ASCII"
- }
- Write-Verbose -Message ($NuGetOutput | out-string)
- Pop-Location
-# Restore addins from NuGet
- Push-Location
- Set-Location $ADDINS_DIR
- Write-Verbose -Message "Restoring addins from NuGet..."
- $NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "&`"$NUGET_EXE`" install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$ADDINS_DIR`""
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- Throw "An error occured while restoring NuGet addins."
- }
- Write-Verbose -Message ($NuGetOutput | out-string)
- Pop-Location
-# Restore modules from NuGet
- Push-Location
- Set-Location $MODULES_DIR
- Write-Verbose -Message "Restoring modules from NuGet..."
- $NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "&`"$NUGET_EXE`" install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$MODULES_DIR`""
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- Throw "An error occured while restoring NuGet modules."
- }
- Write-Verbose -Message ($NuGetOutput | out-string)
- Pop-Location
-# Make sure that Cake has been installed.
-if (!(Test-Path $CAKE_EXE)) {
- Throw "Could not find Cake.exe at $CAKE_EXE"
-# Build Cake arguments
-$cakeArguments = @("$Script");
-if ($Target) { $cakeArguments += "-target=$Target" }
-if ($Configuration) { $cakeArguments += "-configuration=$Configuration" }
-if ($Verbosity) { $cakeArguments += "-verbosity=$Verbosity" }
-if ($ShowDescription) { $cakeArguments += "-showdescription" }
-if ($DryRun) { $cakeArguments += "-dryrun" }
-if ($Experimental) { $cakeArguments += "-experimental" }
-if ($Mono) { $cakeArguments += "-mono" }
-$cakeArguments += $ScriptArgs
-# Start Cake
-Write-Host "Running build script..."
-&$CAKE_EXE $cakeArguments
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8f207..0000000
--- a/build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This is the Cake bootstrapper script for Linux and OS X.
-# This file was downloaded from https://github.com/cake-build/resources
-# Feel free to change this file to fit your needs.
-# Define directories.
-SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
-# Define md5sum or md5 depending on Linux/OSX
-if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
- MD5_EXE="md5 -r"
- MD5_EXE="md5sum"
-# Define default arguments.
-# Parse arguments.
-for i in "$@"; do
- case $1 in
- -s|--script) SCRIPT="$2"; shift ;;
- -t|--target) TARGET="$2"; shift ;;
- -c|--configuration) CONFIGURATION="$2"; shift ;;
- -v|--verbosity) VERBOSITY="$2"; shift ;;
- -d|--dryrun) DRYRUN="-dryrun" ;;
- --version) SHOW_VERSION=true ;;
- --) shift; SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS+=("$@"); break ;;
- *) SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS+=("$1") ;;
- esac
- shift
-# Make sure the tools folder exist.
-if [ ! -d "$TOOLS_DIR" ]; then
- mkdir "$TOOLS_DIR"
-# Make sure that packages.config exist.
-if [ ! -f "$TOOLS_DIR/packages.config" ]; then
- echo "Downloading packages.config..."
- curl -Lsfo "$TOOLS_DIR/packages.config" http://cakebuild.net/download/bootstrapper/packages
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "An error occured while downloading packages.config."
- exit 1
- fi
-# Download NuGet if it does not exist.
-if [ ! -f "$NUGET_EXE" ]; then
- echo "Downloading NuGet..."
- curl -Lsfo "$NUGET_EXE" https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "An error occured while downloading nuget.exe."
- exit 1
- fi
-# Restore tools from NuGet.
-pushd "$TOOLS_DIR" >/dev/null
-if [ ! -f $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 ] || [ "$( cat $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 | sed 's/\r$//' )" != "$( $MD5_EXE $PACKAGES_CONFIG | awk '{ print $1 }' )" ]; then
- find . -type d ! -name . | xargs rm -rf
-mono "$NUGET_EXE" install -ExcludeVersion
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Could not restore NuGet packages."
- exit 1
-$MD5_EXE $PACKAGES_CONFIG | awk '{ print $1 }' >| $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5
-popd >/dev/null
-# Make sure that Cake has been installed.
-if [ ! -f "$CAKE_EXE" ]; then
- echo "Could not find Cake.exe at '$CAKE_EXE'."
- exit 1
-# Start Cake
-if $SHOW_VERSION; then
- exec mono "$CAKE_EXE" -version
- exec mono "$CAKE_EXE" $SCRIPT -verbosity=$VERBOSITY -configuration=$CONFIGURATION -target=$TARGET $DRYRUN "${SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS[@]}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cake.packages.config b/cake.packages.config
deleted file mode 100644
index af3212e..0000000
--- a/cake.packages.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install-android-sdk.ps1 b/install-android-sdk.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 815fa4c..0000000
--- a/install-android-sdk.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-$AndroidToolPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Android\android-sdk\tools\android"
-#$AndroidToolPath = "$env:localappdata\Android\android-sdk\tools\android"
-Function Get-AndroidSDKs() {
- $output = & $AndroidToolPath list sdk --all
- $sdks = $output |% {
- if ($_ -match '(?\d+)- (?.+), revision (?[\d\.]+)') {
- $sdk = New-Object PSObject
- Add-Member -InputObject $sdk -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Index -Value $Matches.index
- Add-Member -InputObject $sdk -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Matches.sdk
- Add-Member -InputObject $sdk -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Revision -Value $Matches.revision
- $sdk
- }
- }
- $sdks
-Function Install-AndroidSDK() {
- [CmdletBinding()]
- Param(
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
- [PSObject[]]$sdks
- )
- $sdkIndexes = $sdks |% { $_.Index }
- $sdkIndexArgument = [string]::Join(',', $sdkIndexes)
- Echo 'y' | & $AndroidToolPath update sdk -u -a -t $sdkIndexArgument
-$sdks = Get-AndroidSDKs |? { $_.name -like 'sdk platform*API 15*' -or $_.name -like 'google apis*api 15' }
-Install-AndroidSDK -sdks $sdks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nuget/XFGloss.nuspec b/nuget/XFGloss.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f17d41..0000000
--- a/nuget/XFGloss.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- Ansuria.XFGloss
- $version$
- XFGloss for Xamarin.Forms
- Tommy Baggett
- Ansuria Solutions LLC
- http://tommyb.com/nuspec/xfgloss/XFGlossIcon64.png
- https://github.com/tbaggett/xfgloss/blob/master/LICENSE.MD
- https://github.com/tbaggett/xfgloss
- false
- XFGloss adds new properties to the Xamarin.Forms standard UI components on the Android and iOS platforms.
- Visual enhancements for Xamarin.Forms
- xamarin.forms, gloss, style, styling, xamarin, pcl, xam.pcl, plugin, plugin for xamarin.forms, android, ios
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.Droid/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/XFGloss.Droid/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index eb2cd75..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.Droid/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Ansuria Solutions LLC & Tommy Baggett:
- * http://github.com/tbaggett
- * http://twitter.com/tbaggett
- * http://tommyb.com
- * http://ansuria.com
- *
- * The MIT License (MIT) see GitHub For more information
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-using System.Reflection;
-// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
-// Change them to the values specific to your project.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("XFGloss.Droid")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("XFGloss.Droid")]
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.Droid/XFGloss.Droid.csproj b/src/XFGloss.Droid/XFGloss.Droid.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index cef1c5a..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.Droid/XFGloss.Droid.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
- Debug
- AnyCPU
- {0C669162-C7B9-4AF0-A6DB-E9B4F3766DAB}
- {EFBA0AD7-5A72-4C68-AF49-83D382785DCF};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
- Library
- XFGloss.Droid
- XFGloss.Droid
- v8.0
- Resources\Resource.designer.cs
- Resource
- Resources
- Assets
- true
- true
- full
- false
- bin\Debug
- prompt
- 4
- false
- None
- arm64-v8a;armeabi;armeabi-v7a;x86
- true
- bin\Release
- prompt
- 4
- bin\Release\XFGloss.Droid.xml
- false
- false
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\FormsViewGroup.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Annotations.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Annotations.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.UI.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.UI.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.Utils.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.Utils.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Design.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Design.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Fragment.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Fragment.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Media.Compat.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Media.Compat.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Transition.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Transition.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v4.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.v4.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.MediaRouter.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.MediaRouter.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.Palette.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.Palette.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.RecyclerView.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.RecyclerView.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable.\lib\MonoAndroid70\Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\MonoAndroid10\Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.dll
- {cb7abcb2-79da-4d52-abb7-dd9aa7b0cf84}
- XFGloss
- This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.Droid/packages.config b/src/XFGloss.Droid/packages.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7c724..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.Droid/packages.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.Shared/AssemblyInfoGlobal.cs b/src/XFGloss.Shared/AssemblyInfoGlobal.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f27ec..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.Shared/AssemblyInfoGlobal.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Ansuria Solutions LLC & Tommy Baggett:
- * http://github.com/tbaggett
- * http://twitter.com/tbaggett
- * http://tommyb.com
- * http://ansuria.com
- *
- * The MIT License (MIT) see GitHub For more information
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-using System.Resources;
-using System.Reflection;
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-// associated with an assembly.
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Visual Gloss for Xamarin.Forms")]
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Ansuria Solutions LLC")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("(c) 2016-2017 Ansuria Solutions LLC and Tommy Baggett")]
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
-[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
-// The assembly version has the format "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.{Revision}".
-// The form "{Major}.{Minor}.*" will automatically update the build and revision,
-// and "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.*" will update just the revision.
-//[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.0")]
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.Shared/XFGloss.Shared.projitems b/src/XFGloss.Shared/XFGloss.Shared.projitems
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c5aff7..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.Shared/XFGloss.Shared.projitems
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- $(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)
- true
- 1ed70b76-f520-4aaf-8c7c-2a8fd9c1d21f
- XFGloss.Shared
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.Shared/XFGloss.Shared.shproj b/src/XFGloss.Shared/XFGloss.Shared.shproj
deleted file mode 100644
index d6add5b..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.Shared/XFGloss.Shared.shproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- 1ed70b76-f520-4aaf-8c7c-2a8fd9c1d21f
- 14.0
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.iOS/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/XFGloss.iOS/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e92ac..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.iOS/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Ansuria Solutions LLC & Tommy Baggett:
- * http://github.com/tbaggett
- * http://twitter.com/tbaggett
- * http://tommyb.com
- * http://ansuria.com
- *
- * The MIT License (MIT) see GitHub For more information
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-using System.Reflection;
-// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
-// Change them to the values specific to your project.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("XFGloss.iOS")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("XFGloss.iOS")]
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.iOS/XFGloss.iOS.csproj b/src/XFGloss.iOS/XFGloss.iOS.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index cf5618b..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.iOS/XFGloss.iOS.csproj
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- Debug
- AnyCPU
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- {FEACFBD2-3405-455C-9665-78FE426C6842};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
- Library
- XFGloss.iOS
- XFGloss.iOS
- Resources
- true
- full
- false
- bin\Debug
- prompt
- 4
- false
- true
- true
- true
- bin\Release
- prompt
- 4
- bin\Release\XFGloss.iOS.xml
- false
- true
- true
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.dll
- ..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.dll
- {cb7abcb2-79da-4d52-abb7-dd9aa7b0cf84}
- XFGloss
- This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.iOS/packages.config b/src/XFGloss.iOS/packages.config
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd1520..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss.iOS/packages.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0cd959e..8e05f1f 100644
--- a/src/XFGloss.sln
+++ b/src/XFGloss.sln
@@ -1,131 +1,25 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 15
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- EndGlobalSection
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Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
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- Debug|iPhoneSimulator = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
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- Release|iPhoneSimulator = Release|iPhoneSimulator
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- {C3584CD0-FB78-4B0B-A137-6289AD552B05}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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- {0C669162-C7B9-4AF0-A6DB-E9B4F3766DAB}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {0C669162-C7B9-4AF0-A6DB-E9B4F3766DAB}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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- {0C669162-C7B9-4AF0-A6DB-E9B4F3766DAB}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhone
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|iPhone
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|iPhone
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|iPhone
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|iPhoneSimulator
- {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|iPhoneSimulator
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|Any CPU.Deploy.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|Any CPU.Deploy.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {CB7ABCB2-79DA-4D52-ABB7-DD9AA7B0CF84}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {8C7A76D0-5D59-4C16-AB40-A438CD7386B1}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {8C7A76D0-5D59-4C16-AB40-A438CD7386B1}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {8C7A76D0-5D59-4C16-AB40-A438CD7386B1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {8C7A76D0-5D59-4C16-AB40-A438CD7386B1}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
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- EndGlobalSection
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- Policies = $0
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- $1.IncludeInNewFiles = True
+ SolutionGuid = {61526BAE-509B-41DD-8398-9CB417CCB60E}
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss.Droid/Renderers/XFGlossCellRenderers.cs
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similarity index 100%
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diff --git a/src/XFGloss.iOS/Renderers/XFGlossSwitchRenderer.cs b/src/XFGloss/Platforms/iOS/Renderers/XFGlossSwitchRenderer.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss.iOS/Renderers/XFGlossSwitchRenderer.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Platforms/iOS/Renderers/XFGlossSwitchRenderer.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.iOS/Views/UIBackgroundGradientView.cs b/src/XFGloss/Platforms/iOS/Views/UIBackgroundGradientView.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss.iOS/Views/UIBackgroundGradientView.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Platforms/iOS/Views/UIBackgroundGradientView.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss.iOS/XFGlossInit.cs b/src/XFGloss/Platforms/iOS/XFGlossInit.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss.iOS/XFGlossInit.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Platforms/iOS/XFGlossInit.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/XFGloss/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c01ce05..0000000
--- a/src/XFGloss/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Ansuria Solutions LLC & Tommy Baggett:
- * http://github.com/tbaggett
- * http://twitter.com/tbaggett
- * http://tommyb.com
- * http://ansuria.com
- *
- * The MIT License (MIT) see GitHub For more information
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-using System.Reflection;
-// Information about this assembly is defined by the following attributes.
-// Change them to the values specific to your project.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("XFGloss")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("XFGloss")]
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Attributes/PreserveAttribute.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Attributes/PreserveAttribute.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Attributes/PreserveAttribute.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Attributes/PreserveAttribute.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Elements/Gradient.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Elements/Gradient.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Elements/Gradient.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Elements/Gradient.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Elements/XFGlossElement.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Elements/XFGlossElement.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Elements/XFGlossElement.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Elements/XFGlossElement.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Events/EventUtilities.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Events/EventUtilities.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Events/EventUtilities.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Events/EventUtilities.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Events/WeakEvent.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Events/WeakEvent.cs
similarity index 99%
rename from src/XFGloss/Events/WeakEvent.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Events/WeakEvent.cs
index ff48574..d347035 100644
--- a/src/XFGloss/Events/WeakEvent.cs
+++ b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Events/WeakEvent.cs
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ public static void RegisterStaticEvent(string eventNam
/// Removes a weak event registration from the given source object.
+ /// The type of the event args.
/// The type of the source object.
/// The source object to register the event from.
/// The event name to remove the registration from.
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Gloss/CellGloss.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/CellGloss.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Gloss/CellGloss.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/CellGloss.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Gloss/ContentPageGloss.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/ContentPageGloss.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Gloss/ContentPageGloss.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/ContentPageGloss.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Gloss/SliderGloss.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/SliderGloss.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Gloss/SliderGloss.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/SliderGloss.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Gloss/SwitchCellGloss.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/SwitchCellGloss.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Gloss/SwitchCellGloss.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/SwitchCellGloss.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Gloss/SwitchGloss.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/SwitchGloss.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Gloss/SwitchGloss.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Gloss/SwitchGloss.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Interfaces/IGradientRenderer.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Interfaces/IGradientRenderer.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Interfaces/IGradientRenderer.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Interfaces/IGradientRenderer.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Interfaces/ISwitchGloss.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Interfaces/ISwitchGloss.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Interfaces/ISwitchGloss.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Interfaces/ISwitchGloss.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Interfaces/IXFGlossRenderer.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Interfaces/IXFGlossRenderer.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Interfaces/IXFGlossRenderer.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Interfaces/IXFGlossRenderer.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Models/CellGlossAccessoryType.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Models/CellGlossAccessoryType.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Models/CellGlossAccessoryType.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Models/CellGlossAccessoryType.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Models/ObservableObject.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Models/ObservableObject.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Models/ObservableObject.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Models/ObservableObject.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/Renderers/XFGlossCellRenderer.cs b/src/XFGloss/Shared/Renderers/XFGlossCellRenderer.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from src/XFGloss/Renderers/XFGlossCellRenderer.cs
rename to src/XFGloss/Shared/Renderers/XFGlossCellRenderer.cs
diff --git a/src/XFGloss/XFGloss.csproj b/src/XFGloss/XFGloss.csproj
index 24c894c..e9b771b 100644
--- a/src/XFGloss/XFGloss.csproj
+++ b/src/XFGloss/XFGloss.csproj
@@ -1,12 +1,76 @@
- netstandard2.0
- false
+ netstandard1.0;netstandard2.0;MonoAndroid80;Xamarin.iOS10;
+ $(PackageTargetFallback);portable-net45+win8+wp8
+ XFGloss
+ XFGloss
+ Ansuria.XFGloss
+ $(AssemblyName) ($(TargetFramework))
+ true
+ en
+ default
+ $(DefineConstants);
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ https://github.com/tbaggett/xfgloss/blob/master/LICENSE.MD
+ https://github.com/tbaggett/xfgloss
+ https://github.com/tbaggett/xfgloss
+ v. - Refactored project structure to use multitargeting
+ - Refactored project structure to use CSProj multtargeting
+ - Now supports both Net Standard 1.0 (backwards compatible with .Net PCL projects) and Net Standard 2.0
+ http://tommyb.com/nuspec/xfgloss/XFGlossIcon64.png
+ xamarin.forms, gloss, style, styling, xamarin, pcl, xam.pcl, plugin, plugin for xamarin.forms, android, ios
+ XFGloss for Xamarin.Forms
+ Visual enhancements for Xamarin.Forms
+ XFGloss adds new properties to the Xamarin.Forms standard UI components on the Android and iOS platforms.
+ Ansuria Solutions LLC
+ Tommy Baggett
+ Copyright 2016-2018, Ansuria Solutions LLC
+ Always
diff --git a/nuget/readme.txt b/src/XFGloss/readme.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from nuget/readme.txt
rename to src/XFGloss/readme.txt
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/Resources/Resource.designer.cs b/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/Resources/Resource.designer.cs
index 93e3bbc..dda1367 100644
--- a/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/Resources/Resource.designer.cs
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/Resources/Resource.designer.cs
@@ -1206,7 +1206,6 @@ public static void UpdateIdValues()
global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.appbar_scrolling_view_behavior = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.appbar_scrolling_view_behavior;
global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.bottom_sheet_behavior = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.bottom_sheet_behavior;
global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.character_counter_pattern = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.character_counter_pattern;
- global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.library_name = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.library_name;
global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.mr_button_content_description = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.mr_button_content_description;
global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.mr_cast_button_connected = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.mr_cast_button_connected;
global::XFGloss.Droid.Resource.String.mr_cast_button_connecting = global::XFGlossSample.Droid.Resource.String.mr_cast_button_connecting;
@@ -3603,449 +3602,449 @@ private Color()
public partial class Dimension
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080018
- public const int abc_action_bar_content_inset_material = 2131230744;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070018
+ public const int abc_action_bar_content_inset_material = 2131165208;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080019
- public const int abc_action_bar_content_inset_with_nav = 2131230745;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070019
+ public const int abc_action_bar_content_inset_with_nav = 2131165209;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000d
- public const int abc_action_bar_default_height_material = 2131230733;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000d
+ public const int abc_action_bar_default_height_material = 2131165197;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001a
- public const int abc_action_bar_default_padding_end_material = 2131230746;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001a
+ public const int abc_action_bar_default_padding_end_material = 2131165210;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001b
- public const int abc_action_bar_default_padding_start_material = 2131230747;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001b
+ public const int abc_action_bar_default_padding_start_material = 2131165211;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080021
- public const int abc_action_bar_elevation_material = 2131230753;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070021
+ public const int abc_action_bar_elevation_material = 2131165217;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080022
- public const int abc_action_bar_icon_vertical_padding_material = 2131230754;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070022
+ public const int abc_action_bar_icon_vertical_padding_material = 2131165218;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080023
- public const int abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_end_material = 2131230755;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070023
+ public const int abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_end_material = 2131165219;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080024
- public const int abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_start_material = 2131230756;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070024
+ public const int abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_start_material = 2131165220;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000e
- public const int abc_action_bar_progress_bar_size = 2131230734;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000e
+ public const int abc_action_bar_progress_bar_size = 2131165198;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080025
- public const int abc_action_bar_stacked_max_height = 2131230757;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070025
+ public const int abc_action_bar_stacked_max_height = 2131165221;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080026
- public const int abc_action_bar_stacked_tab_max_width = 2131230758;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070026
+ public const int abc_action_bar_stacked_tab_max_width = 2131165222;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080027
- public const int abc_action_bar_subtitle_bottom_margin_material = 2131230759;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070027
+ public const int abc_action_bar_subtitle_bottom_margin_material = 2131165223;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080028
- public const int abc_action_bar_subtitle_top_margin_material = 2131230760;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070028
+ public const int abc_action_bar_subtitle_top_margin_material = 2131165224;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080029
- public const int abc_action_button_min_height_material = 2131230761;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070029
+ public const int abc_action_button_min_height_material = 2131165225;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002a
- public const int abc_action_button_min_width_material = 2131230762;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002a
+ public const int abc_action_button_min_width_material = 2131165226;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002b
- public const int abc_action_button_min_width_overflow_material = 2131230763;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002b
+ public const int abc_action_button_min_width_overflow_material = 2131165227;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000c
- public const int abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_height = 2131230732;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000c
+ public const int abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_height = 2131165196;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002c
- public const int abc_button_inset_horizontal_material = 2131230764;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002c
+ public const int abc_button_inset_horizontal_material = 2131165228;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002d
- public const int abc_button_inset_vertical_material = 2131230765;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002d
+ public const int abc_button_inset_vertical_material = 2131165229;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002e
- public const int abc_button_padding_horizontal_material = 2131230766;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002e
+ public const int abc_button_padding_horizontal_material = 2131165230;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002f
- public const int abc_button_padding_vertical_material = 2131230767;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002f
+ public const int abc_button_padding_vertical_material = 2131165231;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080030
- public const int abc_cascading_menus_min_smallest_width = 2131230768;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070030
+ public const int abc_cascading_menus_min_smallest_width = 2131165232;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080011
- public const int abc_config_prefDialogWidth = 2131230737;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070011
+ public const int abc_config_prefDialogWidth = 2131165201;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080031
- public const int abc_control_corner_material = 2131230769;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070031
+ public const int abc_control_corner_material = 2131165233;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080032
- public const int abc_control_inset_material = 2131230770;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070032
+ public const int abc_control_inset_material = 2131165234;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080033
- public const int abc_control_padding_material = 2131230771;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070033
+ public const int abc_control_padding_material = 2131165235;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080012
- public const int abc_dialog_fixed_height_major = 2131230738;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070012
+ public const int abc_dialog_fixed_height_major = 2131165202;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080013
- public const int abc_dialog_fixed_height_minor = 2131230739;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070013
+ public const int abc_dialog_fixed_height_minor = 2131165203;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080014
- public const int abc_dialog_fixed_width_major = 2131230740;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070014
+ public const int abc_dialog_fixed_width_major = 2131165204;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080015
- public const int abc_dialog_fixed_width_minor = 2131230741;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070015
+ public const int abc_dialog_fixed_width_minor = 2131165205;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080034
- public const int abc_dialog_list_padding_bottom_no_buttons = 2131230772;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070034
+ public const int abc_dialog_list_padding_bottom_no_buttons = 2131165236;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080035
- public const int abc_dialog_list_padding_top_no_title = 2131230773;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070035
+ public const int abc_dialog_list_padding_top_no_title = 2131165237;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080016
- public const int abc_dialog_min_width_major = 2131230742;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070016
+ public const int abc_dialog_min_width_major = 2131165206;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080017
- public const int abc_dialog_min_width_minor = 2131230743;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070017
+ public const int abc_dialog_min_width_minor = 2131165207;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080036
- public const int abc_dialog_padding_material = 2131230774;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070036
+ public const int abc_dialog_padding_material = 2131165238;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080037
- public const int abc_dialog_padding_top_material = 2131230775;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070037
+ public const int abc_dialog_padding_top_material = 2131165239;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080038
- public const int abc_dialog_title_divider_material = 2131230776;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070038
+ public const int abc_dialog_title_divider_material = 2131165240;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080039
- public const int abc_disabled_alpha_material_dark = 2131230777;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070039
+ public const int abc_disabled_alpha_material_dark = 2131165241;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003a
- public const int abc_disabled_alpha_material_light = 2131230778;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003a
+ public const int abc_disabled_alpha_material_light = 2131165242;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003b
- public const int abc_dropdownitem_icon_width = 2131230779;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003b
+ public const int abc_dropdownitem_icon_width = 2131165243;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003c
- public const int abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_left = 2131230780;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003c
+ public const int abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_left = 2131165244;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003d
- public const int abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_right = 2131230781;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003d
+ public const int abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_right = 2131165245;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003e
- public const int abc_edit_text_inset_bottom_material = 2131230782;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003e
+ public const int abc_edit_text_inset_bottom_material = 2131165246;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003f
- public const int abc_edit_text_inset_horizontal_material = 2131230783;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003f
+ public const int abc_edit_text_inset_horizontal_material = 2131165247;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080040
- public const int abc_edit_text_inset_top_material = 2131230784;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070040
+ public const int abc_edit_text_inset_top_material = 2131165248;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080041
- public const int abc_floating_window_z = 2131230785;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070041
+ public const int abc_floating_window_z = 2131165249;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080042
- public const int abc_list_item_padding_horizontal_material = 2131230786;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070042
+ public const int abc_list_item_padding_horizontal_material = 2131165250;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080043
- public const int abc_panel_menu_list_width = 2131230787;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070043
+ public const int abc_panel_menu_list_width = 2131165251;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080044
- public const int abc_progress_bar_height_material = 2131230788;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070044
+ public const int abc_progress_bar_height_material = 2131165252;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080045
- public const int abc_search_view_preferred_height = 2131230789;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070045
+ public const int abc_search_view_preferred_height = 2131165253;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080046
- public const int abc_search_view_preferred_width = 2131230790;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070046
+ public const int abc_search_view_preferred_width = 2131165254;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080047
- public const int abc_seekbar_track_background_height_material = 2131230791;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070047
+ public const int abc_seekbar_track_background_height_material = 2131165255;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080048
- public const int abc_seekbar_track_progress_height_material = 2131230792;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070048
+ public const int abc_seekbar_track_progress_height_material = 2131165256;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080049
- public const int abc_select_dialog_padding_start_material = 2131230793;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070049
+ public const int abc_select_dialog_padding_start_material = 2131165257;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001d
- public const int abc_switch_padding = 2131230749;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001d
+ public const int abc_switch_padding = 2131165213;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004a
- public const int abc_text_size_body_1_material = 2131230794;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07004a
+ public const int abc_text_size_body_1_material = 2131165258;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004b
- public const int abc_text_size_body_2_material = 2131230795;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07004b
+ public const int abc_text_size_body_2_material = 2131165259;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004c
- public const int abc_text_size_button_material = 2131230796;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07004c
+ public const int abc_text_size_button_material = 2131165260;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004d
- public const int abc_text_size_caption_material = 2131230797;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07004d
+ public const int abc_text_size_caption_material = 2131165261;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004e
- public const int abc_text_size_display_1_material = 2131230798;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07004e
+ public const int abc_text_size_display_1_material = 2131165262;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004f
- public const int abc_text_size_display_2_material = 2131230799;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07004f
+ public const int abc_text_size_display_2_material = 2131165263;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080050
- public const int abc_text_size_display_3_material = 2131230800;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070050
+ public const int abc_text_size_display_3_material = 2131165264;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080051
- public const int abc_text_size_display_4_material = 2131230801;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070051
+ public const int abc_text_size_display_4_material = 2131165265;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080052
- public const int abc_text_size_headline_material = 2131230802;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070052
+ public const int abc_text_size_headline_material = 2131165266;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080053
- public const int abc_text_size_large_material = 2131230803;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070053
+ public const int abc_text_size_large_material = 2131165267;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080054
- public const int abc_text_size_medium_material = 2131230804;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070054
+ public const int abc_text_size_medium_material = 2131165268;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080055
- public const int abc_text_size_menu_header_material = 2131230805;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070055
+ public const int abc_text_size_menu_header_material = 2131165269;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080056
- public const int abc_text_size_menu_material = 2131230806;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070056
+ public const int abc_text_size_menu_material = 2131165270;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080057
- public const int abc_text_size_small_material = 2131230807;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070057
+ public const int abc_text_size_small_material = 2131165271;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080058
- public const int abc_text_size_subhead_material = 2131230808;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070058
+ public const int abc_text_size_subhead_material = 2131165272;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000f
- public const int abc_text_size_subtitle_material_toolbar = 2131230735;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000f
+ public const int abc_text_size_subtitle_material_toolbar = 2131165199;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080059
- public const int abc_text_size_title_material = 2131230809;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070059
+ public const int abc_text_size_title_material = 2131165273;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080010
- public const int abc_text_size_title_material_toolbar = 2131230736;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070010
+ public const int abc_text_size_title_material_toolbar = 2131165200;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080009
- public const int cardview_compat_inset_shadow = 2131230729;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070009
+ public const int cardview_compat_inset_shadow = 2131165193;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000a
- public const int cardview_default_elevation = 2131230730;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000a
+ public const int cardview_default_elevation = 2131165194;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000b
- public const int cardview_default_radius = 2131230731;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000b
+ public const int cardview_default_radius = 2131165195;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080076
- public const int design_appbar_elevation = 2131230838;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070076
+ public const int design_appbar_elevation = 2131165302;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080077
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_active_item_max_width = 2131230839;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070077
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_active_item_max_width = 2131165303;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080078
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size = 2131230840;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070078
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size = 2131165304;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080079
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_elevation = 2131230841;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070079
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_elevation = 2131165305;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007a
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_height = 2131230842;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07007a
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_height = 2131165306;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007b
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_item_max_width = 2131230843;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07007b
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_item_max_width = 2131165307;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007c
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_item_min_width = 2131230844;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07007c
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_item_min_width = 2131165308;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007d
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_margin = 2131230845;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07007d
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_margin = 2131165309;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007e
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_shadow_height = 2131230846;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07007e
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_shadow_height = 2131165310;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007f
- public const int design_bottom_navigation_text_size = 2131230847;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07007f
+ public const int design_bottom_navigation_text_size = 2131165311;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080080
- public const int design_bottom_sheet_modal_elevation = 2131230848;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070080
+ public const int design_bottom_sheet_modal_elevation = 2131165312;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080081
- public const int design_bottom_sheet_peek_height_min = 2131230849;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070081
+ public const int design_bottom_sheet_peek_height_min = 2131165313;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080082
- public const int design_fab_border_width = 2131230850;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070082
+ public const int design_fab_border_width = 2131165314;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080083
- public const int design_fab_elevation = 2131230851;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070083
+ public const int design_fab_elevation = 2131165315;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080084
- public const int design_fab_image_size = 2131230852;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070084
+ public const int design_fab_image_size = 2131165316;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080085
- public const int design_fab_size_mini = 2131230853;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070085
+ public const int design_fab_size_mini = 2131165317;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080086
- public const int design_fab_size_normal = 2131230854;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070086
+ public const int design_fab_size_normal = 2131165318;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080087
- public const int design_fab_translation_z_pressed = 2131230855;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070087
+ public const int design_fab_translation_z_pressed = 2131165319;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080088
- public const int design_navigation_elevation = 2131230856;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070088
+ public const int design_navigation_elevation = 2131165320;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080089
- public const int design_navigation_icon_padding = 2131230857;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070089
+ public const int design_navigation_icon_padding = 2131165321;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008a
- public const int design_navigation_icon_size = 2131230858;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07008a
+ public const int design_navigation_icon_size = 2131165322;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006e
- public const int design_navigation_max_width = 2131230830;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07006e
+ public const int design_navigation_max_width = 2131165294;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008b
- public const int design_navigation_padding_bottom = 2131230859;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07008b
+ public const int design_navigation_padding_bottom = 2131165323;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008c
- public const int design_navigation_separator_vertical_padding = 2131230860;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07008c
+ public const int design_navigation_separator_vertical_padding = 2131165324;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006f
- public const int design_snackbar_action_inline_max_width = 2131230831;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07006f
+ public const int design_snackbar_action_inline_max_width = 2131165295;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080070
- public const int design_snackbar_background_corner_radius = 2131230832;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070070
+ public const int design_snackbar_background_corner_radius = 2131165296;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008d
- public const int design_snackbar_elevation = 2131230861;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07008d
+ public const int design_snackbar_elevation = 2131165325;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080071
- public const int design_snackbar_extra_spacing_horizontal = 2131230833;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070071
+ public const int design_snackbar_extra_spacing_horizontal = 2131165297;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080072
- public const int design_snackbar_max_width = 2131230834;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070072
+ public const int design_snackbar_max_width = 2131165298;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080073
- public const int design_snackbar_min_width = 2131230835;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070073
+ public const int design_snackbar_min_width = 2131165299;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008e
- public const int design_snackbar_padding_horizontal = 2131230862;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07008e
+ public const int design_snackbar_padding_horizontal = 2131165326;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008f
- public const int design_snackbar_padding_vertical = 2131230863;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07008f
+ public const int design_snackbar_padding_vertical = 2131165327;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080074
- public const int design_snackbar_padding_vertical_2lines = 2131230836;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070074
+ public const int design_snackbar_padding_vertical_2lines = 2131165300;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080090
- public const int design_snackbar_text_size = 2131230864;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070090
+ public const int design_snackbar_text_size = 2131165328;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080091
- public const int design_tab_max_width = 2131230865;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070091
+ public const int design_tab_max_width = 2131165329;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080075
- public const int design_tab_scrollable_min_width = 2131230837;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070075
+ public const int design_tab_scrollable_min_width = 2131165301;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080092
- public const int design_tab_text_size = 2131230866;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070092
+ public const int design_tab_text_size = 2131165330;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080093
- public const int design_tab_text_size_2line = 2131230867;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070093
+ public const int design_tab_text_size_2line = 2131165331;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005a
- public const int disabled_alpha_material_dark = 2131230810;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07005a
+ public const int disabled_alpha_material_dark = 2131165274;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005b
- public const int disabled_alpha_material_light = 2131230811;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07005b
+ public const int disabled_alpha_material_light = 2131165275;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005c
- public const int highlight_alpha_material_colored = 2131230812;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07005c
+ public const int highlight_alpha_material_colored = 2131165276;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005d
- public const int highlight_alpha_material_dark = 2131230813;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07005d
+ public const int highlight_alpha_material_dark = 2131165277;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005e
- public const int highlight_alpha_material_light = 2131230814;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07005e
+ public const int highlight_alpha_material_light = 2131165278;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005f
- public const int hint_alpha_material_dark = 2131230815;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07005f
+ public const int hint_alpha_material_dark = 2131165279;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080060
- public const int hint_alpha_material_light = 2131230816;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070060
+ public const int hint_alpha_material_light = 2131165280;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080061
- public const int hint_pressed_alpha_material_dark = 2131230817;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070061
+ public const int hint_pressed_alpha_material_dark = 2131165281;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080062
- public const int hint_pressed_alpha_material_light = 2131230818;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070062
+ public const int hint_pressed_alpha_material_light = 2131165282;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080000
- public const int item_touch_helper_max_drag_scroll_per_frame = 2131230720;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070000
+ public const int item_touch_helper_max_drag_scroll_per_frame = 2131165184;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080001
- public const int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_max_velocity = 2131230721;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070001
+ public const int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_max_velocity = 2131165185;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080002
- public const int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_velocity = 2131230722;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070002
+ public const int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_velocity = 2131165186;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080003
- public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_item_height = 2131230723;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070003
+ public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_item_height = 2131165187;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080004
- public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_item_icon_size = 2131230724;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070004
+ public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_item_icon_size = 2131165188;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080005
- public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_max_height = 2131230725;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070005
+ public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_max_height = 2131165189;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080008
- public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_padding_top = 2131230728;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070008
+ public const int mr_controller_volume_group_list_padding_top = 2131165192;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080006
- public const int mr_dialog_fixed_width_major = 2131230726;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070006
+ public const int mr_dialog_fixed_width_major = 2131165190;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080007
- public const int mr_dialog_fixed_width_minor = 2131230727;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070007
+ public const int mr_dialog_fixed_width_minor = 2131165191;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080063
- public const int notification_action_icon_size = 2131230819;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070063
+ public const int notification_action_icon_size = 2131165283;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080064
- public const int notification_action_text_size = 2131230820;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070064
+ public const int notification_action_text_size = 2131165284;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080065
- public const int notification_big_circle_margin = 2131230821;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070065
+ public const int notification_big_circle_margin = 2131165285;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001e
- public const int notification_content_margin_start = 2131230750;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001e
+ public const int notification_content_margin_start = 2131165214;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080066
- public const int notification_large_icon_height = 2131230822;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070066
+ public const int notification_large_icon_height = 2131165286;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080067
- public const int notification_large_icon_width = 2131230823;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070067
+ public const int notification_large_icon_width = 2131165287;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001f
- public const int notification_main_column_padding_top = 2131230751;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001f
+ public const int notification_main_column_padding_top = 2131165215;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080020
- public const int notification_media_narrow_margin = 2131230752;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070020
+ public const int notification_media_narrow_margin = 2131165216;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080068
- public const int notification_right_icon_size = 2131230824;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070068
+ public const int notification_right_icon_size = 2131165288;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001c
- public const int notification_right_side_padding_top = 2131230748;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001c
+ public const int notification_right_side_padding_top = 2131165212;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f080069
- public const int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 2131230825;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f070069
+ public const int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 2131165289;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006a
- public const int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 2131230826;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07006a
+ public const int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 2131165290;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006b
- public const int notification_subtext_size = 2131230827;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07006b
+ public const int notification_subtext_size = 2131165291;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006c
- public const int notification_top_pad = 2131230828;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07006c
+ public const int notification_top_pad = 2131165292;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006d
- public const int notification_top_pad_large_text = 2131230829;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f07006d
+ public const int notification_top_pad_large_text = 2131165293;
static Dimension()
@@ -4907,551 +4906,551 @@ private Drawable()
public partial class Id
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09009e
- public const int action0 = 2131296414;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08009e
+ public const int action0 = 2131230878;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090064
- public const int action_bar = 2131296356;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080064
+ public const int action_bar = 2131230820;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090001
- public const int action_bar_activity_content = 2131296257;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080001
+ public const int action_bar_activity_content = 2131230721;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090063
- public const int action_bar_container = 2131296355;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080063
+ public const int action_bar_container = 2131230819;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09005f
- public const int action_bar_root = 2131296351;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005f
+ public const int action_bar_root = 2131230815;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090002
- public const int action_bar_spinner = 2131296258;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080002
+ public const int action_bar_spinner = 2131230722;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090042
- public const int action_bar_subtitle = 2131296322;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080042
+ public const int action_bar_subtitle = 2131230786;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090041
- public const int action_bar_title = 2131296321;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080041
+ public const int action_bar_title = 2131230785;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09009b
- public const int action_container = 2131296411;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08009b
+ public const int action_container = 2131230875;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090065
- public const int action_context_bar = 2131296357;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080065
+ public const int action_context_bar = 2131230821;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a2
- public const int action_divider = 2131296418;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a2
+ public const int action_divider = 2131230882;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09009c
- public const int action_image = 2131296412;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08009c
+ public const int action_image = 2131230876;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090003
- public const int action_menu_divider = 2131296259;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080003
+ public const int action_menu_divider = 2131230723;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090004
- public const int action_menu_presenter = 2131296260;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080004
+ public const int action_menu_presenter = 2131230724;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090061
- public const int action_mode_bar = 2131296353;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080061
+ public const int action_mode_bar = 2131230817;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090060
- public const int action_mode_bar_stub = 2131296352;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080060
+ public const int action_mode_bar_stub = 2131230816;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090043
- public const int action_mode_close_button = 2131296323;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080043
+ public const int action_mode_close_button = 2131230787;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09009d
- public const int action_text = 2131296413;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08009d
+ public const int action_text = 2131230877;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900ab
- public const int actions = 2131296427;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800ab
+ public const int actions = 2131230891;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090044
- public const int activity_chooser_view_content = 2131296324;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080044
+ public const int activity_chooser_view_content = 2131230788;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001e
- public const int add = 2131296286;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001e
+ public const int add = 2131230750;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090058
- public const int alertTitle = 2131296344;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080058
+ public const int alertTitle = 2131230808;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003d
- public const int all = 2131296317;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003d
+ public const int all = 2131230781;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090023
- public const int always = 2131296291;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080023
+ public const int always = 2131230755;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002f
- public const int auto = 2131296303;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002f
+ public const int auto = 2131230767;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090020
- public const int beginning = 2131296288;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080020
+ public const int beginning = 2131230752;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090028
- public const int bottom = 2131296296;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080028
+ public const int bottom = 2131230760;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09004b
- public const int buttonPanel = 2131296331;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004b
+ public const int buttonPanel = 2131230795;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09009f
- public const int cancel_action = 2131296415;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08009f
+ public const int cancel_action = 2131230879;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090030
- public const int center = 2131296304;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080030
+ public const int center = 2131230768;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090031
- public const int center_horizontal = 2131296305;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080031
+ public const int center_horizontal = 2131230769;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090032
- public const int center_vertical = 2131296306;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080032
+ public const int center_vertical = 2131230770;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09005b
- public const int checkbox = 2131296347;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005b
+ public const int checkbox = 2131230811;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a7
- public const int chronometer = 2131296423;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a7
+ public const int chronometer = 2131230887;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090039
- public const int clip_horizontal = 2131296313;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080039
+ public const int clip_horizontal = 2131230777;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003a
- public const int clip_vertical = 2131296314;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003a
+ public const int clip_vertical = 2131230778;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090024
- public const int collapseActionView = 2131296292;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080024
+ public const int collapseActionView = 2131230756;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090075
- public const int container = 2131296373;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080075
+ public const int container = 2131230837;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09004e
- public const int contentPanel = 2131296334;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004e
+ public const int contentPanel = 2131230798;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090076
- public const int coordinator = 2131296374;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080076
+ public const int coordinator = 2131230838;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090055
- public const int custom = 2131296341;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080055
+ public const int custom = 2131230805;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090054
- public const int customPanel = 2131296340;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080054
+ public const int customPanel = 2131230804;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090062
- public const int decor_content_parent = 2131296354;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080062
+ public const int decor_content_parent = 2131230818;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090047
- public const int default_activity_button = 2131296327;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080047
+ public const int default_activity_button = 2131230791;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090078
- public const int design_bottom_sheet = 2131296376;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080078
+ public const int design_bottom_sheet = 2131230840;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09007f
- public const int design_menu_item_action_area = 2131296383;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007f
+ public const int design_menu_item_action_area = 2131230847;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09007e
- public const int design_menu_item_action_area_stub = 2131296382;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007e
+ public const int design_menu_item_action_area_stub = 2131230846;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09007d
- public const int design_menu_item_text = 2131296381;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007d
+ public const int design_menu_item_text = 2131230845;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09007c
- public const int design_navigation_view = 2131296380;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007c
+ public const int design_navigation_view = 2131230844;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090012
- public const int disableHome = 2131296274;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080012
+ public const int disableHome = 2131230738;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090066
- public const int edit_query = 2131296358;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080066
+ public const int edit_query = 2131230822;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090021
- public const int end = 2131296289;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080021
+ public const int end = 2131230753;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900b1
- public const int end_padder = 2131296433;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800b1
+ public const int end_padder = 2131230897;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002a
- public const int enterAlways = 2131296298;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002a
+ public const int enterAlways = 2131230762;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002b
- public const int enterAlwaysCollapsed = 2131296299;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002b
+ public const int enterAlwaysCollapsed = 2131230763;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002c
- public const int exitUntilCollapsed = 2131296300;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002c
+ public const int exitUntilCollapsed = 2131230764;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090045
- public const int expand_activities_button = 2131296325;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080045
+ public const int expand_activities_button = 2131230789;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09005a
- public const int expanded_menu = 2131296346;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005a
+ public const int expanded_menu = 2131230810;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003b
- public const int fill = 2131296315;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003b
+ public const int fill = 2131230779;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003c
- public const int fill_horizontal = 2131296316;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003c
+ public const int fill_horizontal = 2131230780;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090033
- public const int fill_vertical = 2131296307;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080033
+ public const int fill_vertical = 2131230771;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003f
- public const int @fixed = 2131296319;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003f
+ public const int @fixed = 2131230783;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090005
- public const int home = 2131296261;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080005
+ public const int home = 2131230725;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090013
- public const int homeAsUp = 2131296275;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080013
+ public const int homeAsUp = 2131230739;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090049
- public const int icon = 2131296329;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080049
+ public const int icon = 2131230793;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900ac
- public const int icon_group = 2131296428;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800ac
+ public const int icon_group = 2131230892;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090025
- public const int ifRoom = 2131296293;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080025
+ public const int ifRoom = 2131230757;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090046
- public const int image = 2131296326;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080046
+ public const int image = 2131230790;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a8
- public const int info = 2131296424;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a8
+ public const int info = 2131230888;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090000
- public const int item_touch_helper_previous_elevation = 2131296256;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080000
+ public const int item_touch_helper_previous_elevation = 2131230720;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090074
- public const int largeLabel = 2131296372;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080074
+ public const int largeLabel = 2131230836;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090034
- public const int left = 2131296308;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080034
+ public const int left = 2131230772;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900ad
- public const int line1 = 2131296429;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800ad
+ public const int line1 = 2131230893;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900af
- public const int line3 = 2131296431;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800af
+ public const int line3 = 2131230895;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000f
- public const int listMode = 2131296271;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000f
+ public const int listMode = 2131230735;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090048
- public const int list_item = 2131296328;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080048
+ public const int list_item = 2131230792;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900b5
- public const int masked = 2131296437;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800b5
+ public const int masked = 2131230901;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a1
- public const int media_actions = 2131296417;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a1
+ public const int media_actions = 2131230881;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090022
- public const int middle = 2131296290;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080022
+ public const int middle = 2131230754;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003e
- public const int mini = 2131296318;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08003e
+ public const int mini = 2131230782;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09008d
- public const int mr_art = 2131296397;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008d
+ public const int mr_art = 2131230861;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090082
- public const int mr_chooser_list = 2131296386;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080082
+ public const int mr_chooser_list = 2131230850;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090085
- public const int mr_chooser_route_desc = 2131296389;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080085
+ public const int mr_chooser_route_desc = 2131230853;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090083
- public const int mr_chooser_route_icon = 2131296387;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080083
+ public const int mr_chooser_route_icon = 2131230851;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090084
- public const int mr_chooser_route_name = 2131296388;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080084
+ public const int mr_chooser_route_name = 2131230852;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090081
- public const int mr_chooser_title = 2131296385;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080081
+ public const int mr_chooser_title = 2131230849;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09008a
- public const int mr_close = 2131296394;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008a
+ public const int mr_close = 2131230858;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090090
- public const int mr_control_divider = 2131296400;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080090
+ public const int mr_control_divider = 2131230864;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090096
- public const int mr_control_playback_ctrl = 2131296406;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080096
+ public const int mr_control_playback_ctrl = 2131230870;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090099
- public const int mr_control_subtitle = 2131296409;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080099
+ public const int mr_control_subtitle = 2131230873;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090098
- public const int mr_control_title = 2131296408;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080098
+ public const int mr_control_title = 2131230872;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090097
- public const int mr_control_title_container = 2131296407;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080097
+ public const int mr_control_title_container = 2131230871;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09008b
- public const int mr_custom_control = 2131296395;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008b
+ public const int mr_custom_control = 2131230859;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09008c
- public const int mr_default_control = 2131296396;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008c
+ public const int mr_default_control = 2131230860;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090087
- public const int mr_dialog_area = 2131296391;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080087
+ public const int mr_dialog_area = 2131230855;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090086
- public const int mr_expandable_area = 2131296390;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080086
+ public const int mr_expandable_area = 2131230854;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09009a
- public const int mr_group_expand_collapse = 2131296410;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08009a
+ public const int mr_group_expand_collapse = 2131230874;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09008e
- public const int mr_media_main_control = 2131296398;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008e
+ public const int mr_media_main_control = 2131230862;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090089
- public const int mr_name = 2131296393;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080089
+ public const int mr_name = 2131230857;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09008f
- public const int mr_playback_control = 2131296399;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08008f
+ public const int mr_playback_control = 2131230863;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090088
- public const int mr_title_bar = 2131296392;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080088
+ public const int mr_title_bar = 2131230856;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090091
- public const int mr_volume_control = 2131296401;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080091
+ public const int mr_volume_control = 2131230865;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090092
- public const int mr_volume_group_list = 2131296402;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080092
+ public const int mr_volume_group_list = 2131230866;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090094
- public const int mr_volume_item_icon = 2131296404;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080094
+ public const int mr_volume_item_icon = 2131230868;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090095
- public const int mr_volume_slider = 2131296405;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080095
+ public const int mr_volume_slider = 2131230869;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090019
- public const int multiply = 2131296281;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080019
+ public const int multiply = 2131230745;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09007b
- public const int navigation_header_container = 2131296379;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007b
+ public const int navigation_header_container = 2131230843;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090026
- public const int never = 2131296294;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080026
+ public const int never = 2131230758;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090014
- public const int none = 2131296276;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080014
+ public const int none = 2131230740;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090010
- public const int normal = 2131296272;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080010
+ public const int normal = 2131230736;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900aa
- public const int notification_background = 2131296426;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800aa
+ public const int notification_background = 2131230890;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a4
- public const int notification_main_column = 2131296420;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a4
+ public const int notification_main_column = 2131230884;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a3
- public const int notification_main_column_container = 2131296419;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a3
+ public const int notification_main_column_container = 2131230883;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090037
- public const int parallax = 2131296311;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080037
+ public const int parallax = 2131230775;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09004d
- public const int parentPanel = 2131296333;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004d
+ public const int parentPanel = 2131230797;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090038
- public const int pin = 2131296312;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080038
+ public const int pin = 2131230776;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090006
- public const int progress_circular = 2131296262;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080006
+ public const int progress_circular = 2131230726;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090007
- public const int progress_horizontal = 2131296263;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080007
+ public const int progress_horizontal = 2131230727;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09005d
- public const int radio = 2131296349;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005d
+ public const int radio = 2131230813;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090035
- public const int right = 2131296309;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080035
+ public const int right = 2131230773;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a9
- public const int right_icon = 2131296425;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a9
+ public const int right_icon = 2131230889;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a5
- public const int right_side = 2131296421;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a5
+ public const int right_side = 2131230885;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001a
- public const int screen = 2131296282;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001a
+ public const int screen = 2131230746;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002d
- public const int scroll = 2131296301;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002d
+ public const int scroll = 2131230765;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090053
- public const int scrollIndicatorDown = 2131296339;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080053
+ public const int scrollIndicatorDown = 2131230803;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09004f
- public const int scrollIndicatorUp = 2131296335;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004f
+ public const int scrollIndicatorUp = 2131230799;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090050
- public const int scrollView = 2131296336;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080050
+ public const int scrollView = 2131230800;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090040
- public const int scrollable = 2131296320;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080040
+ public const int scrollable = 2131230784;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090068
- public const int search_badge = 2131296360;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080068
+ public const int search_badge = 2131230824;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090067
- public const int search_bar = 2131296359;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080067
+ public const int search_bar = 2131230823;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090069
- public const int search_button = 2131296361;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080069
+ public const int search_button = 2131230825;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09006e
- public const int search_close_btn = 2131296366;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006e
+ public const int search_close_btn = 2131230830;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09006a
- public const int search_edit_frame = 2131296362;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006a
+ public const int search_edit_frame = 2131230826;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090070
- public const int search_go_btn = 2131296368;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080070
+ public const int search_go_btn = 2131230832;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09006b
- public const int search_mag_icon = 2131296363;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006b
+ public const int search_mag_icon = 2131230827;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09006c
- public const int search_plate = 2131296364;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006c
+ public const int search_plate = 2131230828;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09006d
- public const int search_src_text = 2131296365;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006d
+ public const int search_src_text = 2131230829;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090071
- public const int search_voice_btn = 2131296369;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080071
+ public const int search_voice_btn = 2131230833;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090072
- public const int select_dialog_listview = 2131296370;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080072
+ public const int select_dialog_listview = 2131230834;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09005c
- public const int shortcut = 2131296348;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005c
+ public const int shortcut = 2131230812;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090015
- public const int showCustom = 2131296277;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080015
+ public const int showCustom = 2131230741;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090016
- public const int showHome = 2131296278;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080016
+ public const int showHome = 2131230742;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090017
- public const int showTitle = 2131296279;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080017
+ public const int showTitle = 2131230743;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900b2
- public const int sliding_tabs = 2131296434;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800b2
+ public const int sliding_tabs = 2131230898;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090073
- public const int smallLabel = 2131296371;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080073
+ public const int smallLabel = 2131230835;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09007a
- public const int snackbar_action = 2131296378;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08007a
+ public const int snackbar_action = 2131230842;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090079
- public const int snackbar_text = 2131296377;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080079
+ public const int snackbar_text = 2131230841;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002e
- public const int snap = 2131296302;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08002e
+ public const int snap = 2131230766;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09004c
- public const int spacer = 2131296332;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004c
+ public const int spacer = 2131230796;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090008
- public const int split_action_bar = 2131296264;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080008
+ public const int split_action_bar = 2131230728;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001b
- public const int src_atop = 2131296283;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001b
+ public const int src_atop = 2131230747;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001c
- public const int src_in = 2131296284;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001c
+ public const int src_in = 2131230748;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001d
- public const int src_over = 2131296285;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001d
+ public const int src_over = 2131230749;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090036
- public const int start = 2131296310;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080036
+ public const int start = 2131230774;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a0
- public const int status_bar_latest_event_content = 2131296416;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a0
+ public const int status_bar_latest_event_content = 2131230880;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09005e
- public const int submenuarrow = 2131296350;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08005e
+ public const int submenuarrow = 2131230814;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09006f
- public const int submit_area = 2131296367;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08006f
+ public const int submit_area = 2131230831;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090011
- public const int tabMode = 2131296273;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080011
+ public const int tabMode = 2131230737;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900b0
- public const int text = 2131296432;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800b0
+ public const int text = 2131230896;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900ae
- public const int text2 = 2131296430;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800ae
+ public const int text2 = 2131230894;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090052
- public const int textSpacerNoButtons = 2131296338;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080052
+ public const int textSpacerNoButtons = 2131230802;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090051
- public const int textSpacerNoTitle = 2131296337;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080051
+ public const int textSpacerNoTitle = 2131230801;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090080
- public const int text_input_password_toggle = 2131296384;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080080
+ public const int text_input_password_toggle = 2131230848;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000c
- public const int textinput_counter = 2131296268;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000c
+ public const int textinput_counter = 2131230732;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000d
- public const int textinput_error = 2131296269;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000d
+ public const int textinput_error = 2131230733;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900a6
- public const int time = 2131296422;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800a6
+ public const int time = 2131230886;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09004a
- public const int title = 2131296330;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08004a
+ public const int title = 2131230794;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090059
- public const int titleDividerNoCustom = 2131296345;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080059
+ public const int titleDividerNoCustom = 2131230809;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090057
- public const int title_template = 2131296343;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080057
+ public const int title_template = 2131230807;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900b3
- public const int toolbar = 2131296435;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800b3
+ public const int toolbar = 2131230899;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090029
- public const int top = 2131296297;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080029
+ public const int top = 2131230761;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090056
- public const int topPanel = 2131296342;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080056
+ public const int topPanel = 2131230806;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090077
- public const int touch_outside = 2131296375;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080077
+ public const int touch_outside = 2131230839;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000a
- public const int transition_current_scene = 2131296266;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000a
+ public const int transition_current_scene = 2131230730;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000b
- public const int transition_scene_layoutid_cache = 2131296267;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000b
+ public const int transition_scene_layoutid_cache = 2131230731;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090009
- public const int up = 2131296265;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080009
+ public const int up = 2131230729;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090018
- public const int useLogo = 2131296280;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080018
+ public const int useLogo = 2131230744;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000e
- public const int view_offset_helper = 2131296270;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08000e
+ public const int view_offset_helper = 2131230734;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f0900b4
- public const int visible = 2131296436;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f0800b4
+ public const int visible = 2131230900;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090093
- public const int volume_item_container = 2131296403;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080093
+ public const int volume_item_container = 2131230867;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f090027
- public const int withText = 2131296295;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f080027
+ public const int withText = 2131230759;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001f
- public const int wrap_content = 2131296287;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f08001f
+ public const int wrap_content = 2131230751;
static Id()
@@ -5751,194 +5750,191 @@ private Layout()
public partial class String
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070016
- public const int abc_action_bar_home_description = 2131165206;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070017
- public const int abc_action_bar_home_description_format = 2131165207;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090015
+ public const int abc_action_bar_home_description = 2131296277;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070018
- public const int abc_action_bar_home_subtitle_description_format = 2131165208;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090016
+ public const int abc_action_bar_home_description_format = 2131296278;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070019
- public const int abc_action_bar_up_description = 2131165209;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090017
+ public const int abc_action_bar_home_subtitle_description_format = 2131296279;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001a
- public const int abc_action_menu_overflow_description = 2131165210;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090018
+ public const int abc_action_bar_up_description = 2131296280;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001b
- public const int abc_action_mode_done = 2131165211;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090019
+ public const int abc_action_menu_overflow_description = 2131296281;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001c
- public const int abc_activity_chooser_view_see_all = 2131165212;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001a
+ public const int abc_action_mode_done = 2131296282;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001d
- public const int abc_activitychooserview_choose_application = 2131165213;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001b
+ public const int abc_activity_chooser_view_see_all = 2131296283;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001e
- public const int abc_capital_off = 2131165214;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001c
+ public const int abc_activitychooserview_choose_application = 2131296284;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07001f
- public const int abc_capital_on = 2131165215;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001d
+ public const int abc_capital_off = 2131296285;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002b
- public const int abc_font_family_body_1_material = 2131165227;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001e
+ public const int abc_capital_on = 2131296286;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002c
- public const int abc_font_family_body_2_material = 2131165228;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002a
+ public const int abc_font_family_body_1_material = 2131296298;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002d
- public const int abc_font_family_button_material = 2131165229;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002b
+ public const int abc_font_family_body_2_material = 2131296299;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002e
- public const int abc_font_family_caption_material = 2131165230;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002c
+ public const int abc_font_family_button_material = 2131296300;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002f
- public const int abc_font_family_display_1_material = 2131165231;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002d
+ public const int abc_font_family_caption_material = 2131296301;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070030
- public const int abc_font_family_display_2_material = 2131165232;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002e
+ public const int abc_font_family_display_1_material = 2131296302;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070031
- public const int abc_font_family_display_3_material = 2131165233;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09002f
+ public const int abc_font_family_display_2_material = 2131296303;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070032
- public const int abc_font_family_display_4_material = 2131165234;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090030
+ public const int abc_font_family_display_3_material = 2131296304;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070033
- public const int abc_font_family_headline_material = 2131165235;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090031
+ public const int abc_font_family_display_4_material = 2131296305;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070034
- public const int abc_font_family_menu_material = 2131165236;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090032
+ public const int abc_font_family_headline_material = 2131296306;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070035
- public const int abc_font_family_subhead_material = 2131165237;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090033
+ public const int abc_font_family_menu_material = 2131296307;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070036
- public const int abc_font_family_title_material = 2131165238;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090034
+ public const int abc_font_family_subhead_material = 2131296308;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070020
- public const int abc_search_hint = 2131165216;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090035
+ public const int abc_font_family_title_material = 2131296309;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070021
- public const int abc_searchview_description_clear = 2131165217;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09001f
+ public const int abc_search_hint = 2131296287;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070022
- public const int abc_searchview_description_query = 2131165218;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090020
+ public const int abc_searchview_description_clear = 2131296288;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070023
- public const int abc_searchview_description_search = 2131165219;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090021
+ public const int abc_searchview_description_query = 2131296289;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070024
- public const int abc_searchview_description_submit = 2131165220;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090022
+ public const int abc_searchview_description_search = 2131296290;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070025
- public const int abc_searchview_description_voice = 2131165221;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090023
+ public const int abc_searchview_description_submit = 2131296291;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070026
- public const int abc_shareactionprovider_share_with = 2131165222;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090024
+ public const int abc_searchview_description_voice = 2131296292;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070027
- public const int abc_shareactionprovider_share_with_application = 2131165223;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090025
+ public const int abc_shareactionprovider_share_with = 2131296293;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070028
- public const int abc_toolbar_collapse_description = 2131165224;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090026
+ public const int abc_shareactionprovider_share_with_application = 2131296294;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070037
- public const int appbar_scrolling_view_behavior = 2131165239;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090027
+ public const int abc_toolbar_collapse_description = 2131296295;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070038
- public const int bottom_sheet_behavior = 2131165240;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090036
+ public const int appbar_scrolling_view_behavior = 2131296310;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070039
- public const int character_counter_pattern = 2131165241;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090037
+ public const int bottom_sheet_behavior = 2131296311;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070000
- public const int library_name = 2131165184;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090038
+ public const int character_counter_pattern = 2131296312;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070001
- public const int mr_button_content_description = 2131165185;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090000
+ public const int mr_button_content_description = 2131296256;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070002
- public const int mr_cast_button_connected = 2131165186;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090001
+ public const int mr_cast_button_connected = 2131296257;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070003
- public const int mr_cast_button_connecting = 2131165187;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090002
+ public const int mr_cast_button_connecting = 2131296258;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070004
- public const int mr_cast_button_disconnected = 2131165188;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090003
+ public const int mr_cast_button_disconnected = 2131296259;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070005
- public const int mr_chooser_searching = 2131165189;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090004
+ public const int mr_chooser_searching = 2131296260;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070006
- public const int mr_chooser_title = 2131165190;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090005
+ public const int mr_chooser_title = 2131296261;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070007
- public const int mr_controller_album_art = 2131165191;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090006
+ public const int mr_controller_album_art = 2131296262;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070008
- public const int mr_controller_casting_screen = 2131165192;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090007
+ public const int mr_controller_casting_screen = 2131296263;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070009
- public const int mr_controller_close_description = 2131165193;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090008
+ public const int mr_controller_close_description = 2131296264;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000a
- public const int mr_controller_collapse_group = 2131165194;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090009
+ public const int mr_controller_collapse_group = 2131296265;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000b
- public const int mr_controller_disconnect = 2131165195;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000a
+ public const int mr_controller_disconnect = 2131296266;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000c
- public const int mr_controller_expand_group = 2131165196;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000b
+ public const int mr_controller_expand_group = 2131296267;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000d
- public const int mr_controller_no_info_available = 2131165197;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000c
+ public const int mr_controller_no_info_available = 2131296268;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000e
- public const int mr_controller_no_media_selected = 2131165198;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000d
+ public const int mr_controller_no_media_selected = 2131296269;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07000f
- public const int mr_controller_pause = 2131165199;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000e
+ public const int mr_controller_pause = 2131296270;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070010
- public const int mr_controller_play = 2131165200;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09000f
+ public const int mr_controller_play = 2131296271;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070015
- public const int mr_controller_stop = 2131165205;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090014
+ public const int mr_controller_stop = 2131296276;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070011
- public const int mr_controller_stop_casting = 2131165201;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090010
+ public const int mr_controller_stop_casting = 2131296272;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070012
- public const int mr_controller_volume_slider = 2131165202;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090011
+ public const int mr_controller_volume_slider = 2131296273;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070013
- public const int mr_system_route_name = 2131165203;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090012
+ public const int mr_system_route_name = 2131296274;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070014
- public const int mr_user_route_category_name = 2131165204;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090013
+ public const int mr_user_route_category_name = 2131296275;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003a
- public const int password_toggle_content_description = 2131165242;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090039
+ public const int password_toggle_content_description = 2131296313;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003b
- public const int path_password_eye = 2131165243;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003a
+ public const int path_password_eye = 2131296314;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003c
- public const int path_password_eye_mask_strike_through = 2131165244;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003b
+ public const int path_password_eye_mask_strike_through = 2131296315;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003d
- public const int path_password_eye_mask_visible = 2131165245;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003c
+ public const int path_password_eye_mask_visible = 2131296316;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07003e
- public const int path_password_strike_through = 2131165246;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f09003d
+ public const int path_password_strike_through = 2131296317;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f070029
- public const int search_menu_title = 2131165225;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090028
+ public const int search_menu_title = 2131296296;
- // aapt resource value: 0x7f07002a
- public const int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 2131165226;
+ // aapt resource value: 0x7f090029
+ public const int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 2131296297;
static String()
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/XFGlossSample.Droid.csproj b/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/XFGlossSample.Droid.csproj
index c31841e..4ddc0b2 100644
--- a/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/XFGlossSample.Droid.csproj
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/XFGlossSample.Droid.csproj
@@ -53,10 +53,18 @@
@@ -117,6 +125,9 @@
+ ..\packages\Ansuria.XFGloss.1.1.3\lib\monoandroid80\XFGloss.dll
@@ -157,10 +168,6 @@
- {0C669162-C7B9-4AF0-A6DB-E9B4F3766DAB}
- XFGloss.Droid
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/packages.config b/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/packages.config
index 6f7c724..1c77ebf 100644
--- a/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/packages.config
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample.Droid/packages.config
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/XFGlossSample.iOS.csproj b/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/XFGlossSample.iOS.csproj
index 7cb329f..e04f040 100644
--- a/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/XFGlossSample.iOS.csproj
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/XFGlossSample.iOS.csproj
@@ -93,8 +93,10 @@
@@ -108,6 +110,9 @@
+ ..\packages\Ansuria.XFGloss.1.1.3\lib\xamarinios10\XFGloss.dll
@@ -174,10 +179,6 @@
- {C3584CD0-FB78-4B0B-A137-6289AD552B05}
- XFGloss.iOS
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/packages.config b/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/packages.config
index bcd1520..d87bd34 100644
--- a/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/packages.config
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample.iOS/packages.config
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample.sln b/src/XFGlossSample.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44577dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 15
+VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27130.2036
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
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+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "XFGlossSample.Droid", "XFGlossSample.Droid\XFGlossSample.Droid.csproj", "{16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}"
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+ GlobalSection(SharedMSBuildProjectFiles) = preSolution
+ XFGlossSample.Shared\XFGlossSample.Shared.projitems*{16011700-be9f-43a0-a779-264ff066d15d}*SharedItemsImports = 4
+ XFGlossSample.Shared\XFGlossSample.Shared.projitems*{463e2613-f6da-4823-bdeb-66f9b7c0b2ae}*SharedItemsImports = 13
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Debug|iPhone = Debug|iPhone
+ Debug|iPhoneSimulator = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ Release|iPhone = Release|iPhone
+ Release|iPhoneSimulator = Release|iPhoneSimulator
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhone
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|iPhone
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|iPhone
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|iPhone
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|iPhoneSimulator
+ {E8955D54-F1AE-4B54-96B4-6CF73BD8021F}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|iPhoneSimulator
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|Any CPU.Deploy.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|Any CPU.Deploy.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {16011700-BE9F-43A0-A779-264FF066D15D}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhone.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Debug|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhone.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhone.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {095EB1E6-B3B7-46B4-B7EA-5952377B212C}.Release|iPhoneSimulator.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {4550FC05-553F-4BF3-BE18-99BEC8902D08}
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preSolution
+ Policies = $0
+ $0.StandardHeader = $1
+ $1.Text = @/*\n * Copyright (C) 2016 Ansuria Solutions LLC & Tommy Baggett: \n * http://github.com/tbaggett\n * http://twitter.com/tbaggett\n * http://tommyb.com\n * http://ansuria.com\n * \n * The MIT License (MIT) see GitHub For more information\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n
+ $1.IncludeInNewFiles = True
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/src/XFGlossSample/XFGlossSample.csproj b/src/XFGlossSample/XFGlossSample.csproj
index 03ca385..5417975 100644
--- a/src/XFGlossSample/XFGlossSample.csproj
+++ b/src/XFGlossSample/XFGlossSample.csproj
@@ -6,13 +6,10 @@